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Posted by Bob on June 11th, 2008 under General, Politics

My question then is how to we delve into this “future” thing?

— Simmons

Good question.

My answer is that we DON’T “delve.”

Remember, all of our enemies always insist they have “inevitability” on their side. The only inevitability is a future we CAN’T predict.

Once again, step back from my EXAMPLES and look at my POINT. My POINT, in each case, is to bring up a POSSIBLE example of things that can happen in the future that will blindside some confident prediction of the Inevitablists.

  1. #1 by Simmons on 06/11/2008 - 11:33 am

    Speaking of inevitability AR has a 75 post woe is us we are all gonna get wilded once Obama gets elected. If my response gets posted I’ll try and import it here to see if you agree that I melded “Mantra” and “inevatibility” together with one destroying the other (Mantra the winner).

  2. #2 by Dave on 06/11/2008 - 11:36 am

    BW says below: “The American Machine is as solid as steel”.

    It is entirely logical that Americans themselves, as always, (and it never changes), believe the very opposite. That is the way it is when in reality you are leading in everything.

    Headline: “Dubai is planning to build the world’s largest airport: big enough to handle 120 million passengers per year.”

    Here is yet another example of nonwhites running after the white man’s old news.

    Talk about nuts behind the wheel!

    Aviation as a mass transportation system doesn’t work for the simple reason that there is just plain too much involved to make it work. It is not economic.

    That is the reason why America’s airlines are all headed to bankruptcy; the price of oil is just an excuse.

    Aviation on the mass transit model is leaving the scene, but don’t tell the third-worlders. They are too busy wasting their precious capital on yesterday’s news.

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