Archive for August 17th, 2008

Simmons Gets My Point on Russia!

So in a newsy sort of way we can start the rumour that the big bad Russkies are set to exploit our “multi-culturalism and diversity.” Even that Jr. Jew Victor Hansen wrote that one person can undo decades of work of creating a raceless country of cattle. All in all I would say the russkies hold a strong hand.

About the thread “Russia’s Choice” piece in Stormfront, I wrote that all the responses concerned “the News and the Jews.” My reason for writing this is, first, that it is TRUE, and, more important from OUR point of view, it is a WEAPON for OUR struggle, which is the way Simmons analyses it here.

There is nothing like talking about nuclear holocaust to get people to REALIZE that we are talking about GENOCIDE here, and that is what can turn the tables in the whole racial discussion.
