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Prometheus (General Comments) Shows How One Learns From PRACTICE

Posted by Bob on June 18th, 2008 under General, Mantra group of 80 politicians from the ruling Liberal Democratic Party has called for a drastic increase in the ratio of immigrants in Japan to 10% of the population

Prometheus says:
Of course, no anti-racists has ever proposed this as a solution for Japan. No anti-racist has ever demanded Japan take in the third world, but every anti-racist states that they would have no problem with a non-white race or nation becoming multiracial.

They ignore the racial aspect of demographic change in Fiji and Tibet, but liberalism can’t keep pretending it is race neutral forever. They can get away with ignoring the demise of whites, but can they get away with supporting the demise of a non-white race? Can they get away with not saying anything in their defense?

If in the future non-whites get up and demand EXACTLY what we demand for our race, what will our faithful anti-whites do?

— Prometheus

Prometheus and I were doing our act in Opposing Views when an anti-white tried to answer the Mantra by pointing out that a lot of oil-rich Arab countries were importing non-Arab labor. Instead of going into the obvious economics and so forth here, i just shoved their noses in the Mantra again.

As Prometheus expands on it here, the key word in the Mantra is DEMANDS. A Japanese political party may PROPOSE immigration, but EVERY RACE demands that EVERY white country and ONLY white countries ALL import AND ASSIMILATE, something no Moslem country is asked to do.

Before you answer THEM go back to OUR basics. Before you answer them get a handle on what they are REALLY saying.

Hit them at the ROOTS and


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