Archive for September, 2009

“Have the COURAGE to Support Comrade Stalin”

During the Stalin Era, there was a public meeting in a small city in Russia. One speech ended on the usual note of how all the wonderful that had been accomplished were “under the Leadership of Comrade Stalin.”

The usual standing ovation occurred.

Stalin was a couple of thousand miles away, but when the ovation had gone on for even longer than usual, no one dared sit down. The realization dawned on the thousand or so attendees that the Secret Police were there, as they were everywhere, and the first person to sit down would be arrested in the morning. So the standing ovation went on and on and on and on and on and on…

And, yes, the first couple of people who sat down DID get arrested in the morning.

If you know anything about the Stalin Era, you get the same laugh I do out of one of the slogans they used, “Have the courage to support Comrade Stalin.” That is like telling a sheep “Have the COURAGE not to get eaten by a lion.”

But we have exactly the same thing today. If you hear that someone “has the COURAGE to SPEAK OUT” you know very well which side they are taking.

No one who openly fights for white survival “has the courage to speak out.” Only anti-whites are ever described as “having the courage to speak out.”

In fact, this is one sure sign of a despotic society. It used to be the height of courage in America for someone to say, “I do not agree with your opinion, but I will fight to the death for your right to express it.” You don’t hear that since the WWII Generation learned that Goodspeak is the only way to go.

The media only praised McCain for Courage when he agreed with them on policy. No one in authority today does anything but denounce anyone who disagrees with The Party Line.

In totalitarian environments the only “spontaneous demonstrations” are those that have been prepared by professionals for reasons everybody can predict. In America, there are no exceptions to day at all.



William on Wordism in White Nationalism

Recently, I stumbled across a Stormfront thread asking the question “Can non-Christians be White Nationalists?” I thought the answer was simple enough but it appears people are much more delusional than I realized. In this thread I saw bickering, arguing, and childish name calling, but really, what more could one expect from Stormfront these days? No, this isn’t what got me interested in this thread, and even writing this. What sparked my interest was the sentiment that, despite one’s genetics, your religion can dictate your race. This astounded me that people would believe this. Religion is an idea, people’s loyalty to this idea do not change their racial make up. If I start quoting the Qu’ran, the Irish blood in my veins isn’t magically transformed into Arab blood by the will of Allah. And yet, this is what people seemed to be implying.

I took this as something of a call to arms, I tried to explain that this was simply idiotic and goes against every fact about race we know. Someone’s race cannot be changed; their DNA lasts with them for their lives and is furthermore passed on to the generations. Once adherence to an idea, whether it may be Islam, Christianity, Paganism, Atheism, Democracy, Communism, Socialism, or even White Nationalism, doesn’t change their genetic make up. As I put it, if a full-blooded Irishman named Seamus O’Brien walks into the new Mosque down the streets and declares the words of Mohammed to be the will of Allah, can someone explain to me how he is anything other than an Irish White man?

The fact of the matter is simply this; an Irishman is all he is and all he ever will be. Regardless of what idea he clings to, his race stays the same. Now, the problem develops that by adopting this new idea, his race takes second place. In our example, Seamus now identifies as a Muslim, not a White man or an Irish man. His culture, folk, nation and family have all taken a backseat to his newfound idea. This is insanity and serves as a huge problem in recruiting Seamus for any kind of racial belief system. He has a new group, a new set of peers, a new law code, a new history. Underneath his turban Seamus is still the Irishman he’s always been, but he is now a slave to the idea that is Islam. Anything short of race is just that, an idea, an abstract thought, a concept, and by clinging to an idea, you lose any sense of racial obligation.

Now after I made this point, I was immediately attacked. Apparently there is a line that once one crosses gets your status as a White person revoked. Again, this is just foolish. The issue of White youths who act like non-Whites, and that as a White Nationalist being loyal to these people was bad. Bad? It is bad to be loyal to people of your own race? Isn’t this the cornerstone of White Nationalism? I then realized what we know as White Nationalism is nothing more than an idea, it’s just as prone to wordism as any other ideology, and in fact all it is wordism. These White Nationalists refused to accept their fellow Whites because these youth’s ideas (that of multiculturalism and diversity) clashed with their idea of White Nationalism. So in effect, what we’ve learned is not even White Nationalists can think racially, but rather think in terms of “my ideology vs theres”. Now I will be the first person to stand against multiculturalism and diversity, these are two very sick and evil things (they are, after all White genocide), but these things are just ideas. They are silly ideas that require some form insanity to believe in. That said, to exclude Whites who believe this and somehow insinuate they are “less than White” is just as idiotic and stupid.

This may seem like common sense, but to the good people (and I use that sarcastically) at Stormfront, I had just made the greatest sin of all. The realization that the world of racial politics is simply a microcosm of the greater struggle began to set in, that these people will cling desperately to their ideas, their books, their flags, their personality cults, and be the first to ship their race up the river. What is wrong with this picture? Pro-Whites who are against Whites, simply because their ideas clash with their holy religion of White Nationalism



Dave on Conservation and Stagnation


Casrro’s Cuba is now entering its sixth decade of STRUGGLE.

The nonwhite majority has got its President but that is merely a milepost (according to them) in eighty years of ongoing (and not yet and will never be finished) STRUGGLE.

According to the environmentalists, we face decades of STRUGGLE against carbon emissions and the very sun itself. (How dumb can you get? Struggling against the sun itself?)

When the economic recovery inevitably fails to materialize, the Establishment will certainly tell us years of STRUGGLE are required to correct our debt induced economic malaise

We WN’s own our (very own) endless STRUGGLE.against the nonwhite majority and our anti-white white traitor enemies.

But what WN’s need to understand is the language of STRUGGLE is the semantic domain of stagnation (and when you use the language of STRUGGLE, you are playing into the hands of the enemy).

In his old age Masanobu Fukuoka (one of the founders of the organic farming movement) obtained enlightenment about the hopeless state of his own people. He said, “Japan’s only hope is change from the creative energies of white people (who according to Masanobu are only people capable of real change), for the Japanese are incapable of change themselves.”

He went on to say, “ There is no advantage God delivers into Japan’s lap that the Japanese will not turn into an unnecessary and endless effort of labor, cost, and sacrifice.”

Furthermore, he said, “ Nothing can possibly be easy for Japanese. Everything that is effortless in fact, they transform into pain, cost, and STRUGGLE through philosophy“

He concluded: “They are the opposite of the efficient people they pretend to be. For them there is only one road, the hardest road and the most expensive road. They are incapable of IMAGINING anything effortless and easy.”

Hardly anybody gets what Masanobu understood: IMAGINATION MATTERS.

When you come to understand the importance of imagination, you are delivered into the vertex of power.

The effective use of your voice to enforce your own personal will (mostly through strategic silence) is EASY. Winning arguments is EASY. Spreading influence is EASY.

Defeating the depredations of corrupt laws and courts is EASY.

Dealing with tyrannical police is EASY.

Mitigating the assaults of the political system is EASY.

Almost without exception, the most effective road is the EASIEST ROAD to take.

This is the polar opposite of what the nonwhite majority and their anti-white white traitor allies believe. For them, everything is HARD. Everything is STRUGGLE.

And when you hear STRUGGLE, when you think STRUGGLE, you are experiencing the world of stagnation



Truck Roy, LN, and FTWR

Lord Nelson and Horus were interviewed on The Truck Roy Show



Conservation and Stagnation

Thirty years ago, it was generally agreed that man would colonize space. Onward and forward was claimed by all political sides. But that was also when whites were supposed to be multiplying to the Soylent Green level.

Today all talk is about conservation. A Green Movement will not only keep the world as it is, but will cut back. Each human born is a liability, especially white ones. In short, by a strange coincidence the inevitable future brown world is also a stagnant world.

You would be jailed in Europe for putting these concepts together but anyone with the slightest knowledge of history and geography cannot but connect them in his subconscious mind. There is the Viking image of the Nordic traveler and conqueror and the ideal of the little brown people who are stagnant permanently stagnant and permanently oppressed.

A future of little brown people who are permanently stagnant and oppressed is conveyed by the words Hispanic and is seen in the Great Civilizations of the past who are now brown and fixed, apparently forever. They used to be considered a shame. Now they are considered Ideal, as “living WITH nature, rather than opposing it.

Which, by a strange coincidence, are the same words used by the same conservationist to describe the virtues of OTHER animals.
