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Pain Sums It Up

Posted by Bob on June 8th, 2008 under General

People do things. People make a neighborhood livable and a country great. Smart people do smart things, brave people do brave things.

Good people come up with good ideas and bad people bad ideas. But liberals and libertarians think that ideas fall out of the sky.

In (the Wordists’) world people don’t do things, things happen by accident. So it’s alright with them if you genocide the people. The neighborhood should still be good with the good people gone, and the country great with the great race extinct.

Maybe they just don’t like people.

— Pain

  1. #1 by AFKANNow on 06/08/2008 - 9:23 pm

    Pain has made a stronger point than many realize.

    To the Elite, there are no “people.”

    There are “The People,” essentially mindless nodes through which vast socioeconomic forces act, rather like cattle in the weather – no comprehension of what is happening, much less why it is happening.

    This is part and parcel of the Philosophy of Ism’s – Wordism, as I see it, being the best explication of this philosophy.

    This is, of course, Applied Judaism – when they speak of “Mankind,” they speak of themselves. When they speak of “Humanity,” they are speaking of us, the cattle, the animals, the Mass that is manipulated and does not have the ability to comprehend the manipulation, much less what is to be done about it.

    I believe the Levelers – tools of The Destroyer – have the easiest philosophy and task in the world, to force every one to the level of the lowest common denominator.

    The watchword, “Equality,” rules their every thought.

    Yet, the emotional Force behind the drive for “Equality” is ENVY, pure and simple. It is the Envy of the unattractive for the beautiful, of the uncreative for the Creative.

    I saw this tendency become policy starting in the early Sixties, when the rule in school became the removal of the Outliers, in all social areas.

    Gradually, “G&T” – Gifted and Talented – courses were replaced with remedial courses, and students who did not belong in school at all were made to feel they were victims if they were not in the Honor Society.

    I often wondered what happened to the original “G&T” cohort, and I realized a few years back that all of them spent adolescence and most of Adulthood fighting a sense that the world had gone Mad, and was trying to remake them over in it’s demonic image.

    Some DID go “mad,” but most of them either dropped out, to avoid living the lives of quiet desperation they saw as their future, or they became Establishment with a vengeance, realizing they were in a constant battle with the Levelers.

    They don’t let their children within ten miles of a public school.

    At first, I thought they were a bit extreme.

    Seeing my nephews, I realize they were right.

    In many ways, we seem to be resembling the Soviet union before the Collapse – everyone saying what no one truly believes, but they all have to act on it, or be exiled, personally and professionally.

    I looked in the eyes of the people at the Obama Victory Speech, and realized that these people wanted nothing more than the annihilation of Western Civilization, and the Race that Created it.

    My resolve to make a better world for my Nephews was redoubled, that night, for THAT – the Mindset of Zimbabwe writ large – was on view for all to see, who cared to see.

  2. #2 by mderpelding on 06/09/2008 - 7:03 pm

    Pain said…

    “Good people come up with good ideas and bad people bad ideas. But liberals and libertarians think that ideas fall out of the sky.”

    Actually, liberal and libertarian ideals are just modern day echoes of the elite world view of the British empire.

    Send the darkies off to Oxford and they will see the superiority of our culture and mend their backward ways. Why, enough edumacation and the poor masses will be forming parliaments and building democratic institutions.

    This idealistic utopianism has been the vogue since the Raj.

    In a way, I suppose that liberal/libertarian ideals did fall “out of the sky” in that they are based on the rules of God’s kingdom put forth in the Beatitudes. Fine rhetoric that. All noble sounding. Great for God’s kingdom. But death here on Earth.

    We are ALL God’s children, after all.

  3. #3 by Pain on 06/14/2008 - 6:20 pm

    Thanks and good comments both, AFKAN and mderpelding!

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