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Wordists MEAN It

Posted by Bob on June 5th, 2008 under General

The Reverend Moon used to be on TV regularly performing a thousand marriages at a time.

Did you ever wonder why, thought those mass weddings were regularly shown briefly, there was never a single CLOSEUP of any of the partners?

Because they were almost all interracial. It was, after all, the Universalist Church.

All cults, all Wordist institutions have this as an ideal. They want to have a new generation whose ONLY common bond is THEIR MEMBERSHIP IN THE CULT.

All Wordist institutions have this common goal, but few can push it as openly as Moon did, since their people still retain SOME sanity and SOME feelings from outside the cult.

But a when a respectable conservative says he doesn’t care where you were born, you’re an AMERICAN if you subscribe to his creed, he MEANS it.

  1. #1 by Dave on 06/05/2008 - 2:19 pm

    Because of my participation in BUGS, what has become routine for is to spot the obvious fallacies.

    All you need to do is count what the mainstream really and truly takes for granted.

    Things like:

    “Youth doesn’t count race as important”

    “The emerging markets will dwarf America’s dominance”

    “Climate change is our biggest threat”

    It just astonishes me that the people mouthing these really believe them.

    But I’m convinced they do.

    Just like in the markets, you must absolutely be on guard against the unexamined consensus, which is that part of the consensuses both bulls, bears, including the “contrarians” agree on.

    That’s how you know what’s wrong.

    It never occurs to all but usually a single lone voice in investments matters, that for most part, it is the investment vehicles that everybody agrees on that are wrong. It doesn’t matter whether you won by betting right on the long side, or the short side, from a risk management standpoint, you are wrong.

    You need to take your gloves, balls, and bats and leave the game and take an entirely different approach.

    This is what hardly anybody sees.

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