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White Women, White Men and “Moot”

Posted by Bob on June 8th, 2008 under General

Men either want endless uncritical praise or they don’t want to admit they need any backup at all.

SysOps and Shari will have to judge what I am about to say.

Women know how to back each other up. They know how to ask for moral backup. They also know how to tear each other apart to an extent that leaves men in awe.

Women know how ask each other for moral support when they need it. If I were a good feminist, I could just apply what women take for granted to men.

I can’t do that. God knows I don’t know any more about women than any other straight male, but I do know they are DIFFERENT.

So I can’t just take what applies to women and transfer it to men.

A straight male is handicapped by his hormones from thinking like women, whereas a real homosexual can understand every nuance of a new hairdo at the level of empathy.

If your job is analyzing PEOPLE, this obvious statement, that women know how to ask for moral backup and men don’t, cannot stop at just being a statement. It is a reality you must ANALYZE.

Men do not know how to ask for moral backup. Men either want endless uncritical praise or they don’t want to admit they need any backup at all.

Look at how often I would give Shari a hard time for brilliantly getting to the nub of things and then APOLOGIZING for it.

I make a great analyzer of people in general, but I am a male. I FINALLY realized that Shari wasn’t apologizing, she was asking for moral backup. That is not something an old bull like me will easily pick up.

Shari had the same problem I always did. Reality is so simple one feels a bit odd having to state it. Above all you get a lot of doubts when you are the ONLY one to state it. Shari was stating these doubts in a feminine way. She was saying, “It CAN’T be this simple.”

Her “apology” said, “CAN IT?”

Like a male, I missed her call for moral backup and criticized her “apology.” I do not think this caused Shari any real problem. This tolerance is imprinted in Shari’s genetic inheritance. Females have been raising male babies for millions of years. The ones who killed the brat for acting the way I did not pass on their genes.

We men try to make everybody think we don’t need any backup. I try to act like that and then bitched when you don’t comment on what you agree with.

Men either want endless uncritical praise or they don’t want to admit they need any backup at all. If we get uncritical praise it makes us the Alpha male, a perfectly legitimate ambition for us. But if we don’t seek Alpha, we can’t admit we need any moral backup because we’re afraid it will make us look queer.

In short, the same blind spot I had with Shari is the blind spot I had with myself.

Men and women are DIFFERENT. A woman will tell you what she needs reassurance about. Moral backup to a WHITE male is new to the world and it is complicated.

It’s easy to reassure an alpha male in a gorilla troop or a colored country or a Wordist institution.

Just grovel.

I am two steps removed from a woman’s natural ability to ask for moral backup. I am male AND I am something unique to evolution: I am WHITE.

It’s easy to reassure an alpha male in a gorilla troop or a colored country or a Wordist institution.

Just grovel.

Orientals have a much more sophisticated way of groveling. They sit around the Great Philosopher, take notes, and regurgitate what he says and expand on each precious word. The Great Philosopher thinks his best disciples are the Ultimate Intellectuals.

The Oriental student has replaced Einstein as the picture of the epitome of brilliance. Did you know that many, many Oriental students think this is FUNNY? They do what they always did, they do what they figure the Great Intellectual wants and they give it to him. To them, IQ tests are just another philosopher’s puzzle and they handle it according and ace it.

Then they wonder what the gaijin are raving about.

It doesn’t matter whether the Great Teacher in an Oriental society is a Chinese Great Philosopher or a Marxist or a professor of physics from the West. They can take what he gives them and go with it.

But only so far.
Nothing is more alien to gorillas, colored societies, and even Oriental society than the fundamental institution of Aryan society, the Moot. A moot is, among other things, a call for moral backup by Aryan males. It means that even the leader is out on a limb. The Aryan male is accustomed to making NEW decisions and wanting to be sure he is right.

The Aryan leader’s concept of moral backup is INPUT. This is a brand new concept in all the history of men and animals. In a Wordist society, where the word “moot” simply means that someone in a judge’s robes or a king’s robes or a priest’s robes has NOT YET handed down the Final Truth, the real meaning of the word “moot” is utterly alien.

  1. #1 by Bob on 06/08/2008 - 12:25 pm

    Shari, I changed your name in SF to the third person because I once quoted “Shari” in SF and you were upset.

    Now that you are more accustomed to the whole thing, do you want me to keep doing that?

  2. #2 by Pain on 06/08/2008 - 2:39 pm

    I hope this is on topic, but although we all need reassurance from time to time whether or not we ask for it, I personally don’t think an “alpha” male is really a leader if he depends on praise more than others. An exception could be where a leader is simply working selflessly for everybody else to the point of exhaustion so he needs the boost and deserves it, but then I might question his judgment.

    I look back on my high school classmates who demanded the praise and advertised themselves as leaders. Now I look at them, and even physically they are the first to go flabby and they have aged prematurely. In other words, they aren’t of the best genetic stock, and their premature flabbiness shows a tendency toward femininity.

    What status-seekers are is a little weaker than the rest. They hide behind a veneer of being “leaders” to get the status. Status to them means safety. It means you are out of the realm where you have to compete and prove yourself in the open wilderness. Status allows you to get flabby and lazy before your time.

    Look at the personality type that is attracted to police work. Typically it is someone who did poorly in school, couldn’t get along with others, and was in trouble with the teacher. They are attracted to institutions such as the police because it is an institution and institutions offer protection from the outside world and a steady paycheck. That personality type will do whatever it is told. You tell him to strip-search grandma, and he will. You tell him to make sure 90% of his arrests and traffic tickets are white males, and we will do it. You tell him that he is the law because he wears a uniform, and he will believe you. He is the type that craves status because he does not have the gifts to make it in life on his own.

    Actually, I don’t buy the “alpha dog” thesis anyway. Have you seen videos of alpha dogs? They’re the crazy dogs. They’re crazy either from a genetic defect or from old age. Watch one of those videos and you will see what I mean.

    The other dogs put up with the dementia for a while because they are dogs; dogs, even wolves, are affectionate to the members of their pack.

    One of the lines of the alpha dog doctrine is that the alpha dogs are the leaders of the pack until they are challenged by another who in turn becomes the alpha. But if you watch the video closely, you will see that it is another dog — not the alpha –that is actually calling the shots and moving the other dogs into their places to catch a prey or defend the pack. The alpha simply gets his way for a while because he is ornery and the other dogs leave him alone — just as we would if we had a demented great grandparent living with us.

    But dogs don’t have nursing homes or loony bins. If one of their own is constantly making demands on the others, at first they may give him extra affection, then they will leave him alone, and finally one of the dogs, probably the actual leader, will take him out.

    Then the canine behaviorist tells us that was the new alpha putting down the old alpha. But actually it was the leader removing a liability.

  3. #3 by shari on 06/08/2008 - 3:10 pm

    Bob, I don’t think you mean me. I’m not on stormfront and didn’t know you used my name there.But maybe I would just as soon that you didn’t. I don’t know if that attracts spam or what?
    Anyway, it must have been someone else who was upset.

  4. #4 by Bob on 06/08/2008 - 3:11 pm

    Pain, according to the Old Testament, GOD needs endless and constant praise.

    Jesus never even mentioned it.

  5. #5 by shari on 06/08/2008 - 6:12 pm

    Bob, you are on my prayer list. Not the “prayer chain” the one your supposed to call for everybodies lastest surgery.

  6. #6 by Pain on 06/08/2008 - 9:30 pm

    Slam bam Bob, you’re right! Slam bam.

    Sorry about the slam bam shizam, but I just ran for 1:22.39 minutes through the woods on a trail straight up a mountain and straight down the same mountain in 95 degree heat. Slam bam! I feel amazingly light headed and damn good. Did you know that pain feels good? Yeah, if you asked me the last mile how I felt, I would have said “pain”. Then at the bottom I drank about twenty gallons of water. You should have seen my gut.

    At the top there’s a creek and I drink right out of it, like a wolf. Yeah Peter and the wolf. Hoo yeah.

  7. #7 by Bob on 06/09/2008 - 8:00 am

    I hope Pain is not sayng I only make sense when he’s got heat stroke.

  8. #8 by mderpelding on 06/09/2008 - 6:16 pm

    White males also seek moral back-up in their decisions.
    The difference is in what is considered the moral or good to a white male as opposed to both our females and non-whites in general.

    The morality of the white male may be defined as follows:

    “What do we need to do to make it work?”

    The morality of the rest of the planet is as follows:

    “Are we following the rules?”

    The moralistic,(Are we following the rules?), based society is completely alien to us white men.

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