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Genocide by Assimilation

Posted by Bob on July 25th, 2010 under Coaching Session, Comment Responses

BGlass used this term, and it is a humdinger.

Put it in your arsenal.

A few years back I would have been the only person on BUGS who would have leapt on this point.

But now Ole Coach is dealing with a college team instead of high school. Let’s get some good GC 4 feedback on how “genocide by assimilation” works.

From now on nobody will be able to used the term “assimilation” around me without my saying, “genocide by assimilation.”

“Every white country on earth is supposed to become multicultural and multiracial. EVERY white country is expected to end its own race and end its own culture. No one asks that of ANY non-white country.”

When most people begin to write about politics they are talking to themselves. They think of a chain of logic and then follow it. But they assume the person reading it has a mind like theirs and, once they read a sentence in the logical chain the new writer is building, each point will weld itself into their minds.

A new writer produces a set of quick statements that the reader cannot follow and is mystified that the reader gets lost fast. Young people tend to be impatient, which makes slow writing even more alien to them.

I finally got the fact that people wouldn’t understand point two until I had slowed down and repeated point one. My writing at that point was actually funny. I said the same thing over, then said it and the next point over, and then three, and then four.

The point is, of course, that you have to repeat your original point, but not make it too clear you are repeating it. Repeating your basic point also gives the reader different possibilities of understanding it.

You use examples to repeat a theme. You make it as entertaining as possible. I had done all that on thousands of pages before I finally understood the teacher’s constant use of the word “theme.”

So if you see a church sign about the week’s Bible quotation you do not expect to hear it repeated verbatim for half an hour. Every kid saw those all the time but the teacher, trained by Mommy Professor, would never connect THOSE dots. That would have explained to me what a “theme” was long before I ever started my own writing.

Teaching the word “theme“ is what school teachers do. Making a theme part of your writing or speaking is what a professional does.

Then you get to our level. After working your dingus off learning to say things in long form, our political specialty requires us to get BACK to short punches to get their attention.

This is VERY hard work. This is ADVANCED work. It is like learning to use a left jab in boxing.

In a professional bout, you’ll get killed if you don’t know how to jab.

And in our political arguments, we watch our side getting killed. They have a knockout blow, a book that if memorized might put the enemy down, but they have no jabs.

BUGS includes complete explanations, but it is also studying jabs. The other side is WINNING on jabs, using the word “racist” as soon as they see every conservative wet his pants when they use it, talking about “mixing the races” as if it were an equal opportunity morality for all peoples while aiming it ONLY at white countries.

We know what we are talking about. But we won’t be able to deal with their jabs until we learn to use our own.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 07/25/2010 - 6:04 am

    Back in the day when I was taught to speak one was told, “Three times for the normal mind.” The template is simple. You tell folks what you are going to say. You say it. You tell people what you have said. One and three are brief summaries. Two has examples and other elaborations.

    This format may not be appropriate for a comment section. It works well with free standing articles.

  2. #2 by BGLass on 07/25/2010 - 8:36 am

    So much work was done to ‘naturalize’ and ‘normalize’ the term ‘assimilation.’ It is something that ‘MUST’ be done, it is “inevitable,” it is something people naturally must ‘BECOME ready for,’ it is a FACT one MUST await, there is ‘nothing one can do to reverse the tide of it.’ The whole thing is “over and done with,” we’re just waiting until the whites really are gone.

    So we have media countdowns: will it be 2042? 2012? 2020?

    Those invested in genocide always use the term “MUST.’ Everything now is just a countdown. Whatever they WANT to happen MUST happen… over and over, they say it MUST.

    No one ever stops that monologue, like on t.v., and says, “WHY MUST it happen?” Or: “obviously you WANT that to happen, but that does not mean it MUST happen…” –and hold them accountable to what they WANT.

    Wanting does not mean it MUST.

    To present genocide by assimilation as a fait accompli is the main strategy for producing genocide by assimilation, to naturalize and normalize it as THE ONLY THING THAT CAN possibly ever HAPPEN.

    But nothing MUST happen, obviously. Wasn’t that Marx’s whole point, lol. That people COULD DECIDE their destiny? Why can’t the left, of all people, take DESTINY in the hands of man? Aren’t they the atheists? Aren’t they the revolutionaries?

    Assimilation is just a STRATEGY, something MEN MAKE HAPPEN, but it’s presented, especially to children, as an inevitable EVENT, like an Act of God, like the latest hurricane or tsunami and there is nothing –NOTHING!– one can do!

    This was the beauty of “playing the race card.” Slowly, people started to see it it as A Strategy.

  3. #3 by BGLass on 07/25/2010 - 10:24 am

    White Birds of a feather CAN NEVER flock together. Just think where that would have left the robins.

  4. #4 by Dave on 07/25/2010 - 11:28 am

    In every field of PRACTICAL significance, white people have liberated nonwhite people.

    This is going to continue.

    But this is an entirely different subject than the subject of segregation, a point OUR PEOPLE have to get through their heads.

    The course of nonwhites through history has been to cut a deal in race relations with white people.

    Notice I said, “cut a deal”, not “make war”.

    Nonwhite people know what happens when they attempt war against the white race.

    This is why our real enemies are within our own race. Nonwhites have no say in matters that rise from a determined consensus of the white race.

    That is why matters of racial BEARING are so critical and, of course, disloyalty must be punished.

    Accordingly, the nonwhite world will bow in deference at the moment they see white people being punished for disloyalty to whites. Copious respect will flow from the mouths of nonwhites thereafter, and the word “racist” will be heard no more.

    Mommy Professor will be astounded, thinking such things impossible.

  5. #5 by Frank on 07/26/2010 - 2:25 pm

    Rodolfo wrote:

    I feel hate, prejudice, and bigotry in this forum. Just tear down the Statue of Liberty while you’re at it.

    Frankie responded:

    Rudolfo uses the slur-words “hate, prejudice and bigotry”.

    Those words are always used by anti-Whites when the Diverse White People of America refuse to just die or get out of the way when under attack by invaders and occupiers.

    “Why won’t those White People just submit to Genocide by Assimilation, dammit! They’re haters.”

    Comment #40 at

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