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Simmons RF (Report From the Front)

Posted by Bob on August 7th, 2008 under General, Mantra

I’m trying the idea chain at freerepublic. Been there for years bounced once for “racism” many years ago. Not an open forum by any means and I hold no illusions that one day its front page will print the Mantra. I had one phrase make it up to national cable news when it counted and I started it there so the place is not totally wordist useless.

One thing it has become is a rightwing bloggers training ground. There is the target group, mostly wordist but highly competitive for those few scraps that exist for them, therefor more fertile territory for us than writing letters up the chain to say the Jewish National Review.

Now what exactly are they useful for, the diabolical plan to cleave up the left and separate the white libs from the FCCs. Who opposes this, mainstream conservative opinion of two camps the neo-cons who rely on the power straddle they share with their jew brethren and the Limbaughs who rely on the huddled masses for their master to protect them from the librul monolith of doom (send money today).

With the libs cleaved up and reduced to a simpler less effective machine I expect the right to have to rearrange its batteries of field guns. Now more than likely they will turn them in our direction but that is where the Mantra comes in frontally.

Anyway my effort is to introduce the next set of questions into the debate the ones that take apart the left’s cults.


— Simmons

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