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Keep It Up, Shari!

Posted by Bob on June 18th, 2008 under General

Shari won’t settle for something until she UNDERSTANDS it and she is not afraid to ask questions. Her short comments are a major force in keeping our Comments humming.


  1. #1 by shari on 06/18/2008 - 1:10 pm

    Oh, thank you. Those history timelines from grade school that say, dark ages >renaissance etc. are kind of hard to erase. Especially when high school and intro college courses said basically the same, and added that whites and christian belief were the oppressors. Meaning of course, ORDINARY, whites or christians. Not highly educated ones.

  2. #2 by Dave on 06/18/2008 - 11:58 pm

    For being such a “slothful” person Bob Whitaker certainly doesn’t suffer logical inconsistency. That’s because he fully comprehends that one of life’s greatest errors is conceit, for it is the hardest error that anyone has charging himself with.

    Understanding this is how you get to know politics. And when BW says, “What creates the future goes unnoticed”, he is simply stating what the conceited don’t see: “Death walks on cat’s feet”.

    That’s why you need to be young to get conned into fighting a war. It is invariably too late to discover how you have been betrayed.

    There is a reason veterans come back bitter.

    But rest assured no “anti-war” type could ever really understand this. They are too busy serving Political Correctness for that.

    Also there is another contradiction: A revolution depends upon repenting conceit and fully comprehending how it leads to error. That’s how you get a “leg up” on the opposition.

    But don’t worry about the secret getting out. Rest assured, it won’t.

  3. #3 by Prometheus on 06/19/2008 - 10:46 pm

    Shari says : Meaning of course, ORDINARY, whites or christians. Not highly educated ones.

    Prometheus says : Liberals can quite easily make an attempt to delegitimise the sentiments of the ordinary white folk by saying they are ‘uneducated’. Whether its white flight, opposing multiracial assimilated, they are uneducated. From those that preach equality, this is quite an elitist and classist position to take. Intellectuals might want to rule the world, and they already act as if they do. We have ‘experts’ stating the obvious, and most people seem tired of so called ‘experts’ harranging them.

    Now of only we could make anti-white liberals be seen in the same light as those superfluous ‘experts’.

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