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Is Anyone Else Out There?

Posted by Bob on May 4th, 2013 under Coaching Session


  One thing I want to get you doing is to stop looking for brilliant plots and rethink the basics.   You are about the only ones left who can.

For example, what if the son of an US admiral crashed during WWII and did the following :

“He sought out the enemy.”

The first  thing he said to them was. “You give me medicine and I’ll give you information.”

He told an American magazine that was exactly what he did, with the NAZIS?” photo johmcc_zps78c50984.jpg

He would have faced at least a hearing for treason in any real army.

But the man I am taking about was not in WWII.     He was in Vietnam.

He was awarded a silver star, became a Republican senator, and was the  respectable conservative nominee  for president in 2008.

This is Rule One of Mantra Thinking:  While you communicate the  same message over and over your mind does the opposite.   You step out of the box and rethink the thinking which got us here.

This is desperately needed, or Bob would not be the only one to repeat the above  incident in its NAZI context.

I would not have been alone during the Cold War in pointing out that the Berlin Wall was built because  every other People’s Democratic Republic always did the same  thing.    East Germany  made  the New York Times because it, alone of all Iron Curtain countries, did not routinely shoot all escapees until 1961.

Because the New York headlined the Berlin Wall, National Review had to talk about.   National Review never  mentioned the kill on sight rule that surrounded the one third of humanity before and after 1961, before or after.

I was the first and only economist to state in a seminar before Nobel Prize winners, that a country is rich or poor, not because of its territory, not because of pieces of paper like the Constitution, but because of the PEOPLE who inhabit it?

My point was fully accepted and promptly forgotten.

That’s the kind of thing I was a professional in doing.

I am the Semmelweis of politics.

But Semmelweis died insane.

It made me a good living, but I did not enjoy feeling like the only surviving  political mind on earth.

  1. #1 by John White on 05/04/2013 - 1:15 pm

    What I get from this post is that we should cultivate the kind of thinking that gave birth to the Mantra.

    If that is the point you are making, I think you overestimate our capacity, Mr. Whitaker.

    No team created the Mantra. It was one person.

    Let us hope that in this team of ours, as brilliant and creative as it is – because it is – it is blessed with having one person as intelligent as the creator of the Mantra.

    Frankly, I don’t think that would be me.

  2. #2 by Dave on 05/04/2013 - 1:28 pm

    The rule of what is basic and what is so obvious nobody else see it:

    I look and look and look until I notice this thing. And it becomes astonishing. The very obviousness of it conceals it.

    This is the kind of thinking that a college education ruins. But it is the only kind of thinking that matters.

    But you have to prove it to yourself first.

    I have a debt to Robert Whitaker. He pointed this out to me. But I had to prove it to myself first. And you can’t miss that part. Otherwise, you are not following the instruction. You can’t let others attend your mind for you.

    It is not the being right about things that matters. It is the road to value that matters. And here is where Robert Whitaker’s doing Semmelweis is underestimated.

    You have been given nothing less than a ticket to survival.

    Youth and most importantly youth should be being paying attention to Robert Whitaker. Those that are not young can go to hell, but that is MY opinion.

    Robert Whitaker is the most sublime instructor I have ever run across. I owe him my chance at survival. He probably doesn’t realize how carefully I attend his mind.

    So the answer to the question: “Is Anyone Else Out There?” is yes. And it is a bigger “yes” than Robert Whitaker himself may realize.

    Are there others? That is a dynamic question. It has to do with the attraction of IQ. The Internet is a recording device. So Robert Whitaker’s instruction is durable. It is unlikely to be lost and through the search engine can be found. Another channel is through a following of people and has to do with the competitive question of: “How in the hell did X get so smart?” I think of this as the athletic channel. That’s how superior knowledge gets propagated in athletics.

    Anyway, these are the dynamics to answering the question, “Are there others?”

    Mommy Professor is done. She is done as a value vector. She has a competitor in Robert Whitaker and she has many other competitors also, but Robert Whitaker is one of the most important ones.

  3. #3 by Daniel Genseric on 05/04/2013 - 4:28 pm

    “Is Anyone Else Out There?”

    I’m afraid not, old boy. It’s lonely at the top of the idea pyramid, wouldn’t you agree?

  4. #4 by Asgardian117 on 05/04/2013 - 9:25 pm

    Coach, i got news for you. There are many other people out there who have RECENTLY come to terms with whats happened, IM ONE OF THEM, and its all thanks to you. Ive only been apart of the swarm for a short time but my exsistence in this forum should prove to you that there are people out there and many more to come, cheer up coach we are fighting for survival, they are fighting for a proposed “word”. There will is and will be more.

  5. #5 by Scythian on 05/04/2013 - 10:59 pm

    Ah Semmelweis, the poor guy was talking to himself. It’s his fault for not developing a BUGS-like team.

  6. #6 by Scythian on 05/05/2013 - 1:29 am

    Since when does being a “prisoner of war” grant you the right to be a RACE TRAITOR?

    I had always thought America would the be the LAST place to allow this.

  7. #7 by jo3w on 05/05/2013 - 12:18 pm

    “I am the Semmelweis of politics.”
    In my opinion there is a disconnect here, or this is the most depressing statement I have ever read. Semmelweis had an OPINION, not a FACT. It is only now that we know his opinion is strongly supported by scientific data. From what I have learned from the porch talk sessions, politics is getting people to agree with or support OPINIONS. A good politician excels at getting others to support an opinion (agenda) and since OPINION rules the world, a good politician becomes part of that ruling body! Logic plays only a small part in this dynamic. Semmelweis was, from what I see, completely ineffective at politics, not science. At the time Semmelweis actually had an opinion that we now accept as true and he still couldn’t get people to support him. A complete political failure. I could see if Bob called himself the Semmelweis of political science. Then we could just figure out how to become more effective politicians; become better BUGSters. If you mean that you will be as effective at gaining support for your ideas that Semmelweis was then I need a drink right now.

    • #8 by dungeoneer on 05/05/2013 - 4:35 pm

      Semmelweis cleared out the infant mortality problem.

      Bob cleared out the anti-white/white genocide problem.

      It`s not an opinion that mothers and Infants survive better when surgeons wash their hands properly.

      It`s also not an opinion that the anti-whites are being politically destroyed by the mantra.

      Remember as well, Bob and BUGSers measure political success not by electioneering or numbers of followers, but by the infiltration of words and ideas.

  8. #9 by Jason on 05/06/2013 - 5:44 am

    Bob, I have heard people come close to saying that about McCain. I heard a WWII vet say that no soldier in his war would have been forgiven for giving up secrets.

    People do notice the things, but very few put it all together and frame it properly. And even fewer write it down.

    We need to write down observations that aren’t being made anywhere else. There are too many things we all know, but don’t say. And then the next generation never knows there were counterarguments to what the PC teachers tell them.

    For example, my grandmother said they were told long ago that it was unjust that Whites preferred to hire Black women over Black men. The women were considered more reliable and better workers than Black men. But at some point in the 60s, our elites started saying this “emasculated” the Black man. So, now they should give preference to males.

    Of course, a couple of decades later, all that changed, and it was just fine to put Black women first. But modern day Whites being guilted for not promoting enough Black women, have no idea they were once guilted for doing just that.

    • #10 by David Niven on 05/06/2013 - 8:49 am

      Very interesting. The mother of a friend of mine used to say re. Negroes: “If it’s not red hot, or nailed down, they’ll steal it.” (or something close to it.) She apparently had learned that growing up among large numbers of them in the Southern U.S.. Such words of folk wisdom are seldom heard any more, except among the “old timers” who were free & spoke their minds. You’re right, need to preserve & pass on knowledge that’s called “politically incorrect” today.

  9. #11 by David Niven on 05/06/2013 - 8:41 am

    What magazine did Sen. McCain’s comments appear in? I’d like to reprint that info. with the correct citation (date & page number, if possible). I never heard about that before. Thanks for publishing it. Shameful behaviour!

  10. #12 by Simmons on 05/06/2013 - 8:54 am

    Semmelweis could have spoken at AmRen, smart man basically quibbled the details or sounded like he was quibbling the details to the people he found himself trying to change.

    AmRenners could give us an entire mathematical report on our “dispossesion”, they could debate the fine print, they could spend their lives quibbling with the anti-white left, and they could feel superior and smarter than the anti-whites who seem to only have the ability to screech “racist” at the AmRen smart people, but the AmRenners couldn’t give ice away to Arab camel drivers, much less sell the ice to sweaty Arabs.

    BUGsers can and do sell the ice at top dollar.

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