Archive for August 1st, 2008

Disease, Micro and Macro

The microscope and the telescope both introduced us to new worlds. We found out the real basis of many diseases when we looked into the microscope.

We found that there were microorganisms that were killing us. What we have NOT realized that there are also MACROorgnisms that kill us regularly. Like microorganisms, they live on us, and they live their own lives independent of us.

They are called institutions. I view all those monks who threw away their genes for the Zoroastrian version of Judeo-Christianity as having been CONUMED by that institution.

Where are the Shakers? They were consumed by their institution to so great an extent that it killed the institution. Every Latin country followed a policy of assimilation in its colonialism. A person was viewed as French if he was Catholic and if he spoke French, regardless of his own biological background. The result is that, while colonies became powerful extensions of the Anglo-Saxon race, South America is a poor, brown dead end for Spanish Civilization.

Americanism has the same goal, a people with the Constitution and assimilation which will be another brown dead end.

Institutions have their own evolution and their own means of survival. Wordist institutions EAT the people who are part of it, and in so doing destroy themselves.

This concept is a substitute for Spengler-Khaldoun. Neither of them noticed that the Great Civilizations they saw rising and falling rose when they were white and died when they were brown. Spengler and Khaldoun obsessed on the institutions, the Great Civilizations, and never noted that they became diseases.
