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2008: “Waiting for Perot”

Posted by Bob on February 6th, 2008 under History

Please don’t be DUMB. I am NOT talking about Ross Perot here!

2008: What I Said Was …

I have been saying that the Faithful Colored Companions were going to start looking for their own instead of their white liberal Lone Rangers. As usual, Obama pops up and everybody knew it all along.

I have been saying that conservatives who make their living in public, like radio commentators, must at all costs keep that “respectable” label. I said that in any society the issues that are forcefully ignored get worse and worse until they BURST out. Which is why conservatives are shoved aside by McCain and nobody cares.

Simply put, by staying respectable to make a living, conservatives have totally marginalized themselves on real issues. If you will read over BUGS for the past years, you will see that is EXACTLY what I said would happen.

The only partial parallel to our present situation is 1992, when Bush moderated the Republicans to irrelevance and Clinton, a small-state governor, came out of nowhere. That was when Ross Perot just said he would be willing to run for President and had a PLURALITY against the other two before he showed his nut side and dropped out.

But this is more serious. If you will look carefully at McCain’s support, it has no devotion at all. It is like Dole’s 1996 backing. The media wanted Dole to be nominated, so he was. The media was announcing poll after poll showing Dole might beat Clinton UNTIL THE CONVENTION. Then the media dropped that crap like a rock. Within a month after Dole was nominated everybody was wondering what the hell the Republicans did THAT for. Dole was a JOKE by then.

You might make a play about this election right now. The title I suggest is, “Waiting for Perot.”

  1. #1 by Simmons on 02/07/2008 - 12:51 am

    I disagree. McCain is Perot, or at least he inherited his voters. Perot inherited the Greatest Generation and their clones, and they have now passed on to another crabby old white guy, McCain. The Perot voter was a graying white man who wanted to go home at night and watch TV and cash his check, it was his due he thought for his “service”, to whatever. I talked to a good many Perot voter and they literally could only regurgitate about a sentence and a half of political rhetoric before they repeated themselves. “Things are bad, gotta change it” being about it.

    McCain has the Perot tribe support, listen to talk radio everyone calling in for him sounds like a retired Sarge. He has them and the GOP dead enders and that is about it my guess he is a 45% popular vote total max. The Reagan coalition is gone, respectable conservatism is dying quickly (and if the libs were smart they would move heaven and hell to save it), and we the weak are the inheritors of this Earth.

  2. #2 by backbaygrouch4 on 02/07/2008 - 9:04 am

    The two party charade is teetering on the brink of an implosion. They are governing against the people. On the ‘war,’ on immigration, on affirmative action, on sex education, on homosexuality, etc., they are sticking to the majority. The breaking point may be nigh. However, it may not be. But a hostile elite cannot last forever. This is more so in the computer age.

    The Internet is changing the rules. Censorship is harder. it is not as easy to shut up dissent the way that FDR and the jews silenced Fr, Coughlin by means of the broadcasters’ association and the post office. Technology is giving truth and the White race another shot.

    The Ron Paul camp has started to recruit precinct captains nationwide. They are at c. 10%. This started, after he the news media succeeded isn sideling him by blacking him out. I smell a third party run.

    Though BUGS is not focused on day to day politics this may be of interest. A strong run by Dr. Paul could reshape American politics by focusing campaign managers on nativist interests. He won’t give us all of what we want, but, even in losing, he could move forward the agenda.

    The inchoate messages to the respectables in both parties in an opportunity. A replay of the political chaos of the 1850s is looming. A political kleidascope may be upon us. (Nathaniel Banks, a working pol, in that era ran on seven different party labels and won on six of them.)

    A determined, ruthless, disciplined, phalanx is needed should events present an opportunity.

    “Fasten your seatbelts, it’s going to be a bumpy night,” – Bette Davis, as Margo Chaining, in a Star Is Born.

    Bob, am I dating myself?

  3. #3 by Bob on 02/07/2008 - 11:27 am

    backbaygrouch, making sense has no date.

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