Archive for July, 2008

The PC “Trump System”

“Environmentalists” have a problem of Political Correctness. I described it in my last book. It is the “trump” system that is essential to PC.

We are familiar with the PC Trump System, I just give it a name here:

Nonwhite trumps white.

Female trumps male.

Animal trumps human.

Politically, left trumps right.

Bureaucrat trumps businessman.

Foreigner trumps American.

And so forth.

The specific problem environmentalists are running into is that it is not Evil Whites who are cutting the forests and putting the orangutans and other animal out of business. It is not Evil Whites who are hunting down animals in Africa for food who were preserved under Evil White Rule.

The Holy Coloreds are driving out and killing the Holy Animals in terms of our established religion of Political Correctness.

What we see of environmentalism is the self-advertising Luddites and Modern Amish denouncing Evil White Capitalism in the West and growing organic foods. But nothing would destroy Mother Nature faster than an attempt to abandon all “artificial” agriculture and raise nothing but “natural” organic food.

The only reason the West has any forests LEFT is because we went on to coal and oil. We can AFFORD forests. The third world can’t.



Prometheus on the Genetically “Contrived” Family

When people start genetically engineering their kids, they’ll want the BEST of both parents. The first step will be gene selection, being able to choose which attributes to pass on and which ones not to pass on. This is most likely the technology that will be available first. This isn’t contrived, you’re throwing the same dice, but weighting them strongly for a particular result. People may not want chance to dictate how their kids turn out, but most will want some familiarity.

Surely some white women who have chosen a black man as a father must look at their children every now and then and just feel a little left out that they can’t see themselves in their children’s eyes.



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I Have Abandoned “Conservatism” Totally

Once at the Philadelphia Society, Sam Dickson was going on about the leadership of aristocrats. I stood up and pointed out that one lesson [of] the twentieth century was that ALL so-called aristocrats are a fraud. Like the self-styled Greatest Generation, they folded when challenged.

Like Jared Taylor, Sam uses his aristocratic pretensions to make his listeners feel good by having him as their leader. It’s a good tactic, and I have no argument with any good tactic. But he shouldn’t do the praise-the-aristocracy crap in a small discussion with me present.

Another loud disagreement Sam and I have is his praise of the British Monarchy.

The British Monarchy is very typical of the Greatest Generation-”aristocracy” crap. The Queen fought for the right of every third-worlder in the former British Commonwealth to come to Britain because they were all HER subjects. [S]he told the British people that it mattered where THEY were born, England belonged to everybody who had loyalty to her, because she was BORN Queen, had as much right there as the Brit peasants did.

They ate it up. The truly pathetic LOVE it when an “aristocrat” insults them.

Then there are those who are constantly repeating that all “our” problems have to do with deserting “traditional values.” This leads directly to their daughter marrying a “nice Christian Negro boy.”

OUR problems come directly from the simple fact that all OUR traditional safeguards have, when it comes to RACE, failed totally. The biggest objection conservatives have to nonwhites pouring into Europe and America is that they are not “assimilating” and marrying our daughters.

My objection to Pitt and Jolie’s nig kids is not that it is “contrived.” I am all FOR “contrived” families which consist of Indian parents wanting to have ARYAN children. I am not going to bitch about “contrived” families when the traditional family is so obviously failing us. Let’s STOP using the enemy’s code-words.



Dave and the Contrived Family


This is a brilliant post. Genetic engineering must result in a “contrived and artificial” family.

See how the future pokes its head up out of the ground in surprising ways?

The future is something that is stumbled into. But the unwritten rule is that the beauty and desirability of white skin is eternal. Do you really think Angelina Jolie would ever give up hers?


— Dave 


I think you are confusing genetic engineering with social engineering.



Prometheus and the Southern Nation

If you have to tell people what their nation consists of, that that said nation doesn’t exist.
Whether the south had blacks or not is about as relevant as whether Australia had aboriginals or not.

There is an unwritten and unstated but assumed rule that says that “Australian” means Anglo-Celtic or similarly ‘assimilated’ white European. As for the aboriginals, well, they’ve always been there and been part of the landscape, both literally and metaphorically. It is the anti-whites who write tomes to try and ‘prove’ otherwise, to prove that the nation is multiracial and one of immigrants.

Nations are BORN through natural progression and it is this natural progression which defines it.

Artificial multiracial states are carefully handcrafted and legislated, like Angeline Jolies family. All families have people who immigrated into it, so why is hers so artificial and contrived?

— Prometheus


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