Archive for August 29th, 2008

A Shorter Mantra Thanks to Pat Buchanan?

When I wrote the long Mantra, it was in a vacuum on white genocide. Now that Pat Buchanan has written Death of the West and editorials on the end of the white race, it may be that a lot of people are sufficiently familiar with the concept that the following short Mantra might be useful:



The words immigration, tolerance, and especially assimilation are being used to promote a program of genocide against the white race.

Everybody says the final solution to the RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to bring in the third world and “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.”

This is not about culture, this is about RACE.

Repeat: “ALL white countries and ONLY white countries.

Anti-racist has become a code word for anti-white.

Reperat, all this immigration and intermarriage is for “EVERY white country and ONLY white countries ”


The reason there is a question mark up there in the title is that I am ASKING you about this.

You are well on your way to becoming pros, so I don’t have to warn you about fiddling with something that WORKS.

On other hand, I am desperate to improve what we have. This is serious business, and and I need your input.



Practical Field Action Advice: Why the Mantra is so Long

In the days of the muzzle loaders, they used to say you had to shoot straight because you might not get a second chance. The long Mantra is the perfect ONE-SHOT weapon. My mistake was reciting the WHOLE Mantra to Shank in a place where I HAD ALL THE SHOTS I WANTED..

The Mantra is the product of years of practice. I know exactly how they are going to dodge their way out of it. The long Mantra is undodgeable. But that is because it fills all the holes at one time:

1) It stops discussion of any other subject for a moment. It demands and takes full attention and interrupts to flow of conversation.

2) I SPECIFICALLY explains why this is GENOCIDE. That requires REPETITION.

3) It is altogether RACIAL. The biggest lie today is the respectable conservatives changing the subject to something called “white CULTURE” which any black supposedly is able to LEARN. The specific subject of racial intermarriage MUST be addressed UP FRONT, especially if you only get one shot..

If you give them the slightest opportunity, they will come back with “assimilation” and “culture.”

The long Mantra was carefully developed for the one shot we normally get.

In the Shank interview, I had a near-perfect Mantra for a single shot because normally we are lucky to get ONE shot in. But I have not developed the Mantra strategy for an EXCHANGE.

Prometheus and Lord Nelson show more expertise at an “Exchange Mantra,” which I now realize Sharo was aiming at, than I do.  I LEARN from your criticism.

This is a seminar. You are here to do what Lord Nelson and Prometheus and backbaygrouch are doing, to hone your OWN skills. If the professor can’t learn from students, it is NOT a SEMINAR.

We are not here just to learn Bob’s Expertise and upchuck it at exam time. I am training PROS.


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Read the Comments, They’re Sounding Professional!

I was very happy with the comments on “The Annotated Mantra.”

All of them sounded like people who approach this as a JOB OF WORK. I can only say that I felt like I was in the middle of a bunch of PROS.

This is the product of YEARS of interaction which I have never tried before. Which NOBODY has ever tried before.

The reason is simple enough. Those who learned the trade in what AFKAN calls “Movement Past” still live in a world I remember intimately. All means of communication were blocked. All you had were low-budget publications and face-to-face discussions.

Face-to-face discussion was excellent practice, and I used it literally thousands of times. I honed my skills at it.

I learned decades of lessons in power strategy and how to communicated, and I got PAID for it. But the one thing I could not tell others about was how to USE this experience for OUR cause.

On the subject of race, I could not COMMUNICATE to others what I LEARNED in face-to-face discussions and in the propaganda work at which I was a recognized professional. I also had no chance to try out my approaches outside the little world of people I talked with.

Before the Internet there was no chance to form a TEAM like BUGS.

It is no wonder we are NEW. The opportunity, the world of commununications, is new.

It is not easy for someone who spent decades in movement past to keep plugging away at the same old stand. Exactly the same thing happened in ninteenth century medicine. A lot of doctors kept killing patients with the old theories. That is undertandable, but it is not forgivable.

If what we are doing were not a matter of life or death, we could be patient and understanding.

Inside the movement a lot of people are talking about Jews, a lot of people talk about race, others tout other strategies. But they don’t field test them and report. But we are the ONLY group which is dedicated to finding out what WORKS out in the field, in face-to-face and Internet communications and on what discussion shows we can book.

We constantly hear defeatists talking about our failure to communicate, but nobody but BUGS STUDIES COMMUNICATION ITSELF. Nobody but BUGS has EVER dropped worrying about whether I have been insulted or whether there can be quibble with what I am saying, but instead concentrated entirely on how to CONVINCE people of the truth in a brainwashed world.

BUGS is Doing its absolutely unique job.

As usual, once we’ve done it everybody will say they knew it all along.


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I boiled the Mantra down to fit into comment sections that limit posts to 500 characters some time back. That is a very restrictive standard. Yet I managed to increase the scope, maybe unwisely. Perhaps someone can get it back on tract and yet add no more characters than are removed. Here it is, cut to bone.Anti-racists say Asians & Africans must have their lands but white lands must have open borders. Crowded Asia can exclude. more crowded Eurpoe is racist to exclude..Anti-racists say white blood must be mixed while Black, Yellow & Jewish blood must be pure. This is genocide against Christain Whites. Anti-racist is code for anti-White

— backbaygrouch

My problem with Stormfront is that I am dealing with people who have not succeeded in convincing people. That can only be learned by DOING.

Every time I try to get a point about CONVINCING people across, I get tangled up with someone who says, “Well, what I say is TRUE.”

Of course what we are saying is TRUE. We are in the weird position of trying to find ways to convince people of simple reality. But our PROBLEM is not to learn simple realities, those we have by the bushel. Our problem is with the CONVINCING part.

As above. backbaygrouch was faced with the problem of a five hundred unit limit on what he posted. You can’t put the International Jewish Conspiracy into five hundred spaces. I gave backbaygrouch the Mantra, and he used it to fit into the spaces.

But ALL of us face the same limitation backbaygrouch faced here. If practice makes perfect, I SHOULD be almost perfect after fifty years of doing this, including professionally. But as one commentator pointed out, I flunked the test in the Peter Shank interview. I lost his attention reciting the full Mantra.

No, I am not being hard on myself. The average Stormfronter, not having had to DO what backbaygrouch and I have DONE, would be insulted if I said he had flunked a test.

That is because he is not aware of how HARD these tests are, how ADVANCED these tests are. This is right out there in the heat of battle, and if you think you are perfect you are badly misled. I need commentators to tell me when I don’t come up to snuff.

My point is that this is the most serious business there is AND that it is HARD WORK.

Stormfronters are satisfied when what they say is true and they have SAID it. The last thing on their minds is whether they GOT THE POINT ACROSS. But what the hell good is a weapon that fires beautifully but never HITS anything?

I think that is a major key to failure on our side: People are anxious; to tell the truth but they don’t have [practice in DRIVING THE TRUTH HOME.

How can you tell people this outside of BUGS? I would have to say, “I’ve been there. I’ve DONE that.” I sound like a supercilious bully.

But now that YOU’VE been there and members of BUGS have done that, maybe we can work out a way to make this point clear without people getting insulted by it.
