Archive for August 4th, 2008

Pain Exposes Fleming


Remember you said that Fleming didn’t like you? Well, you win this one.

I just got him to come out of the closet for being an immigration fanatic. Since even most liberals are for closed borders, this puts him in the radical left.

IMPORTANT! As many people as possible need to go here: and call for his resignation!!!

Also, it would be nice if someone could hire a private investigator and out him in any other way.

Great catch!

Pain goes on to make a mistake. He attacks Simmons for supporting the enemy.

Don’t be a Tom Fleming, flailing out at your comrades. Either you misinterpreted Simmons or he stepped in a cow pie. If you had condemned me every time you pointed out I stepped in a cow pie you would have left BUGS years ago. You owe the same faith to our other comrades.

When you talk about a fellow seminar member, you are discussing our most precious resource.

And a note to everybody. It is hard enough to try to find someone’s particular comments in forty or fifty entries, but when someone is using a different pseudonym there, I have to give up.

GIVE THE NUMBER OF THE COMMENTS YOU ARE REFERRING TO, or use some other specific indicator.

I think it was Simmons who came up with the term “shriek and retreat.” Notice Fleming uses the same strategy, he gets caught, shrieks and then cuts off discussion.



More Simplism: Great Civilizations and the Master-Slave Ratio

If we cut the crap, a Great Civilization is one that gets noticed by historians because it:

1) Builds a lot of stone monuments and 2) has lots of scribes.

They are able to build lots of monuments and hire lots of scribes because they have lots of slaves.

Each Great Civilization begins with a Northern Barbarian Invasion which, as is barely mentioned, brings in the wheel or iron. By the time The Northern Invasion comes, the invaded Great Civilization consists of a brown society rich in slaves which the invaders take over. The Barbarians get comfortable and begin to assimilate with the natives. They become a brown society, rich in slaves.

Another Northern Invasion moves in, with some little addition like the wheel or the chariot.

So much for Khaldoun, Spengler, and Yockey’s dumber parts.

A society which is easily herded, by the Orient, differs from this only slightly. When Aryans reached China and gave it their genius, that genius was multiplied, but not improved upon, just as Japan has gotten EXACTLY as productive as the West, but no MORE so.

No one in the Orient even imagines that they will do more than equal the West in per capita productivity.

In all the world, only the white lands, “Scythians” and so forth, had the wheel. Soon the Orient had it too, and, with its natural reserve of slaves, was able to ORGANIZE its technology long before the West was able to harness its own genius. The Orient has a slave-master ratio that is optimal for the Tom Fleming-type Great Civilization obsessionist.

In all the deluge of oohs and aahs over Great Civilization, the spark of creativity is easy to ignore.

Historians write endlessly about pyramids, but not one has even mentioned how rare the wheel is.



Hoosier Asks for RULES

So, what are your parameters for General Comments, Bob? Can a person talk about everything or anything there, or do you place limits on what can be discussed?
It’s your house and I’m just a guest, but I won’t know unless I ask. I haven’t seen any guidelines posted anywhere, other than following along what everybody else is doing, But, I may have missed some sort of posted guidelines.

— Hoosier

My “parameter’ is courtesy. If you are a boor, no rule is going to cure you.

I am proud of the fact that, with the group here, our (me and the tech team’s) ability to disapprove any comment is almost NEVER used. Even when I was criticizing AFKAN for trying to turn BUGS into a Covington Fan Club, he was still stalking about RACE, which happens to be what we are interested in.

I don’t have to tell seminary members not to talk about Texas Hold ‘Em. I would not insult them by stating that filthy language will not be tolerated here. I do not have to tell grownups that correct spelling is preferred.

Hoosier, this is GRADUATE SEMINAR, not a military academy for undisciplined retards.
