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Battle Strategy from Prometheus

Posted by Bob on December 6th, 2007 under Coaching Session

It is the intention we are focusing on, not the events. Others say that there is no way that EVERY white person will disappear, therefore we are wrong.

Wrong, wrong, wrong. The mantra’s power I think comes from the fact it attacks the intention, the motive behind liberals and anti-racists rather than just raw data.

No liberal would argue that the Nazi’s are innocent, because their plan of genocide didn’t include every living Jew. No, they were damned because they tried and the degree of success they had is irrelevant. You cant even discuss numbers without getting past what they wanted.

Same with liberals. We KNOW what they want, their actions and words give them away with frightening regularity. It is the very existance of this agenda against whites which is the issue. The implementation of their program is a matter of details and the fact there might be similarities elsewhere in the world, again, is trivial.

Any one who thinks that ALL and ONLY white nations should become multiracial melting pots is anti-white and sick in the head.

When engaging in debate, I always ask myself, “is this person saying what they are saying, as a means of justifying something that threatens my race?”

  1. #1 by Dave on 12/06/2007 - 1:35 pm

    This stuff so basic and so important.

    It’s street smarts. It like when you are accosted by a hustler on the street, the only way to stop a play dead in its tracks is immediately address the motive.

    I don’t care what the hustler’s gambit is: I turn to an aggressive stance, put up my hand and forcefully reply, “Stop! I didn’t give you permission to talk to me.”

    This addresses the hustler’s motive up front. Then, if the hustler continues (Wordist camouflage) I respond with the threat, “Make your play, I’m ready!”

    This escalates the hustler’s play to physical confrontation right away.

    It works wonderfully because it ruins the hustler’s main tool, which is his subconsciously received intimidation. Instead, his intimidation is surfaced without delay and forcefully confronted. This lets the hustler know that he has chosen the wrong target.

    I wish I had a nickel for every time I have watched someone get hustled because they fear confrontation.

    This has been the plight of white people for far too long.

    The real question is, when do we finally and definitively wake up to the fact that we have been hustled? That’s when we will get serious about recovering our sovereignty.

    When it happens, it will be no secret.

  2. #2 by AFKAN on 12/07/2007 - 4:20 pm

    in reply to Dave:

    you wrote:

    This escalates the hustler’s play to physical confrontation right away.

    It works wonderfully because it ruins the hustler’s main tool, which is his subconsciously received intimidation. Instead, his intimidation is surfaced without delay and forcefully confronted. This lets the hustler know that he has chosen the wrong target.

    in reply:
    I have been sending my nephews to assertiveness training courses at a local school, to match their etiquette training.

    I have reminded them, repeatedly, that the act precedes the words, and the entire purpose of the words is to control your actions even further; focus on the Act, above all, and stop it before it gets started.

    They had never learned this.

    Hustlers, across all socieconomic strata, have learned it, all too well.

    you wrote:

    I wish I had a nickel for every time I have watched someone get hustled because they fear confrontation.

    in reply:
    They have been damn well TAUGHT to “fear confrontation, as well, through the Feminine Public Indoctrination System.

    Of course, the de facto gelding of our young men serves the purpose of one group, above all…

    you wrote:

    This has been the plight of white people for far too long.

    The real question is, when do we finally and definitively wake up to the fact that we have been hustled? That’s when we will get serious about recovering our sovereignty.

    When it happens, it will be no secret.

    in reply:
    Physical action moves the issue from the safe, distant, intellectual realms to the very Real.

    I have seen this far too often; in effect, the bullies win, because the public indoctrination system allows them to, by letting them get in the first strike, and getting away with it.

    Ever wonder why the urban school system is virtually ungovernable, with de facto drop-out rates in excess of fifty per cent?

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