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Note From Russia

Posted by Bob on June 10th, 2008 under General, Mantra

Some of our commenters aren’t here. A lot of people are afraid to get on the blog in our Free Society, but they comment by e-mail. The think they’re safer sending ME personal e-mail than they would be if they used the anonymity of the blog.

To be on the blog, you just say you agree with things like the Mantra. I am personally a lot more incriminated than that.

Anyway, one of my e-mailers sent me a subject which includes the right to use it if I don’t use his name, which I never would anyway:


Just got off the phone with Vladimir —-. He has a keen observation. Barak Hussein Obama is the “Gorbachev” of America. Same verbage. “Change”. “Perestroyka” (re-structuring). Everything in our country’s history was completely wrong, and we have to undo everything. Vladimir predicts America’s downfall within the next few years. Obama will lead the charge against America as we knew it. Sounds like good blog material???


Thanks, I’ll use it.

My brother used to point out that, while Solzheitsyn was a brilliant and brave man, he knew nothing about the real world. Being raised in the La La Land of Stalin’s Russia and then penned in the Gulag does not give one access to reality, however well-read one may be.

Vladimir has lived his life in a La La Land that was on its way out. The Soviet Union was a gerrybuilt machine running without oil. It was onits way to collapes from the bottom up. The minute Gorbaczev let the Soviet Union get a glimpse of its won reality, La La Land was doomed.

We were raised in a society whose basic institutions, right or wrongly used, are solid as steel. That is our PROBLEM. It is impossible for a Russian to understand that our MACHINE is solid. Its fundamental mechanical weaknesses are the nuts that are holding the wheel.

They had a bad MACHINE. We have drunk drivers. WHICH drunk holds the wheel is not that important here.


You notice that I assume the American MACHINE is not going to collapse for our convenience. For fifty years I have been hearing that the American economy is based on false premises and will soon collapse, the Second Coming is imminent and if we don’t win THIS presidential election it’s all over.

In the first century Revelations said the same thing about Rome. Those who declare things are going to end are always right, EVENTUALLY. But Christians who sat and waited for that collapse or the Second Coming did not build the church.

So I don’t build on that stuff. In the real world, America is headed for lots of problems, but compared to the rest of the world it is solid as steel.

No collapse will do us any good if we have not worked out an explanation as to why it will happen and an ALTERNATIVE way of thought for the ensuing society.

  1. #1 by Dave on 06/10/2008 - 10:39 am

    Yes, I always wonder why people can’t see the process.

    An Obama victory puts Political Correctness on a firm course to its much deserved ruin, the very opposite of what his adamant supporters suppose.

    I heard one of these “reparations” kooks confidently predict that an Obama victory puts America firmly on the “deracialization path” replete with reparations and a “truth commission”.

    Ha Ha!!! Need anything more be said?

  2. #2 by Simmons on 06/10/2008 - 11:02 am

    I was going to post some lengthy post that weaved Peak Oil into it one way or another, but that would wasted peoples time since most of the people here only grasp it as a conspiracy, and hence we would waste time.

    This futurism thing you talk of is tricky stuff because I think it puts us into the same shoes as the storytellers who we are trying to debunk. My question then is how to we delve into this “future” thing?

  3. #3 by Tim on 06/10/2008 - 7:20 pm

    In America, the President is expected by the elites to wage war on his subjects. They are Anti-Kings. Who are Obama’s subjects? He cannot attack Whites directly. He cannot attack us say like Mccain can and will. He will not go Mugabe on us (that would be our best case scenario).

    Who is he going to attack? Corporations? Maybe?

    If he gets elected he will be a nail in the coffin of the African American population. Just watch.

  4. #4 by AFKANNow on 06/10/2008 - 11:59 pm

    Bob made a stronger point than many realize, which illustrates, in part, why “Movement Past” is such a horrific failure.

    America was the fertile soil for the spirit of Western Man to take root.

    What people do not want to see is that there have been several “Americas” throughout our history, from the two contrasting colonies in North and South, to thirteen “sovereign” states united by Articles of Confederation, to one Constitution, to the the Form America took going into the War of the Northern Aggression, to – well, the list goes on, and not one of them could have imagined, at their beginning, what their ending would look like, or what that Moment of Transformation – a phase shift moment – would lay the foundation for the Next America.

    I attended meetings of some of the Y2K people, and realized they could not last more than a year if the power REALLY went out.

    They had no Plan for building anything more than the equivalent of tents in the woods. Spare parts were not really a consideration.

    They had internalized the values given to them by their Enemies, and were not focused on developing new and Creative Structures on the Other Side of Y2K – what would they do to replace banks, for example?

    This is part and parcel of the great Wordist traps
    that “Movement Past” fell into. “OK, you’ve replaced the present system with a pre-1861 Constitution. NOW WHAT?”

    They assumed that somehow, magically, some mysterious new advanced social order would develop, with them being on top.


    The SST designers could not have imagined the power of the Web to make the market need for their product obsolete; de Jouvenal’s technology curves worked for ONE economy, with ONE set of Values, but not for What Came After.

    So, too, “Movement Past,” proud, gallant Confederate officers – at least, in their dreams – they all failed to recognize the Confederacy represented an archaic socio-economic order.

    Indeed, even as the “King Cotton” speech was being given, the cotton fields of Egypt and India were beginning to come online, a structural shift they could not have Imagined.

    Peak Oil is real – yet, if we treated energy independence as the key to national security, with a new Manhattan Project, we COULD see a dramatic shift in the valuation of the American economy, and the lives of the America people.

    This post has wandered a bit, because I see how we have fallen into one Wordist trap after another, and am trying to find a way out for my nephews.

    So, I use all of the examples I can of how the best futurists have been wrong, as reminders that the Creative Gift requires continuous exercise to develop, and the first exercise is to force yourself to SEE clearly What Is Real, and what had been supplied to you by your Racial Enemy, The Destroyer.

  5. #5 by Dave on 06/11/2008 - 12:53 am


    Let me take a little jag on the subject of Wordism.

    What is wrong with chaos math (fractal statistics and other branches of advanced statistics)?

    It is a valiant attempt to induce a “textured” vision of natural phenomenon, and currently (for an least the last 25 years) the darling math discipline of “environmental engineers”.

    But I know this approach although valuable is a wrong turn because it is a “work around” for something that doesn’t exist (but will): super computers capable of processing very high resolution data and spitting out visions of the natural world in the form of animated fluid dynamics.

    If you want to understand something you have to be able to see it directly which is why tools are so important. They are indispensable.

    Wordism (i.e., the internalized values of our enemies)has it roots in the fact that low-resolution data (i.e., the output of chaos math formulas) is accessible to so many different interpretations. As long as the resolution is low enough, you can fool yourself regardless of how persuasive the “proof”.

    This is the real source of “ideology”. Look at the climate change debate, for example.

    The science of genetics has advanced only because of tools that increase resolution. Right now, Google, Microsoft, and HP are working out the software to wire together a supercomputing platform on the hive-computing model with the aim of making supercomputing universality accessible.

    Ideology disappears at the same rate data resolution increases and a platform for processing it becomes available. Of course, high IQs have to be behind the “gun sights”.

    That is why it is not hard to anticipate where tomorrow’s power centers will be, and what Google, Microsoft, and HP are doing gives us a clue. That is where those who see what is real and I for one believe that Google has better intelligence of the developed world that any of our military intelligence agencies, the CIA, or the capital management giants by a long shot.

    And our political climate is a joke to the extent that the players don’t realize that “politics” is just a problem to be managed.

  6. #6 by backbaygrouch4 on 06/11/2008 - 6:49 am

    “…Our MACHINE is solid. Its fundamental mechanical weaknesses are the nuts that (are) holding the wheel.”

    Split me up. Will be using it. Thanks.

  7. #7 by AFKANNow on 06/11/2008 - 6:55 pm

    in (partial) reply to Dave:

    Sorry for the longish response, but…

    Genetic programming has moved far beyond what most people imagine; I have maintained Google must have a project to develop a “strong” AI – as “intelligent” as us, and then, accelerating forward dramatically.

    I remember when a program came out that could backsolve for a spreadsheet, called TK! Solver. We ran it on its own PC, and just let it run around the clock solving some problems. As The Management said, “It does not sleep, it does not take breaks, it does not get sick. This is just wonderful!”

    At the resident bytehead, I could not have imagined what genetic programming would become.

    And, this is the stuff they are letting us know about.

    I recall one of the first issues of “FAST COMPANY” magazine discussing some new genetic software used by John Deere and Co. for organizing operations. This was about a decade ago. Deere said they used the software, it worked magnificently, and NO ONE COULD EXPLAIN HOW IT CAME UP WITH THE SOLUTIONS IT DID – but they were incredibly more efficient that the standard manufacturing software’s solutions.

    I have said that one day, someone is going to get enough raw data about the human genome, find a genetic program that is all but Strong AI, and tell it to GO.

    China has a lot of opportunities to test the models.

    I liked your phrase:

    Wordism (i.e., the internalized values of our enemies)has it roots in the fact that low-resolution data (i.e., the output of chaos math formulas) is accessible to so many different interpretations. As long as the resolution is low enough, you can fool yourself regardless of how persuasive the “proof”.

    Part of the key to this is that people WANT to believe what they want to believe, and low-resolution – ie, “safely distant solutions” – leave one and all comfortable.

    Thus, people who have never lived near, or worked with, many of our Faithful Colored Companions, project their hoes and wishes on the low resolution data.

    When they get “up close and personal” on a continuous basis, then high resolution data pretty much forces them to change their view, or enter into insanity, and a high demand for tranquilizers.

    Once genetic engineering gets going, a lot of humanity will become dramatically superfluous – and no one wants to deal with that.

    That’s fine.

    It will deal with them.

    I’m not saying it will be “human” – though it may have a human body.

    But, China seems to have made this their Manhattan Project.

    The Google AI Project will make a degree of resolution possible we can not really deal with, in a lot of areas, as we have become so hypnotized by Wordism, the tool the parasite uses to control the host, and make the host love the parasite, even as it drains the host of Life itself.

    Even if – at worst – the Google AI starts out as a strong backsolver program, we will be well ahead of where we are, for a season.

    After that, the Elite will be able to rule openly.

    And we will love them.

    THAT is What is To Come, if we don’t start developing alternative models of Culture, Politics, and Economics…

    While we can.

    I remember a movie I saw years ago called “COLOSSUS: The Forbin Project.”

    Essentially, COLOSSUS was a self-contained supercomputer that controlled all of our defense systems.

    They turned it on, it woke up, and decided that the real problem was not defense systems.

    The REAL problem was Mankind.

    And COLOSSUS had Plans for Mankind – essentially, big time social engineering.

    This was right around the time “Deep Ecology” was getting a very tenuous foothold in the colleges; remember, the Children of the Sixties had decided to force America AS WE KNEW IT to commit suicide, and the idea that Man was simply another component of the biosphere – one that fouls its own nest – was just getting started.

    Incidentally, this was also about the time “The Report From Iron Mountain” came out.

    This meme – “The Problem IS Mankind” – is the sort of low-resolution, Childish solution that we might expect from the Children of the Sixties.

    I don’t know how it will work out, but I know that we are in a war against the Destroyer, and we can not win playing his Games, with his Rules, on his Terms, and Definitions.

    If trends hold, and Humanity is reduced to a population of about half a billion, all in thrall to Mankind As It Might Become, then we have no shortage of opportunities to DO BETTER, one Hell of a lot BETTER, While We Can.

    “Low resolution solutions” allow one and all to see what they want to see, at the price of seeing what it CLEARLY there.

    As you can imagine, I have been very busy with my Nephews this last little while, and I go to bed at night with a sense of urgency – so DAMN much to DO, and so little time!

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