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Simmons Gets My Point on Russia!

Posted by Bob on August 17th, 2008 under General

So in a newsy sort of way we can start the rumour that the big bad Russkies are set to exploit our “multi-culturalism and diversity.” Even that Jr. Jew Victor Hansen wrote that one person can undo decades of work of creating a raceless country of cattle. All in all I would say the russkies hold a strong hand.

About the thread “Russia’s Choice” piece in Stormfront, I wrote that all the responses concerned “the News and the Jews.” My reason for writing this is, first, that it is TRUE, and, more important from OUR point of view, it is a WEAPON for OUR struggle, which is the way Simmons analyses it here.

There is nothing like talking about nuclear holocaust to get people to REALIZE that we are talking about GENOCIDE here, and that is what can turn the tables in the whole racial discussion.

  1. #1 by Tim on 08/17/2008 - 9:30 pm

    What we are dealing with in the West is Communism. The replacing of Scientific Materialism with Scientific Racism.

    I have been wildly optimistic about Russian ever since watching my favorite educational piece.

    They are way MORE aware of this nonsense then our forefathers. They understand it completely. Plus they have instilled a healthy sense of patriotism in the schools. Stormfronters get upset because the Russians have not anounced their intent on a National Socialist state. Putin and Company were raised Commies. Love it or hate it —Communism instills brilliant operating procedures. These are simply defined as “Don’t say it—-JUST DO IT”. Our elite knows this too well.

    All newcomers to BUGS—the above video is a MUST WATCH.

    Watch the video. Look at who is running Russia. Don’t look at what they say. Look at what they do! Feel White and Proud.

  2. #2 by Dave on 08/17/2008 - 11:57 pm


    One of the great things about Robert Whitaker is his surfacing of Wordism. Another great thing of Robert Whitaker is his drawing of connections. The world needs to be reminded that the only reason we are safe from Russian nukes is because the Russians are white.

    Wordism triumphs because of timidity. For example, I watched core agitators for the Students for Democratic Society in their heyday. I witnessed on several occasions very skilled agitators attempt to foment serious violence. Now these were real pros, not amateurs. I have no idea how or who trained them.

    They only succeeded when they succeeded in provoking the police into violence. Mostly they failed because the mass of “radicals” where simply too cowardly to act. Seeing this directly is a lesson. But don’t get me wrong. I hate riots and they disgust me. I’m also pretty convinced that violence plays are a misdirection, wholly ineffective, and immoral. A moral society would have run down those SDS agitators and annihilated them for the miserable, cowardly, and worthless mutts they really were. The odd thing, and this is plain truth, I considered at the time the opportunity for attacking the SDS agitators on a vigilante basis, but was dissuaded because of the sanctions from the police. So there you have it, the police protect the very people attacking them. Go figure. When you find out the answer, tell me because I sure do want to know.

    I’m continually troubled within myself on the question of making plays. It is easy to bully people because so few people are emotionally tuned for well thought out and planned aggression. I know your mind is in that space because of your post of the Griffen video.

    But the bottom line is cadences and courage. No one can the parse this reality. That is why I am not overly impressed with the Russians. What do they have to do with the courage required of us? What do they have to do to with the plays we must make?

    It is just amazing how much power you can exercise if you do it right. My problem is making sure my plays are right. The courage is actually the easy part because once you are in motion you are in motion. The hard part is having your act together, is actually being in tune with the real cadences.

    You cannot afford to be sloppy because you’ve got to be credible. The whole of the walk has to be walked and walked right.

  3. #3 by AFKANNow on 08/18/2008 - 1:15 am

    in reply to Tim:

    The video is important, and you might want to Google “psychopolitics.” There is a book available online by that title that ties in with this.

    The Darkness had almost a century of total control over all pictures and words the Russian people, and the Soviets, saw and heard. Towards the end, they literally bankrupted the State.

    A decade later, the Western Soul is working overtime with men like Putin, Medvedev, and their associates.

    Remember, this is the only country on the face of the Earth that can tell us to go to Hell, and back it up with world class weapons, and the ability to take our first strike, shrug it off, and move forward.

    There is a guy named Dmirti Orlov who argues Russia has already gone through all of the liquidation procedures we have. He has a book coming out.

    Note that the common theme Putin is pushing is Race – pure and simple.

    The WHITE Race.

    Putin spoke often, and well, about the common European Homeland the Russians shared with the Other Europeans.

    None of them have any illusion about the importance of Race as a social organizing principle.

    It will remain that way, hopefully forever, and, hopefully, we will learn from their example.

  4. #4 by AFKANNow on 08/18/2008 - 1:42 am

    in reply to Dave:

    I agree with the need to move more quickly, and more “assertively.” This will all be coming, which is why I will work for an Obama Presidency.

    I watched the SDS “speakers” from thirty feet away – masterful agitators, masterful manipulators – with a sense of horror at how easily they could manipulate the crowd, especially the Colored People.

    The events they spoke at were stage managed to a “T.” Different speakers used different words, but only the SDS speakers were masterful in their use of the choice of worlds, verbal inflections, timing and emphasis. They literally manipulated the Crowd into a “call and response” that created wave after amplified wave of the energy of sheer hatred. It was like a living thing, an Entity of Hatred, was being created, and THEY were shaping it, and WE were becoming It’s Servant.

    I discussed this later with a friend of my father’s who was very knowledgeable in what was euphemistically called “law enforcement” – never told us just WHO he worked for – and he said this is why the law enforcement community NEVER allowed these events to take place at night, in an enclosed facility, where “they” could control the lighting, and the sound system. The use of subsonics, used to create feelings of fear and imminent danger, while illegal, were apparently not unknown.

    Decades later, I see the aboveground Leaders of the SDS having succeeded spectacularly in the System they were so devoted to overthrowing.

    That was the moment when I realized those kids in the crowd, the goyim, the cattle, had been played for fools, in one of the best marketing campaigns ever devised.

    Did you notice the SDS did not have ANY Negroes within ten miles of the Leadership?

    Think there was a reason for that?

    That having been said, I look to the Russians with amazement, and a quiet sense of gratitude. They are showing us it CAN be done, and the Russian Army DOES seem to have their “cadences” down very well. “Cease fires” are announced, even as the Russian Army continues to within twenty miles of Tblisi.

    Care to look up the range of Russian artillery?

    Think people in Tblisi are looking at picture of Grozny tonight, after the Russian artillery rained down on them around the clock, taking to roof of EVERY building in Grozny?

    The problem is, the extant social order has gelded our young men, and masculinized our young women.

    Boys need to be in the company of Men, to become Men, and gain the necessary foundation for the development of Masculine Consciousness.

    The Extant Social Order has declared war on them, and they don’t know what to do. The path of least resistance is de facto dhimmitude, the gelding of becoming Whiggers.

    I have lectured them on the dividing lines between assertiveness, and aggressiveness. The judoka training I paid for has given them the foundation needed to accept these ranges of responses to social situation.

    It takes time, and training – the cadences, if you will – to learn to function fluidly in the range of assertiveness, and aggressiveness – to go from defending what is yours, to being The Hunter.

    Medvedev, and all of United Russia, including Nashi – especially Nashi – are working on this without exception, to display these skills, without remorse.

  5. #5 by Dave on 08/18/2008 - 12:50 pm


    Yes, how few today realize that so many of our governors, legislators, Congress people, big dog foundation honchos, etc. were participants in the SDS.

    The system rewards political skill and experience and that’s all there is to it. Take a look at the success of the SEIU and OPEIU (successors to old AFL-CIO) are having today. If you think the people running these (communist) operations are stupid, you got another think coming.

    I think most white nationalists are blind to these operations, but our politicians aren’t!

  6. #6 by Simmons on 08/18/2008 - 1:04 pm

    We are dealing with rabid dogs here and that is all our politicians see is the calcualating of violence on the left. Every polemic of the left is a calcualation of violence, bar none. The GG bootlickers made their own calculations their safety and profits versus what they could give to the left, we lost.

  7. #7 by Simmons on 08/18/2008 - 1:09 pm

    Bob I’m not sure what you meant in your post. Mine was a throwaway post commenting on what the Russians could say to our press corp and other assorted self important fools. Such as Putin saying what if his government supported LaRaza separtists or such. Even our idiot opinion leaders will make an honest comment that decries the fragility of our empire because we are diverse. All in all I would say that is newsy and the kind of crap best started when one is not Mantraizing.

  8. #8 by Bob on 08/18/2008 - 6:11 pm

    Simmons, OK, nobody got it.

  9. #9 by Dave on 08/19/2008 - 12:53 am


    It’s not that the OPEIU and SEIU intend violence. But they are the cause of violence and so are the politicians that attend to them.

    The same arithmetic in Europe is the reason the missionaries of the European Project are trying to crawl away unnoticed. Do you really think the Russians don’t what it means?

    And they are not going to ask questions of the sword in their hand because they know they have no right to an answer. It’s just a repeat, an endless repeat.

    That’s why I am disgusted whenever I see a peace demonstration. Those bastards holding those candles are the very cause of war. We are so buried under our niggers here in America we don’t even see it. That never changes either.

  10. #10 by Z on 08/19/2008 - 1:54 am

    “Even that Jr. Jew Victor Hansen wrote that one person can undo decades of work of creating a raceless country of cattle.” (Simmons)

    Simmons could you give me a link to where Hansen wrote this?

  11. #11 by Simmons on 08/19/2008 - 11:02 am

    Z I got that from an AmRen review of some woman’s book on immigration within two months I believe. The author Heather MacDonald if I remember right. I was paraphrasing from memory.

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