Archive for August, 2008

Let’s Try Again: Point Missed?

I get the feeling, both here and in Stormfront, that everyone is so obsessed with the Latest News that they don’t get my point.

How can I explain? My viewpoint is so different it is like starting new. It has nothing to do with the present Russo American confrontation. That’s just what made me think of it.

My point is that this is a way to make people realize we are talking about GENOCIDE here. The media is glorying in the fact that Russian population is going down and they will have to accept their fate as a future colored nation.

Russia doesn’t have to learn how to make atomic bombs. Russia doesn’t have to develop nuclear plans and move towards simple nukes. Russia HAS the whole deal, long since.

Can you imagine the situation if we didn’t have to worry about some little dictator in North Korea or about Iran, but RUSSIA put her nukes at their disposal? THIS IS NOT HEADLINE STUFF. This could and would be done quietly.

The ONLY thing that kept Russian nukes down during the Cold War was that their use would doom Russia. Now the Western media is glorying in the fact that, from a Russian point of view, they ARE doomed.

In such a situation, IN THE LONG RUN, Russia may rationally risk nuclear war rather than accept its own extinction.

WE ARE TALKING ABOUT GENOCIDE HERE. It is time we made that clear.

THAT was what I was talking about.



More on Russia

I’ve been to Russia several times before and after the fall of the USSR.

When it comes to Jews and race, the talk in Moscow is not much different from that in Stormfront.

Russians have an ingrained historical fear of non-whites. I saw one of their children’s’ illustrated histories, and it would not last one minute in a Politically Correct classroom. Outside of a few pictures of Vikings, every illustration showed Orientals, very alien-looking, from the Middle East and Asia enslaving and killing pure-Aryan-looking Russians.

Even Soviet rulers were astonished when the US didn’t automatically take the Russian side against China.

Russia has lost a war, been humiliated, and its population is dropping. Jews HATE Russia and are pouring out.

Russia has lost a war, been humiliated, and its population is dropping. There was another country just like that in the 1920s.

But it didn’t have nukes.



Missed Point?

The article below, Russia’s Choice: Nuclear War or Genocide, should give us a major string to our bow. Liberals protected the USSR for forty years with the nuclear threat.

Now the real nuclear threat has to do with white genocide.

No one mentioned this.


1 Comment

Russia’s Choice: Nuclear War or Genocide


I rarely ask you and world event type questions. I stay focused on our race. I figured if something was real important you would fill us in.

What do you think of this Russian stuff? You think Obama can sell war with Russia and get the Europeans to kill each other? I know Mccain can’t. It definately would get us Nuked.
I figured it would only be a matter of time before Anglosphere (Judeosphere) would make it’s move on the REAL threat……the Aryan acting Aryan. This attack on Russia seems like it could be the biggest event in my life and it involves our race. Just curious to see what you think.

— Tim

Your instincts are good.

None of US particularly cares where the border between Russia and Georgia are. What is important is the situation of which this is a SYMPTOM..

— Russia’s Choice: Genocide or Nuclear War

During the Cold War, The USSR was never a serious economic competitor. If it had lasted another century, t would still have been a third-world economy starving its people to keep its outdated heavy industry as a showcase and pumping out fake growth statistics.

The USSR had two things on its side, 1) the Political Correctness industry and NUKES. But even liberals could only justify the USSR by the threat of nuclear war.

Now the media is screaming bloody murder – literally – at Iran and North Korea because they have, compared to Russia, the bare beginnings of the threat of a small threat of nukes. The theory is that they would never use them because it would mean Russia’s doom.

But every article I read on Russia’s long-term situation GLORIES in the idea that Russia is DOOMED. Russia, they say, has a birth rate that will make them unable to hold their territory after 2050, WHEN WESTERN EUROPE HAS A MUSLIM MAJORITY.

The media solution, as for all white countries, is colored immigration.

The media always programs us to obsess on the latest news and to forget what the same media were saying a while back.

What liberals and their media were screaming and making movies about during the Reagan Administration was how Star Wars would bring on a nuclear holocaust. They said the Soviets would fear losing their nuclear alternative and their nuclear status as a superpower and would launch a nuclear war if Star Wars began to be successful.

That was to stop the Strategic Defense Initiative, which finally brought the USSR down. It had nothing to do with a genuine fear of nuclear war. To paraphrase Lenin, Political Correctness does not care whether there are two billion people or half a billion people, so long as that half a billion are Politically Correct.

We have the proof of that now. The media are shouting triumphantly that over the next decades Russia and Eastern Europe are going to watch Europe go colored. Russia, the country that would have launched a nuclear war if it was threatened with losing its SUPERPOWER status, will go long with the immigration-colored country alternative that it is WATCHING in Western Europe without a whimper.

Russia has exactly what it had when it was the USSR: nuclear weapons and the power to deliver them. No Star Wars can stop this, because now they have plenty of terrorists to deliver those weapons by hand into a melting pot West. In fact, immigration is to bring millions of potential bomb deliverers into EVERY white country.

So, will Russia go silently into that good night of national suicide? Will it passively accept becoming a brown peopled with the Turks’ religion?

If not, Russia has only ONE alternative.



Tim: Repeating our Message HERE About Repeating the Mantra THERE Is Also Essential

Bob is a genius. The key part of his mantra is it’s refined simplicity. All you have to do is repeat it.

And these days all you have to do is repeat anything simple to make people believe it. Over the past few days news networks have played the simple lie that Russia attacked Georgia/US. Look at all the fools believing it. Anyone with half a brain can look up what happened. But they don’t.

Bob Whitaker is feared because the elites know this simple fact. Think about a White population with a common sense of oppression…..with Bob’s Mantra playing. All we have to do is repeat it and it is downhill.

— Tim


“It is said that there is this RACE problem.  They say this RACE problem will be solved when the third world pours into EVERY white country and ONLY into white countries.” 

“The Netherlands and Belgium are as crowded as Japan or Taiwan, but nobody says Japan or Taiwan will solve this RACE problem by bringing in millions of third worlders and quote assimilating unquote with them.”

“Everybody says the final solution to this RACE problem is for EVERY white country and ONLY white countries to “assimilate,” i.e., intermarry, with all those non-whites.”

“What if I said there was this RACE problem and this RACE problem would be solved only if hundreds of millions of non-blacks were brought into EVERY black country and ONLY into black countries?”

“How long would it take anyone to realize I’m not talking about a RACE problem.  I am talking about the final solution to the BLACK problem?”

“And how long would it take any sane black man to notice this and what kind of psycho black man wouldn’t object to this?”

“But if I tell that obvious truth about the ongoing program of genocide against my race, the white race, Liberals and respectable conservatives agree that I am a naziwhowantstokillsixmillionjews.”

They say they are anti-racist.  What they are is anti-white.

“Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”
