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White India

Posted by Bob on July 26th, 2010 under Coaching Session

Jesuits referred to Buddhism as very strange, “a religion without God.”

Buddha believed in what we call a state of Afterlife. But the word “believed” is not accurate. Buddha and his fellows took it for granted that the Self, which cannot be explained in any physical terms, was independent of the body.

We take our idea of death from our times of unconsciousness. When we awaken from anesthesia we awake from nothingness. Our ancestors took this same idea from their form of anesthesia, which was usually some blunt instrument.

Both these are assumptions, not beliefs.

Buddhism was a late development of Hinduism, just as the death wish in Christianity is a development of late Zoroastrianism.

But Buddhism aimed at the same thing that Zoroastrianism, produced by his Indo-European kin, aimed at: ending life. Buddhism is not a Way of LIFE, it is a Way to get OFF of the Wheel of Life. The Buddhist idea of Hell was simply being reborn again and again, which is what we mistakenly think of as the reward of Hinduism.

To Buddha, unending life was a given, a HORRIBLE given, and he was trying to END it.

When Buddha spoke of something bad, he would say, “It leads to rebirth.”

China’s titanic population is the direct result of the INDIAN development of aquatic rice. “Arabic” numerals are entirely Indian, but no one is anxious to correct that particular error.

Buddhists say that the Buddha had “eyes the color of blue lotus.” The Indian who brought Kung Fu to China was said by his followers to drill a hole in wall with his BLUE eyes.

Historians and documentaries repeat everything about Egyptian or Chinese history to the point where it is tiring. But they NEVER mention White India. There is certainly never a close-up on it, because that might bring up the point that, like all societies, it went down when it went brown.

The History Channel presents Egyptians as black. They portray Hannibal as black.

I understand Tutankhamen, who was portrayed as solidly black on the History Channel, has recently been discovered to be of “Northern European,” which probably means Indo-European, stock.

The Hittites were a whole Indo-European nation that settled in the Middle East and brought iron with them.

I don’t expect to see a lot of discussion of Tutankhamen’s origins from documentary makers who want money from today’s media. I expect all Egyptian Pharaohs to remain black on the History Channel.

History is a series of northern invasions. Whites enslave non-whites, get rich, then eventually the racial barriers break down.

Then the new brown population is enslaved in its turn.

Every time this happens somebody tries to explain it “as a breakdown of traditional values.”

  1. #1 by Dave on 07/26/2010 - 11:33 am

    The fidelity in which America is becoming like India is frightening.

    The Hindu Nationalists are forever under the dominion of India’s real religion, the Religion of Political Correctness, and the epithet “racists!” no different than we are here.

    We are tumbling into great fidelity with India economically. India’s economy since WWII has been dominated by great real estate booms and busts that are played by the wealthy to their enormous benefit, while the great multitudes are made to suffer. Wealth is horded into portfolio substitutes, like gold, and through special behinds the scenes arrangements that benefit special classes holding certain types of government bonds, available only to the privileged, usually denominated in USD. We are headed the same way in America.

    Meanwhile the government finances itself with endless inflation, and the government is perpetually broke.

    The Congress Party relies on the sheer weight of incompetence and corruption, all in the name of Political Correctness, to leverage its dominion through thick and thin. It uses everything that is bad and ruinous to its advantage, not the least of which is that Indians through time have somehow become thieves, in the genetic “born like that” sense. Honesty and integrity is unheard of in India. Fraud is so endemic, that ordinary Indians cannot imagine anything else. It is assumed integrity and honesty can’t exist. Americans have no idea how much India is hated by Indians themselves. Indians despise India. That is their true attitude. Retards, true idiots, anybody genuinely stupid, rule the roost in India. The primary qualification under the regime of Political Correctness is stupidity, the dumber, the better.

    Accordingly, in the larger sense, India can exercise dominion in nothing. It can do nothing successfully. The whole country is like the inside of a vacuum cleaner bag, a garbage dump from horizon to horizon.

    This is what America is becoming.

    But here’s the difference: White people will never succumb to humiliation to the extent the Hindu Nationalists have succumbed. White people cannot tolerate humiliation of that depth. White people will rebel and DO SOMETHING ABOUT IT.

    At least that is my hope. But think of this: How could a white person BE SO PROFOUNDLY IDIOTIC to vote for Obama? This is Political Correctness in the full flower of its ruin.

    This is India. The ordinary Indian seems incapable of voting his or her interest. The election cycle in India is an endless cycle of mental retardation. The half-wits are driven to the polls in their multitudes. The “Nancy Pelosi’s and “Charley Rangle’s” are everywhere. And the retards vote them in and keep them in endlessly.

    Similarly, I can’t believe all the mental retardation involving “Republican hopes” in the upcoming mid-term elections in America. This is exactly the same kind of crap that goes on endlessly in India.

    If you think America is going to change based on electoral processes, there is something wrong with you. There is only one Party in America and that is “Congress Party”. And “Congress Party” has only one agenda, treason, self-dealing, and fraud, no different than in India. AND THAT INCLUDES RON PAULTOO.

    Think India doesn’t have their “Ron Paul’s?” Hell, he is always there, promising bullshit. Do you see Ron Paul giving away his handsome Congressional pay? Hell, he is going to make it a dynasty, with “Junior” getting in the game, to pocket the cash and the splendid lifestyle on a “family basis”.

    Again, this is India. It is India in America. The very same thing.

  2. #2 by BGLass on 07/26/2010 - 1:33 pm

    Already, people in American cities cannot understand the concept of fraud. In NY, 170 languages are spoken daily, the percentage of real Founding Stock is 4% (wasps). White Catholics and white Protestants are about 20%. Bartering is the norm. Jerry-rigged gismos. No coherence in housing pricing, with indigent illegal foreigners occupying large many-roomed apartments for $300 and generational American-born Ivy Leaguers living in 250 square feet for $2,000 a month. And so on. In such an atmosphere, nothing in regards to “earnership” can have any meaning at all. It is simply not the culture. You get. Period, one imagines. The lottery becomes a daily habit.

  3. #3 by Dick_Whitman on 07/27/2010 - 11:59 am

    One of the most important characteristics of a healthy white society is the allocation of resources towards learning about its history, psychology, and physiology.

    This should be a basic “human right.”

    India, Mesopotamia, Egypt, China, Peru all have traces of “whiteness.” Exploring these material remains and text should be a priority.

    How different would a community be if instead of wasting resources on “anti-racism” (which is code for anti-white), it instead tried to better itself through learning? Instead of the weekly “racist scandal” on cable news, the community would spend its time learning how to reduce the effects of scarcity, as well as improving its spiritual fitness.

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