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Lord Nelson

Posted by Bob on December 12th, 2007 under Coaching Session

Peter Hitchens is a big time respectable conservative here in the UK. And the Daily Mail is one of our biggest national papers. –LN

Peter Hitchens is the brother of Christopher Hitchens, an open Marxist. Today we would find Chrsitopher Hitchens a LOT easier to talk to. But Chris is an interesting phenomenon who fits into this ongoing discussion of REAL racial and sexual attitudes.

Julie Andrews was brought over the pond to be the first white woman to kiss a black on TV. Pierce Brosnan was chosen to make the breakthrough in making love to his black heroine. This is a clear pattern no one has noticed but me — sigh!

This is NOT a brag. This is a cry for sanity, for Mantra Thinking. It used to be called seeing the forest instead of tripping over the undergrowth.

Christopher Hitchens is another example of this pattern. The reason the media misses the Sixties Generation so much is that back then it was common for “American” — largely Jewish — spokesmen to be OPENLY outright Marxists. By 1980 if an American whop did that he would not be taken seriously. So they did what they did with Julie Andrews and Brosnan, they imported an Englishman to do it — Christopher Hitchens.

He became a multimillionaire selling documentaries to PBS.

But Chris also became a thorn in the establishment’s side. He told the truth about Clinton from deep in the left. Unlike his brother, he is free to say what he wants to. The American left now hates him.

Pete has to toe the line at lynching pro-whites as only a respectable conservative must. Nothing has changed in the old attitudes, liberals are right about that. Non-whites are looked upon as inferiors — not least by themselves, as are women. “We are all the same as me” translates to, “We are inferior to white males, but not MUCH, because really we are just like them.”

In order for white man or white woman to make the breakthrough in genociding whites, the man or woman must be WHITE. But if they are English, they are still foreign. As we should all realize, Americans regard foreigners as inferior. Europe worries itself to death about what we think of them, but we don’t really worry about what they think of us, just as blacks live or die by your opinion of them, but quoting screaming hatred for whites by blacks makes no impression at all.

So Chris came in and took the line no American could take without getting laughed at, and the sex battier was “broken” by an English man and an English woman. Actually the psychological barrier is still there. But the English used to do it made respectable conservatives able to shout Hosannah and once again wail pathetically, that they are NOT RACISTS,

There is more to this, but I leave it to you.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 12/12/2007 - 10:23 am

    The only thing that props up the Left is the Right, the respectables have put everything into this charade. There is nothing to the Left it is as faulty as the USSR 1990. It is the mere observance of the religion of PC and its feminine notions of civility that props up the charade. If you cannot make it past the mods on a board try Dave’s tactic that he outlined several weeks ago and perhaps he needs to post again, polite as heck, deadly as sin.

  2. #2 by Prometheus on 12/12/2007 - 8:02 pm

    When one is supposed to ignore race completely and not identify by race, the fact that a white FOREIGN Englishman is race mixing, should therefore be of no significance to Americans.

    But it IS, because he is WHITE. And it is the race, not the nationality of the person that liberals want us to take note of.

    After you’ve taken that message, you then have to go back to having no white racial identification whatsoever.

    I’m pretty sure, if they had to resort to going to the backwaters of Romania to show race mixing and tolerance, they would.

  3. #3 by Pain on 12/12/2007 - 11:27 pm

    Englishmen aren’t foreign; they just talk funny.

    “England swings like a pendulum do”…

  4. #4 by Lord Nelson on 12/13/2007 - 12:55 pm

    This reminds of something funny. A few years ago I got into a heated exchange with an American in the Cayman Islands. He went into a long rant about how the English were the most arrogant B*****ds on the planet etc.
    I calmly let him finish then I replied: ‘But of course. Where do you think you guys get it from’

  5. #5 by Bob on 12/13/2007 - 4:40 pm

    Touche, LN!

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