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THANK YOU, Z! Damn Good Piece!

Posted by Bob on August 10th, 2008 under General, Mantra

But now that we’re talking about it, I would like to add something about Bob’s open activism. It’s interesting that liberals never use Bob’s life long dedication to ending white genocide as a smear against Reagan? The media could “expose” the fact that Bob worked in the Reagan administration and also discuss his writings on race. They could “prove” that Reagan was a “racist.” I also noticed that the ADL doesn’t have much to say about Bob.

The reason for this is simple. It’s more dangerous for them smearing Bob, because then his ideas might get out. It’s better for our enemies that they show lots of pictures of Nazis but not talk about people like Bob.

I think this is important. In fact, if ever I did become more public with the issue of race, I’d want it to be like Bob. It says something when people consider your ideas so dangerous that they don’t even smear you because your name might get out.

– Z

You are SO right about why they don’t attack me. I think your point is immediately accepted by all those who have seen how astonishingly effective the Mantra is but you brought it out SPECIFICALLY.

People stop talking. They stop talking about me. But they NEVER take me on. I have made this point a number of times, but no one before has seen it as clearly as you express it here. And it may be the most important thing about me for BUGS.

As you see so clearly, they can’t discuss me without quoting things I want them to quote. They want me hushed up, because once anyone starts looking into what I am saying, even because it is scandal, my deadly points begin to spread out.

It is what another brilliant comment here referred to as “poise.” After all these years in battle, I have learned to take whatever is said and make the point I WANT to make. This is a HARD discipline to learn.

And the ONLY reason YOU would spend the effort of HARD work like this is if it is EFFECTIVE. You have seen how the Mantra is almost magical this way. Z’s insight shows again how effective this whole discipline, this poise, is. The other side can’t deal with me because everything I say has been boiled down to the point where it, like the Mantra, is dynamite.

As Z points out, it doesn’t matter whether they make me famous or notorious. Either way, they are LOST. This is the demonstration of the fact that the discipline I am trying to inculcate here is EFFECTIVE.

You aren’t here to worship at Bob’s altar or to learn “Correct” thought as in grammar and grad school or to find out how to “win” an argument or to find out how to look good. You are here to learn something EFFECTIVE to use in power politics.

This is not bragging. It is explaining why I DO this.

Good call, Z!

  1. #1 by Tim on 08/11/2008 - 9:45 am

    Bob is a genius. The key part of his mantra is it’s refined simplicity. All you have to do is repeat it.

    And these days all you have to do is repeat anything simple to make people believe it. Over the past few days news networks have played the simple lie that Russia attacked Georgia/US. Look at all the fools believing it. Anyone with half a brain can look up what happened. But they don’t.

    Bob Whitaker is feared because the elites know this simple fact. Think about a White population with a common sense of oppression…..with Bob’s Mantra playing. All we have to do is repeat it and it is downhill.

  2. #2 by Z on 08/12/2008 - 7:36 pm

    You’re too kind sir.

    I think this also proves why its more important to focus on White Genocide, as opposed to focusing on Jews, IQ scores, or other subjects that WN like to harp on. In the media, many of these subjects are easy to demonize, unless someone is very experienced at studying them. The Mantra however, is not easy to demonize. If someone wants to invite me on national TV and tell me that I’m wrong for not wanting to see the White race go extinct, then go for it, I’ll be happy to show up. I’d just love for O’Reilly to tell me that I’m wrong for not wanting Whites to go extinct. In fact, I’m pretty sure that he’d try to divert me towards talking about Jews or Nazis or “the day of the rope.” But that is where we must stick to the most important issue; that being the genocide of the White race.

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