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Don’t Miss the Point, Lord Nelson

Posted by Bob on October 10th, 2011 under Coaching Session

In a recent set of comments in Swarm, Lord Nelson corrected someone who wanted some variation on the word “genocide”. By saying that I have reminded you of the time when he made a similar mistake in wording and I called him down about it.

LN’s ,modesty is all right if it doesn’t make you forget the real point of that criticism.

My point was that when I made the correction LN got it immediately and started WORKING with it.

That is the contrast between BUGS and everything else people are used to. When I stood in front of that convention and began to try to explain to the audience the chasm between what the other speakers had said and what I was trying to introduce, I felt the familiar sense of helplessness.

It takes a long time for someone to understand the difference between my criticizing LN and his agreeing with his Leader, and what that correction was REALLY about.

Outside BUGS, hear and repeat is all that is asked.

Lord Nelson had made the mistake of going on the path of least resistance. He talked about non-whites ”overwhelming” white countries. He found that he got a lot less argument with that, and felt he was therefore succeeding with that approach.

But the REASON that ”overwhelming” was easier was because it did not criticize intermarriage, assimilation, the Holy Grail of anti-whites. As they multiply, there will be plenty of non -whites here to do away with the white race, so they don’t really squeal when the Tea Party criticizes immigration policy, as long as it continues to grovel to assimilation in the person of Saint Martin the Luther the King.

This is a VERY complicated distinction. The point is not that Lord Nelson repeated The Doctrine According to Saint Bob, but that he GOT THE POINT.

Can you imagine trying to explain that to an audience that had just finished seven hours of speeches from their Leaders?

I don’t expect you to just ACCEPT what I say. I ask something a lot harder, that you BUILD on it.

  1. #1 by Dave on 10/10/2011 - 1:07 pm

    The short video that can be accessed by clicking the link below does a great job of making the point of the critical importance of staying on point in politics. It is entitled: What is your profession?

  2. #2 by Scythian on 10/10/2011 - 4:13 pm

    Miscegenation works as a force multiplier against our Race, the White Race; it eliminates the potential for White babies being born while at the same time increasing the potential for non-Whites being born. This “diversity” is being forced on White countries and White countries only, it IS geNOcide. Imagine that, being reviled by miscegenation!

  3. #3 by dungeoneer on 10/10/2011 - 4:16 pm

    The longer you practice this mantra thinking the quicker you realize your own mistakes and the quicker you can take on board good advice.

  4. #4 by Lord Nelson on 10/12/2011 - 3:14 pm

    My problem getting my head around the “Genocide” part of Bob’s consistant message, reminds me of the saying: ‘ A little knowladge is a dangerous thing’.

    I have no political grounding at all. But a LOT of negotiating/sales experiance. Bob knows that I was among the very first to appreciate, get behind, and support the new way he was promoting. But my background made me instictively try to avoid using a word that seemed (to me) to allow an adversary to derail the debate. And twist it into an argument over the defination of a word.

    As a former sales manager and trainer, I am very much aware that the biggest and most common mistake that sales people make is whats known as ‘The Path of Least Resistance’ it’s also referred to as ‘Being Stroked’.

    My problem was that not being political minded or experianced, I had simply not grasped the big picture of what we were really doing. And that labeling the Anti-White Bastards with that word, is whole the damn point! And the more they squerm and argue the meaning, the more you should label them with it. Over and Over and Over again.

    All White countries, and ONLY White countries. It’s GENOCIDE!

    And don’t let the BASTARDS forget it!


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