Archive for December 1st, 2007
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 12/01/2007
How being “unfocused” relates to being white:
An actor faces three levels of development in skill. In the first, he need not concern himself with dialog. His role is to act as a prop to support a narrative. He is instructed accordingly, and need only to faithfully follow his instruction. He need not concern himself with any oral utterances, as his acting involves only motions of the body.
In the second level, he must recite a piece of dialog. But it is structured dialog in that he is not reciting dialog intending to mimic real conversation. Rather, it is the dialog of a structured transaction, inserted only as a prop to support a larger narrative. He needs only to utter it according to a precise instruction. Therefore, his first level acting is enhanced solely by the requirement that he multitask, nothing more.
But the third level of acting is an order of difficulty quite above levels 1 and 2. This is because the actor must engage in conversations that mimic the fluid extemporaneous world. This involves calling upon emotions that are unruly in their ebb and flow, and mastery over unpredictable cadences and rhythms. To mimic real life, the actor must pretend that there is an absence of a governor on reality, a reality where stimuli and responses irrepressibly usher forth in unforeseeable chains of reactive surprises. Accordingly the actor must fool the audience into believing he does not have foreknowledge of these surprises (i.e. that tomorrow he will be clobbered).
To live real life in level 3 is hard because you have to confront the fact that reality is ungovernable. You have to count on being surprised. AND IT IS SO MUCH EASIER TO BE “PROPERLY FOCUSED” IN LEVEL’S 1 AND 2. It just takes a lot less skill.
But level 3 is precisely where white people thrive. Nonwhite people are never comfortable there because they simply cannot deal with the intellectual and emotional challenge of having to extemporaneously deal with the unknown and unknowable. Their worldview never admits to the ungovernable larger truth. To contrary, their worldview is an attempt to a priori harness the ungovernable larger truth.
This is why all the Islamists are so completely convinced they have a handle on things. It is why Asians are so completely obsessed with “face”. And no black person is even able to peer into level 3. They are just incapable of comprehending its existence in a non-magical way.
None of the nonwhite races can understand why white people insist on sticking their head into every hole in the universe without preconception. It just doesn’t make sense to them.
And if there is any race that is “unfocused”, it is the white race.

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