Archive for December 7th, 2007

AFKAN and Dave

Dave talks about streets smarts and AFKAN talks about confrontation. I will not repeat READ THE COMMENTS, but it is interesting to me how our thoughts all come more and more into OBVIOUS interrelation.

When I was in drug treatment, one fellow had the others, they were mostly teenagers, scared to death. He was an ex-con on parole. One day he went over the line and I looked him in the eye and said, “Don’t mess with us old farts. You don’t know where we’ve been.”

This did not have the dramatic effect of terrifying him. He just looked at me and decided I made sense. Every person who lives a life of confrontation makes a calculation. If he goes after everybody he’s dead before he reaches age twenty. I was just somebody he knew not to push.

Now let me make a really wild leap. In my graduate school, two of my professors LATER got Nobel Prizes in an area called Cost-Benefit Analysis. Both of those professors were kicked out of the University of Virginia because cost-benefit analysis was considered too esoteric and came to the wrong conclusions.

But every psychopath like the one I dealt with there and the white trash I dealt with in my youth practiced cost-benefit analysis all the time.

I have been around an awfully lot, so I can be very friendly to people I meet on the street, the kind of people I am used to dealing with in drug rehab, and then look them in the eye when they ask for something and say “No.”

Others should follow Dave’s advice EXACTLY.

But it really sounds wild to say that the person I am confronting is practicing cost-benefit analysis. He looks at me and decides it isn’t worth it.

So Dave talks about street smarts and AFKAN keeps going into confrontation. I talk about Nobel Prize level discussion and facing a psychopath.

All I ask is that you understand the UNITY of THOUGHT here.


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SysOp’s Piece

My family, people in a position to know, consider me a nutcase. On the other hand, they all agree that my advice is pure gold. My family is old enough, I suppose, to know that things don’t make sense, and that the only member of the clan who has documentary evidence that he is crazy, backed by a substantial pension for it, is the one whose judgement can, on the record, be trusted.

So when I announced over a decade ago that I had received a death threat and was absolutely delirious with joy about it, no one turned a hair.

After my second nervous breakdown in 1985, there were YEARS of emptiness. Finally I was offending someone enough for a death threat.

I have gotten ALMOST as many death threats as I have rejection slips over the years.

So now SysOps informs me that we are getting serious hostile spam activity. I wrote her back, “We have faced worse.” Which, I hope, meant something to her.

The simple fact that I take commenters seriously, if you really have a high opinion of my background and brain, I SHOULD be appreciated.

SysOps is in an even higher category. Someone who has been through the fight with me as SysOps has, is, all her delightful femininity considered, NOT someone you would like to meet in a dark alley.

AFKAN, physical confrontation is not what it used to be. SysOps could pull something out of her fluffy feminine little dress or handbag that would make a large predator into a disgusting hash.

She knows HOW. I know she has been through the whole course. But I hope she appreciates my recognition of the fact. She knows very well that damned few people are in a position to really recognize that.

So SysOps says, holding back details, that we are getting serious efforts at spamming us out of existence.


I’ve been attacked before, but now I have SysOps and BoardAd. I used to deal with this sort of violence (semi-violence?) completely alone. Now I don’t even HAVE to know what is going on.

Can you IMAGINE, after a lifetime of being left alone in the field, how GOOD that feels?

I have no idea exactly what is going on. But what SysOps says gives me a second wind.

This is FUN!

It’s WORK for SysOps and BoardAd, but it’s FUN for me. This may show a lack of empathy, but by Thunder, it’s time I got a little fun out of it!




The reason I keep putting Dave up here is because Dave WRITES for the Blog. He is doing exactly what every senior staffer on Capitol Hill does:

Dave studies my direction and the length of what I say and, above all, the LOGIC of what I say and writes accordingly. This is what every writer has to learn to get published: He reads the publication, thinks in those terms, and WRITES in those terms. This is a critical lesson in all areas of writing.

So Dave says,

“This stuff so basic and so important.

It’s street smarts. It like when you are accosted by a hustler on the street, the only way to stop a play dead in its tracks is immediately address the motive.

I don’t care what the hustler’s gambit is: I turn to an aggressive stance, put up my hand and forcefully reply, “Stop! I didn’t give you permission to talk to me.”

This addresses the hustler’s motive up front. Then, if the hustler continues (Wordist camouflage) I respond with the threat, “Make your play, I’m ready!”

This escalates the hustler’s play to physical confrontation right away.

It works wonderfully because it ruins the hustler’s main tool, which is his subconsciously received intimidation. Instead, his intimidation is surfaced without delay and forcefully confronted. This lets the hustler know that he has chosen the wrong target.

I wish I had a nickel for every time I have watched someone get hustled because they fear confrontation.

This has been the plight of white people for far too long.

The real question is, when do we finally and definitively wake up to the fact that we have been hustled? That’s when we will get serious about recovering our sovereignty.

When it happens, it will be no secret.”


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