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Poverty and Slavery

Posted by Bob on February 10th, 2008 under History

In the piece below, I explained how my being reared in rural SC in the 40s and 50s gave me experience with the Old South.

When I took a semester in grad school in 1992 one professor was an Afrikaner. When I walked up and addressed him in die Taal, it took him a minute to recognize his native tongue, since he did not expect it HERE.

I was talking to a woman finishing her PhD in Political Science and mentioned that one of apartheid’s least-mentioned problems was illegal BLACK immigration from the Glorious Free Countries to her north. There were other students sitting around.

She replied, “Well, they were just coming there so they could EAT.”

I replied, “Well, when you’re starving, just getting something to eat can be pretty important.”

Everybody laughed — at her.

What she said was condescension of the cruelest sort, but NOBODY else would have called her on it.

Mantra Thinking.

Everybody agrees that slavery was awful while the Secret Six, who financed John Brown, were Liberators. The Secret Six got their money from New England industry, as did the VERY well paid New England abolitionist ministers. They got their money from working children fourteen hours a day.

But the really big difference between industrial slavery of whites and chattel slavery of blacks was much like the difference between me and the Modern, Caring Libservative on Homelessness. As I said, their conscience, such as it is, is OK as long as they sit in a warm house and demand that we become more Third World and at the same time that the homeless get regulation housing from somewhere.

Many, many children got crippled in those factories which paid the monstrous salaries of fashionable New England ministers. What did the factory owners do for them?

Those kids, or the older workers, actually did STARVE. The ministers preaching within a mile of them did not mention that at all. They were busy with Southern slavery, which was what they got paid for.

That sounds a LOT like the Christian Right today.

The girl who thought black starvation in southern Africa was nothing compared to having black faces in government there would have LOVED abolitionist New England. Tens of thousands of whites were crippled and starving there, but that was unimportant.

It’s a good thing that nobody who was important to those preachers ever said anything about the mote in someone else’s eye and the beam in your own.

Ain’t Compassion great?

  1. #1 by Dave on 02/10/2008 - 2:04 pm

    Yes, these time-honored conceits certainly are durable. Whenever I think of them I think of my favorite, former President Jimmy, “the limousine leaper “ Carter, an obsessive-compulsive in the field of celebrity compassion.

    He travels about the world in limousines and whenever he encounters a person that might in his esteemed judgment be an oppressed person, he leaps out of his limousine, gets on his knees, grasps his or her hands, and commiserates with them for a moment!

    He deems this to be a great act of compassion.

    Oh, I forgot, he also has this “habitat for humanity” trip going. The idea is if you are a brainless retard and your life is basically hopeless you qualify as being “humanity” enabling you to get a house on the cheap. Local yokels are found who actually know how to build a house, while the recipients (“humanity”) pretend to help. Tax-deductible contributions from well-heeled local nitwits pay for it.

    All of this qualifies as “compassion” and is much beloved by Hollywood, and is emblematic of the political class in general.

    This is only interrupted when we occasionally get a truly ruthless Joe Stalin brand SOB like Bill Clinton who doesn’t even feel the need to hold his nose while he mass murders people, just a delightful part of the job to a psycho like him.

    And the “compassionate” political class doesn’t even notice.

    They are too wound up in identifying with the travails and sad histories of sainted personalities like Princess Diana to care. Poor Diana barely even got just a handful of chances to leap out her limousine on behalf of “the oppressed”.

    Instead, she died in the damn car.

    The grief is just too hard to bear. That’s why Hollywood never lets go of it.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 02/10/2008 - 4:18 pm

    None of the worthies you speak of has ever been questioned. I have spent my 44 years on planet Earth doing the questioning, needless to say the experiences have made my life nothing less than fantastic. This probably puts me on the side of de Sade, but to actually get a liberal in your grip and then squeeze their mental faculties till they snap is the best high any person could possibly get. You see the secret to any fanatic is that they want to speak, oh how do they want to speak. These clowns in DC think they need a waterboard, what a waste, but then again they are wordists like their opponents nearly a regression of humanity. The Mantra is a torque wrench.

  3. #3 by danerebor on 02/10/2008 - 5:33 pm

    And I think a great thing to bring up with people nowadays is how these hard times could make liberal seminaries obsolete.

    “Do you think it’s a good idea to send Jimmy and Sally to college when there might not be any JOBS for them when they get out?” “Why should we pay taxes to support something that’s not going to give our kids anything useful?” “Couldn’t those TENS of THOUSANDS of tuition dollars pay for something else?”

    Really, how will the left justify the need for a college indoctrination when its rubber stamp doesn’t even DO anything then?

    You know, the anti-whites really shot themselves in the foot when they decided to give scholarships almost entirely to non-whites. If you don’t get enough whites in college, then they won’t be able to get Educated! WHAT THEN?!?!

  4. #4 by shari on 02/10/2008 - 9:32 pm

    Jimmy and Sally are already finding that they can’t find jobs, so they go back for a master’s. It like credit card debt. Just buying some very expensive time.

    Maybe when enough whites can’t get EDUCATED, they will instead get educated, without the seminaries. I don’t think the smart ones can be KEPT down, as long as they don’t buy into miscegenation.

  5. #5 by Tim on 02/11/2008 - 2:06 pm

    Great article on a classic case of the Self Hating White People and their “moral supremacism”.

    It is still going on today:

    “We are so morally superior we don’t have a color.”

    “We are so morally superior we are not indigenous”

    “We are so morally superior we don’t have a culture.”

    “We are so morally superior every time we take land from a non-white tribe we have to devote a whole history department to studying it. After all, we are morally superior white people—-all you non-whites are just dumb animals—we expect the hutsis to hate the tutsis and act like animals. We are too superior for all that”

    and on and on it goes………..

    Of course, just try and put one of the descendants of the abolitionists ministers children on the same bus I was on……..and then you’ll see real racism.

    and they have the nerve to call us supremacist

  6. #6 by Hardric on 02/14/2008 - 12:39 am

    RE: Ain’t Compassion great?

    Here is compassion, as practiced by fools, in action.
    Find 10 starving African Aborigines.
    Feed them so they can produce 100 African Aborigines.
    Find 100 starving African Aborigines.
    Feed them so they can produce 1000 African Aborigines.
    Repeat until the pyramid scheme collapses, at which time you can rail against “world hunger.”

    Ain’t bleeding hearts brilliant?

  7. #7 by mderpelding on 02/16/2008 - 1:04 am

    Just think…

    absent those crazy abolitionists all those southern states could have kept on increasing their reliance on black slaves until they had achieved the truly enlightened racial demographics of twentieth century South Africa.

    Why hell, at the time of the “civil war”, all those proud white Americans had managed to import or if need be breed enough niggers to make themselves minorities in many of their own states.

    If you grew up surrounded by blacks, it wasn’t the fault of stupid Yankees. It was the fault of your own white elite who valued “themselves and their own posterity” before their non-familial countrymen.

    As I recall, Africans aren’t native to this continent.

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