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Beyond Wordism

Posted by Bob on June 5th, 2008 under Coaching Session

If you take what Dave, mderpelding and I said in the last two articles you can apply it to all history. There is a message here that no world view can be RATIONAL unless we step back and take a NEW look.

One thing that is being discovered every day is that all of our established beliefs are based on totally false assumptions. In The Planet of the Apes Movie, made just a generation ago, every assumption about apes versus men has since been shown to be nonsense.

In fact, the assumptions from the 1970s seem so absurd today that we are trained to forget they ever EXISTED. Jane Goodall, a lifelong expert on chimps, was utterly astonished to discover that the animals she had lied with for years went out and tore a monkey apart for its meant.

The whole Marxist ideology is based on the old idea that only man has a class system and guarded national borders. All of Marxism, all of Political Correctness, all of the Wrist side of Christianity which they copied, is built on the line:

“…and only Man is vile.”

Marxists, Political Correctness priests, and “Christian” Wordists, all build on this line. All of these ideological edifices are constructed on the ASSUMPTION that man’s wars and castes and greed are based on something unique to man, so their version of the words of Marx or Thomas Dewey or Abe Lincoln can perfect our special sins.


I repeat, even Jane Goodall was not aware that these critical assumptions were nonsense. To repeat, today, though we have world full of people parroting the ideologies BASED ENTIRELY on those assumptions, your average person on the Internet simply DOES NOT BELIEVE that any of this crap was ever really believed.

Wake up and smell the coffee! The reason nobody, left or right, BELIEVES any more is because the whole foundation of our competing, established, Wordists beliefs is based on is based on assumptions no professional commenter, whatever his institution, want to MENTION.

Today, what we call “both sides” sound an awfully lot alike to us. That’s because, from the point of a literate person living in 2008, they ARE alike. When Pat Robertson and Charlie Rangel make a photo of themselves sitting together smiling, they are part of a campaign to getting “both sides” together in a mindless ACTIVISM which keeps them from realizing that BOTH programs of action are based on nonsense.

Rightist “Christians” and leftist “anti-racists” are daily more and more in unison in trying to censor the Internet and ban evil genetic engineering on crops. We have MILLIONS of conservatives and younger leftists to attack the censorship coalition or the Amish approach to science ON A CASE-BY-CASE BASIS.

Most of what I say is so obvious people don’t GET it. All over the Internet people are seeing that something stinks about all of this, but they waste their time pointing hysterically at one NEWS ITEM after another.

Most of what I say is so obvious people don’t GET it. Every day the whole basis of what is said today by paid Mommy Professors and preachers feeding on what THEY call “Christianity” is being consigned to the loony bin.

So what is our reaction to this explosion at the BASE? It is to form a new political party or to get together all fifty of us and start a revolution RIGHT NOW.

What is REALLY going on is not only obvious, it is routine. We are in the position of the apes in the movie. Suddenly Space MEN are arriving in our midst and we all decide to ignore than and talk about the Old Books of Wisdom as if this new thing didn’t exist.

Most of what I say is so obvious people don’t GET it. The same Wise Old Apes are saying the same thing from what Apes see as “both sides.” OF COURSE it all gets sillier and sillier. But you are not gong to find out what is silly by comparing the statements of Wise Apes.

  1. #1 by shari on 06/05/2008 - 1:02 pm

    Your right! I only partly get it, but I try to act on the part that I get. ps. I’ve never seen that movie. Maybe I will.

  2. #2 by Simmons on 06/05/2008 - 2:40 pm

    Just ask them. That is what the Mantra is an inquiry into their goals and methods. I want a new Right, one that does not shout creeds and slogans or shrieks and retreats, but a patient one that dissects the failures of the past to move forward into the future. Non-whites and religous nuts will hate this, but this is too bad they can stay in place. See the movie “Stargate” with Kurt Russel DW Griffith could have directed it and it will mirror our future (maybe).

  3. #3 by AFKANNow on 06/05/2008 - 10:56 pm

    in reply to Bob:
    There are times when I wonder if it is worth it, until I realize that, as we are made in the image of God, either (1) God got it wrong, or (2) the people who claim to be speaking for God are, with precious few exceptions, fools, cowards, and sociopathic businessmen.

    What Will Come from genetic engineering will make us look like Neandethral Man (remember my comment about the 2001 Monoliths being artificial intelligences?), and we can do our part in terms of Cultural Eugenics.

    We have to forget our limitations on this. The Chinese are pursuing this with the ruthless intergenerational discipline that is their hallmark, and we will awake to find our new Sputnik moment complete.

    Think of compound interest, and apply it over a century. If you missed the first ten, or even five, years, the resulting sum is dramatically different from those who compounded the same amounts over the entire century.

    I have been thinking about Our Problems, and one problem in particular. (I will address this more in the General Comments section, with a Nephews Update.)

    I think a large part of the problem is this:

    No one wants to face just how much of a Fool he (or she) has been.

    No one wants to admit how much of their life was spent chasing the dreams of Others, and adopting the Ideals and Values of Others, being played for the biggest Fool imaginable all the while…

    How much time has been wasted in the pursuit of “Democracy?” No two people can agree on a definition of “Democracy,” and fewer still can admit that Democracy Requires Discipline, and such discipline can only be found among the vertical Elite.

    “Movement Past,” where many members of the Self-Proclaimed Greatest Generation, wants to cut us off at the past. Look at the boards of these people, and they are all battling the perceived injustices of decades ago – while that energy SHOULD have been spent in building the Foundation, however small, of a Better World.

    That’s why so many of the SPGG are in dimly lit, slightly overheated, bars tonight – and most every night.

    In there, they use the softly lit dark room to damn escape from seeing the cold, hard world outside that THEY damn Created.

    Outside, one Revolution continues apace; the look of the Obama supporters is that of confident revenge, and the SPGG can not face them.

    If their Children and Grandchildren ever catch on, and apply cause-and-effect reasoning, then they WILL face the SPGG with the cold anger formed by hunger, and stolen and shattered dreams.

    And they will seek Revenge…

    Meanwhile Someone in China will look and say, “Lords! We have the First.”

    After that, it gets easy; learning curves and all that.

    And, as for the New Religion, isn’t it amazing that Reverend Al Sharpton and Reverend Pat Robertson agree on the basics?

    Actually, if you read “The Report From Iron Mountain,” it isn’t…

    Not at all.

    More to follow.

  4. #4 by mderpelding on 06/06/2008 - 8:47 pm

    Of course the late Dr. Pierce would have said that Christianity separates man from nature because it posits that the divine resides only in humans. This makes man naturally at fault for all things, having the faculty of free will, and nature blameless and mechanistic. While this view has been a boon to hard science in many ways, it is a disaster when one visits the social sciences. Obviously this view of Christian thought is just a wee bit Manichean and probably quite different from the Christian worldview of an earlier time. One can see the roots of the “noble savage” poppycock of the romantics in this idea also.

    Unfortunately, Christianity mixed with modern individualist narcissism has created a society of individuals more concerned with their personal moral vanities than the survival of their people.

    As far as polite discourse, it all seems to follow the foundational ideas of the British elite, such as “the natives, upon exposure to our superior morals and forms of government will all become good Englishmen and be good members of the Commonwealth”. Both liberals and conservatives insist upon that preceding statement as being absolutely true. For close to two hundred years they’ve been trying to make this happen, all to no avail. What then differentiates a liberal from a conservative? Why the cause of course. Conservatives think that it’s the fault of the white man being too kind to the natives. Liberals think that it’s the fault of the white man being too cruel to the natives.

    This is why those of us who want our race to survive are not liberals or conservatives, not leftists or rightists, not Republicans or Democrats, and not Christians or pagans. We are white men and women.

    Everything else is bullshit.

    As a post script of sorts, I’ve always thought of those “Planet of the Apes” movies as a good view into a world run by the dark minions of Chaostan.
    My favorite is where some mutants, mere husks of who and what they once were, worship this doomsday bomb. Our hero, Charlton Heston, is horrified by these remnants’ worship of that which can destroy them. In the end, of course, our hero pushes the button and ends the whole mess.

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