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General Comments: Shari-AFKAN Dialogue

Posted by Bob on June 1st, 2008 under General

It looks like many cans of worms are open at other sites, such Taki Mag and Chronicles. They are having trouble holding it all together without being RACIST. The catalyst is Buchanan’s book , Churchill, Hitler, and The Unnecessary War.

— Shari


In reply to Shari:
That is an excellent point.
People see that it is possible to open the door to The Greater Truth, and not be struck down by The Gods.
That first crack in the Wall is really all we need.

  1. #2 by Pain on 06/01/2008 - 4:36 pm

    The embarrassing thing is to see Clyde Wilson terribly out of his depth. I sympathize with his plight, but he has spent so much effort, apparently his whole lifelong, distancing the South and true conservatives from the Nazis, that he has been personally able to read almost nothing of German history. On that thread and others at Chronicles, he makes all the mistakes he rightly criticizes anti-Southerners for: talking in abstractions, not bothering to check facts, being hostile at the gut-level to an entire nation.

    Maybe he should just write the SPLC:

    Dear Morris Dees,

    The South is not Nazi. Confederates believed in minimum government, but the Nazis had a big government. Southerners are good, Germans evil.

    Now that you know how conservative Southerners really feel, please stop persecuting us. We want you to respect us.

    That should work.

  2. #3 by Tim on 06/01/2008 - 8:55 pm

    LOL– Pain,

    It is nearly incomprehensible to contemplate what it takes to tick off our race. You have to have an SPLC and an ADL beating on them and their children for them to get it. And then it takes YEARS. The funny part is what happens once they do GET IT. Then no amount of apologizing matters. I know it doesn’t for me.

    When Aryans get that “I don’t give a damn” point. Lookout.

  3. #4 by AFKANNow on 06/02/2008 - 1:00 am

    I’d feel more sorry for Clyde, et. al., than I do, except for one reason – all of their issues are really a proxy for Race.

    Let’s not mince words.

    Clyde and his friends look at us like the people who you will not allow to dine with them at the manor house.

    He’s well-intentioned, but What Needs to Be Done will not be done by men who seek the approval of our Racial Enemies, men and women who intend to commit genocide against their Race.

    The irony is, we are back into the problems of Movement Past, and are being rational with the irrational.

    Didn’t work then, won’t work now.

    The greater irony is so many of the terms and issues of “Movement Past” – the South, State’s Rights, Western Culture, the pre-1860 Constitution – are all simply proxies for Race, pure and simple.

    Once they focus on Race, they tap into the well-spring of intellectual and spiritual vitality that makes all of the Causes they support possible, and allows them to transform the Form of those Causes into Forms more appropriate to this place and time.

    As I reread Clyde and his buddies, damn if it doesn’t seem to me that they, like so much of “Movement Past,” have walked into the intellectual cul de sacs created for them by their Racial Enemies.

    I suspect if Lee, Jackson, and Forrest returned, they would approach our issues in an entirely new manner, dealing with the situations reflected in the War of the Northern Aggression in an entirely different, and much more effective, manner.

    To quote Lee, “We can do no more, and should want to do no less.”

  4. #5 by Simmons on 06/02/2008 - 9:44 am

    I’ve been working on “Mantra-izing” people against the attack dogs of the left, right, whatever is anti-white. It meets stiff headwinds such as AR with my 75% rejection rate in favor of the same old anecdotes. But like AFKAN says the form was created by our racial enemies and a person is allowed to make a scratch living by applying one’s effort within in its constraints. But they are holding back the flood waters with rickety equipment, once we take the sense of inquiry to the left’s motives (Mantra) it is like a breakthru of a dirt levee.

  5. #6 by Simmons on 06/04/2008 - 11:18 am Another wedge thrown into the melee.

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