Archive for December 17th, 2007
SysOps Asks About Those of Us in the Other Sex
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 12/17/2007
Thank you (Simmons) for the consideration, as Shari has noted. No apologies needed. People don’t know what a masculine mindset IS! Let’s hear some Mantra thinking on THAT!
Feminine is the inferior, looking up to the superior… as in privates looking up to sergeants. It’s not competence necessarily, it’s rank order. It doesn’t matter if feminine agrees or not. It just is. It is satisfying to watch when men understand how to “prove that.” Bob understood even in the brick plant as a youngster.
— SysOps
Thanks, SysOps. It is true that women especially like a man to perform his role. It is easy to forget that throughout history women were busy producing the number of children it took to keep the population stable and undergoing birth pains that would make the average Greatest Generation braggart run like a rabbit.
The casualty rate in childbirth, taken for granted, was a lot higher than a WWII battle.
So women do appreciate it MORE when a man takes up his job.
But it is critical for men to remember that not only women need compliments, which a Real Man is supposed to deny. You talk about my brick plant years. The uneducated white men deeply appreciated my taking over the leadership role.
All those poor white men followed OUR aristocracy into battle in the Civil War precisely because they were used to LEADERSHIP.
I despise Tough Guys. A Tough Guy with no sense of humor is almost invariably one who has not really been through a lot. I remember the “Greatest Generation” when it came back from the war, and it was nothing like the old spoiled clowns they are today. They talked very little about their experiences and they didn’t say they fought the war for race mixing, etc.
Now they were all John Wayne in battle and Martin Luther King in politics. They have been spoiled rotten.
In reaction by the sixties there was a lot of talk about a man “showing his emotions,” In the sixties it was long hair and flowers. In the eighties many a woman in recovery talked about how sick she was of having men blubbering at them and expecting sex for it.
If you have really been through hell, you know how to ask for emotional support. You have a sense of humor. Or you end up on the Funny Farm. But, as in all things dealing with real life, you have to tell for yourself who is being a Flower Child or blubbering in your lap for fashion or something else and who is asking for help.
In other words, men try to read the magazines and learn the fashions and emote accordingly, just the way women do. They do it differently, but it is still up to the opposite sex, EITHER opposite sex, to figure them out.
Promethus Reiterates a Point You Need to Keep in Mind and MAKE!
Posted by Bob in Coaching Session on 12/17/2007
Liberals are loyal to mommy professor and to what mommy professors say. They know how to behave like an attack dog, striking at targets their masters don’t like. Mommy professor is their master, progressivism their ideal, their hero. That are the attack dogs trained to attack their kin, their own mother at their masters behest. They prove their loyalty to mommy professor, by acts of treason against their race and country.
Anti’s always make a big deal about their disloyalty. They always make a point to mention that they are WHITE with a coloured partner, or mixed race kids. They are always the ones who make a point to mention how they would accept a black over a white, based upon certain credentials. They are the ones who applaud whites becoming a minority. These are acts to prove their faith, and devotion to mommy professor.
This treason, to them, is a virtue.
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