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The Old Days

Posted by Bob on April 6th, 2014 under Coaching Session, History

It just occurred to me it is really ironic that, for me, a guy who just had his 73rd birthday, that The Old Days were around 2006.

Yes, almost half a century ago I was personally advising George Wallace and Ronald Reagan, but today my nostalgia gets up when I hear the name Lord Nelson.

Lord Nelson, as I have said so many times, was the first person on BUGS who, after I had used the Mantra already for YEARS, joined me in using it.

It is very important that you understand my exact point here.


Back in 2006 the Mantra was too unique even to be recognized as merely alien.

Everybody knew what everybody else was going to say and pro-whites went to Stormfront or the National Alliance meeting to say it.

There was also Opposing Views on Stormfront, where anti-whites made the usual charges of racism and pro-whites made the standard denials.

All was as it had been at least since 1945. photo notagain.jpg

You can only get my point, if you can put yourself back in that environment, and it is almost impossible now.

Suddenly the “racist,” “No I’m not!” and the Jew, Jew Jew! Routine, the normal traffic, was interrupted by this super alien talk about … what? Immigration patterns?

It was like throwing on a truck’s brakes in the middle of highway traffic. The Mantra was so strange it was not familiar enough to be called alien.

Now the reaction is “OH, MY GOD, NOT AGAIN!”

And if you will read any good description of effective propaganda, you will find that this stage, when so many people on both sides are sick to death of your repeated message, you are at the bare beginning of what you have started.

All that time before 2006 seems to others like it was just a part of history, but it doesn’t seem like that to the guy who was alone and depended on his faith in his knowledge of real power.

In 2006, you needed at the time for the WHOLE Mantra to take place to slam on the brakes and get the new message across.

But even then I saw how the message would develop with a group practicing it.

And here we are!

Asia for the Asians
Africa for the Africans
Israel for the Jews
White Countries for Everyone.
Diversity=White Genocide

Not only do people no longer wonder what this discussion is about they shout “OH, GOD, NOT AGAIN!”

I wish you could realize what it was like pounding in the 222-word Mantra in The Old Days.

The New Days are barely beginning.

  1. #1 by Mike M on 04/06/2014 - 10:46 am

    Thanks to you Bob, and to all the bugsers who made it possible. I’ve been knowing for a long time that something was wrong, and was trying to fight against that, but when I first discovered the Mantra, I was just astonished. It’s simple, it’s effective, and it really sums up whats going one very well !

    Let’s win this war once and for all !

    PS : Bob I sent you an email, did you see it ?

  2. #2 by Fred Richthofen on 04/06/2014 - 10:48 am

    So “Israel for the Jews” was forbidden because the masses were not ready for it?

    Back in The Old Days that would be the only thing the masses would hear.

    I’m still going through the opposing views forum posting mantra concepts. They still try their best to ignore it so they can get back to defining White or dissecting the human genome as if that will stop White genocide.

  3. #3 by Henry Davenport on 04/06/2014 - 10:58 am

    Israel for the Jews

    Bob, I’m baffled why that line was a huge no no for you two years ago, but it’s okay now.

    Being baffled won’t seriously affect my work, but as long as I’m baffled, my own behavior is going to be guided by your strong response to that line two years ago, since I agree with your view then even though I had been using the line myself:

    …don’t tell me you can take just one little sip, one little mention of JOOS and then leave it alone.

    If you are a jewaholic, don’t take the first goddam drink, and don’t mention the first Jew.

    I’m guessing that a few other bugsters may be as confused by the switcheroo as I am, but maybe not.

    Here’s my own sense of the issue that I just posted on yesterday’s blog:

    • #4 by Henry Davenport on 04/06/2014 - 11:14 am

      I’m going to repost here what I just linked, because I think some of the things I mention need discussion.

      One of our most important mainstays appears ready to support “ZOG” as a meme:

      36:15 of the circus maximus interview with WhiteRabbit,

      So let’s see clearly where we are with this whole Jew issue.


      …don’t tell me you can take just one little sip, one little mention of JOOS and then leave it alone.

      If you are a jewaholic, don’t take the first goddam drink, and don’t mention the first Jew.

      That guide from Bob two years ago is going to be the bottom line for me personally, since I think there’s a frightening danger of Jew stuff eating the Mantra in years ahead no matter what we do.

      I wish I could remember which BUGSter recently commented that what some of us were doing at sites like SF, trying to get folk there to use Mantra, was frightening, since if SF’ers did pick up Mantra it would likely be only to attach it to Jew stuff.

      That’s a very good point, and a scary one. To get Stalwarts, I’ve become a recruiter, and there the danger always begins in one form or another.

      I need to think hard about what I’m doing there and if it’s worth the risk, but to be honest I don’t think I’m going to be able to judge it.

      So far the Stalwarts who are commenting on SF themselves to encourage more SF’ers to become Stalwarts are not mixing it up with Jew stuff, that I’ve seen.

      Maybe people will be led in the right direction if we’re there to lead them by doing it the right way over and over in front of them. Do that and they may copy you, apparently.

      Judging from Kyle Hunt’s interview on TV when he spoke about Jews and every other off-message thing, no one has had enough time to do it over and over correctly in his presence.

      But strong personalities like Kyle and WhiteRabbit (WhiteRabbit and I have already gone round and round on this issue here on BUGS once before, and I’m not not eager for another round) are probably going to do things their own way in any case, and if you don’t think it’s the right way, the best you can do is put all you can into doing what you think is the right way to do it, and hoping there’s enough others with the same impulse to keep the message pure so that the message will arrive in the public arena mostly unattached to Jew stuff.

      Because if the message arrives in the public arena attached to Jew stuff, the message is going to be made all about Jews, and that will be an ungodly mess, because Jew stuff requires educating and you can’t educate in the middle of psychological warfare which is the present game of both anti-whites and BUGSters (to use WhiteRabbit’s excellent distinction although I don’t know if he would apply it to this particular issue, since in his recent interview on Circus Maximus that was generally marvelous IMO he described “ZOG” as being a “damaging” meme…I think it mostly damages ourselves, but as always I could be mistaken. I wonder what Bob would think at this time.)

      My opinion is that if we don’t model unambiguous purity in our message, in a few years BUGSters are much more likely to be left screaming no it’s not about Jews after our message has already been soundly trashed.

      But my mind is open. If Bob says, “Our target audiences are ready for ‘ZOG,’” I will likely offer no objection! 🙂

      • #5 by Henry Davenport on 04/06/2014 - 11:21 am

        redaction (can’t edit):

        My opinion is that if we don’t model unambiguous purity in our message, in a few years BUGSters are much more likely to be left screaming no it’s not about Jews after our message has already been tossed in the trash heap with all the other pro-white messages.

    • #6 by Undercover Lover on 04/06/2014 - 11:28 am

      I think the main reason was that back then we could very easily tailgate into talking only about Jews

      • #7 by SwampRabbit on 04/06/2014 - 3:30 pm

        That’s my impression, as well. Also, it’s too easy for a non-BUGSer with a pro-White viewpoint to chime in, focus entirely on that one group of people, and divert the discussion away from the consistent WHITE GENOCIDE message.

        The average White person, washed in slave morality, generally does not want to be perceived as insensitive. They will flinch at ideas which appear to target other groups. That’s why the stigma of “hate” labels has worked so well for anti-Whites. It’s better to direct their attention to our positive support for our own Folk and opposition to the anti-White proposition, White geNOcide.

        I don’t think it’s entirely wrong to use in a mini Mantra. Israel is constantly in the news and EVERYONE knows that Israel is for the Jews. Many people are very vocal supporters of a Jewish homeland, while denying themselves one. That is obvious and undeniable hypocrisy. But, always be careful that the discussion doesn’t diverge from the consistent WHITE GENOCIDE message. There are many anti-Whites, in addition to Jewish ones, who support White geNOcide.

  4. #8 by Horus on 04/06/2014 - 11:18 am


    The challenge is quite simple. Mantra Thinking is Open System thinking. This is not a theocracy. This type of thinking does not stay still or stagnate. Open System thinking does not stay still….it is alive like moving target. As we all know, the Mantra is not wordism or the byproduct of a wordist. When using the Mantra and learning to use the Mantra. Keep it simple. Go with the proven full post of all 222 words. Or go with a proven Mini Mantra. Don’t get fancy. Keep it simple. This advice has been given a million times here.

    However, Bob wrote Mantra. And Bob is a premier open system thinker. Open System thinkers tend to expand on their thinking. Meaning he will from time to time beam what seems like a few curveballs at your noggin. And this only because our society is conditioned in the DIRECT OPPOSITE. We are in a society that worships wordism and Closed Systems. This is not the first time he has done this to you or us. And this won’t be the last. Thank Gawd!

    For instance, White Rabbit Radio was an Open System Solution to getting out the Mantra way back in 2009. (lol way back). The distinction between Open System thinking and Closed System Thinking is critical. Once you understand that. You understand why the Mantra works. And better yet you can maybe one day expand on it to help our race. This is not a theocracy. Where you learn by repeating Whitakerisms. And I know you get that much. Just articulating these things for the lay readers who do not post.

    Hd I think we had this discussion before? I sent you an actual MP3 on this very issue. I could be wrong. But I recall it was concerning the “Jews” and ARH.

    (Jews always build closed Systems. We are their polar opposites)

    • #9 by Henry Davenport on 04/06/2014 - 11:41 am

      Okay, Horus, but I’d like to hear Bob come out and say it, because it’s not like communications have been clear on this site. This is not a safe site to make assumptions on, as Fred is having to do in his comment above.

      The kind of explanations I have always desired here have always NOT been Bob’s style here, so I am very likely to be!…I can live with it :), but I would like to hear Bob say one of the following or something else:

      1. I agree with Horus that “ZOG” is a “damaging” meme and I’m cool with his encouraging it’s use by pro-whites when he’s being interviewed.
      2. I’m not cool with it, but there’s nothing I can do about it.
      3., 4., etc. etc.

      My mind is open, Horus. I realize you’re likely quite brighter than I am and certainly much more in touch with what’s going on in the world. Maybe as you said on circus maximus, the pro-white internet presence is a huge force in our favor, and their pushing the meme “ZOG” will be “damaging” (to the other side), but I don’t see that either one of those things is true.

      In any case it’s all out of my hands and I’m nowhere as upset about it as back when you and I had our previous discussion…yes, you did send me an MP3 I’m pretty sure.

      All I can do is raise points I think are problematic, and rely on you and on Bob (who has made me appreciate the frustration the Greeks must have felt with the pronouncements of the Delphic Oracle) and all the other bright folk here to hopefully keep moving our work in a path of success. My race draws nearer to its end now every year, and I’m no longer going to get myself extremely excited about it. But Bob, who I respect profoundly and whose judgment I respect profoundly, and who I feel a very strong affection for, drives me NUTS! 🙂 Lol!

  5. #10 by Horus on 04/06/2014 - 11:22 am

    “Asia for the Asians
    Africa for the Africans
    Israel for the Jews
    White Countries for Everyone.
    Diversity=White Genocide”


    I could just simplify the above long response. Boil it down to a 5 words for everyone.

    “Bob is not a Jew”

  6. #11 by Bob on 04/06/2014 - 11:33 am

    HD has done a great job with petitions, but it seems he hasn’t been in active internet warfare for a while.
    The reason the Mantra works is largely because of its DISCIPLINE. It gives our opponents nowhere to go but into a fit.
    Federal troops at Little Rock can used to turn the argument to the US Constitution, Joos give them an excuse to ump to Hitler or any of the other thousands topics about Jews that are in the news.
    The enemy can deal with Jews. They can’t deal with the Mantra.

    • #12 by Henry Davenport on 04/06/2014 - 11:58 am

      The enemy can deal with Jews

      Then why are we still going to include Jews in a mini, Bob?

      Why can’t you come right out and tell me the reason. I may be getting dumber every year, but I haven’t reached the stage of being stupid yet. I hope.

      This comment of yours makes no sense to me at all. You seem to be agreeing with me. Maybe I am indeed losing my mind, which is the way I feel right at this moment.

      Nor do I understand Horus’s comment just above, though I think that with a little sleep and a little thought, I might have a few interpretations of his riddle.

      Horus, I’m not keen on people speaking to me in riddles crafted to be just above my level of understanding, but I will think later about your comment. Sometimes having to puzzle something out for oneself can be useful. IMO it’s usually a waste of time for myself except in mathematics. But you’ve been helpful to me in the past. Just the other day in fact.

      • #13 by Horus on 04/06/2014 - 12:17 pm

        Nahh, I am not brighter HD. I have just been here longer. I have said a thousand times to myself:
        “Now what did Ole Bob just say. Didn’t he damn near say the direct opposite last month.”

        He usually does these things when attempting to make a larger point. That is just my observation. I am just chiming in giving you my 10 cents. White Genocide is a lethal topic to the current status quo. They cannot afford a broad conversation on White Genocide. But at least we started by getting them “laaffing”. That is a start. We direct the energy flow via the Mantra. 98% of Bugsers will never have to address the enemy as anything other than Anti-White. You can stick with that.

      • #14 by Horus on 04/06/2014 - 12:25 pm

        Mathematics riddle:

        1 + 1 = Anti-Whites

        2 + 2 = White Genocide

        3 +3 = Joos

  7. #16 by Jason on 04/06/2014 - 11:38 am

    Bob the faith you had in your knowledge of how power really works had to be strong as steel. Thank God you had it. Those must have been LONELY days. The joy you must have felt when Lord Nelson took it up.

    A lot of things are coming together. White Americans are on the verge of finally realizing White Dominion is really and truly dead. Many things to be reconsidered. The Mantra couldn’t come at a better time.

  8. #17 by Jason on 04/06/2014 - 11:45 am

    I don’t understand the change of including Israel and the Jews either. Sure, we are more disciplined now but new people are still coming on-board without that discipline.

    The Jew thing allows the other side to bring up so many topics that will lead to tailgating. They will lie and say there are oceans of African Jews in Israel. Do we want to get embroiled in arguing over that? (No).

    Maybe now it will work, even though it wouldn’t in the past, but why? I’m not saying you aren’t right, but like HD, I don’t get the reason for the change. If there isn’t a good reason, I suspect this update will be rescinded after a ton of off message crap.

    • #18 by Ice Knight on 04/06/2014 - 12:10 pm

      Yes I’m pretty much in agreement with you Jason and what HD states above.

      Whether we like it or not the Mantra is already being hijacked to some degree by the news and jews crowd, so this message is already out there – why exactly should BUGSters help increase the volume?

      I always thought the role of BUGSters was to cement the concept of White GENOCIDE in the minds of the conditioned masses? I’ve used both Mantra concepts and news and jews in personal conversations with friends and the results are very clear – the Mantra WORKS – news and jews for the uninitiated will get you laughed at!

      For those wanting to discover the villains of the piece, they are only a Google search away from a David Duke video. They are also much more likely to believe things if they have discovered this knowledge for themselves.

      Bob and Horus rarely make a wrong call, but I’m certainly not getting this idea at the moment.

      • #19 by Horus on 04/06/2014 - 12:33 pm

        Ice Knight,

        Stick to what you are doing. You are over extrapolating Bob’s including the statement “Israel only for the Jews” as a Mantra rewrite. I made a point about Open System thinking and that may have made things more confusing for some. Unintended.

        There is NO Mantra rewrite. Bob was just making a point. And that point had nothing to do with the copy and pasted mini mantra that included the Jews from the previous discussion.

        98% of you will only have to deal with the term Anti-White stick with it. Stick to what you have been doing. Anti-White includes all of our enemies.

        • #20 by Horus on 04/06/2014 - 12:46 pm

          Lord Nelson and Bob ran the enemy away over at Stormfront. They kept using the Mantra and calling ’em Anti-White. It works.

          • #21 by Ice Knight on 04/06/2014 - 5:31 pm

            Horus, I just don’t see the benefit of us all doing the constant mental gymnastics around the jew issue – yes with very careful consideration it can be deployed and not detract from the core Mantra message, but what do we actually gain when the Mantra alone will do the job perfectly well? Somewhat boring and conventional maybe, but SIMPLE is what WORKS!

            You talk about “98% of you will only have to deal with the term Anti-White” and I think this line of thinking comes from the Thom Hartmann/Kyle Hunt interview. On this I disagree, it should be 100%!

            Thom Hartmann at 1:30 in the video very successfully takes Kyle down this well trodden path and Kyle unfortunately indulges him with mixed results. A well disciplined BUGSter would have brushed it aside and got the message straight back on White GENOCIDE. This is where we are hurting them, why move any place else?! 🙂


            • #22 by Horus on 04/06/2014 - 6:17 pm

              Ice Knight,

              Even an Anti-Semite can ask simple question:”What does this have to do with White Genocide?” That always brings the conversation back to the main point. Just because someone is an Anti-Semite does not mean they have to go off message.

              NeoCons are insanely Anti-White. No one takes them off message easily (and that applies to whatever meme they are pumping). They always come back to message.

              Oh and you cannot dodge a direct question. Especially if you produced ARH. No use in trying. Take it head on. But his does not apply to you.

              • #23 by Asgardian on 04/06/2014 - 8:20 pm

                Neo Cons FAVORITE memes right now are in this order IMO.

                4.WHITE SUPREMACIST

                and a few missing planes.

  9. #24 by Henry Davenport on 04/06/2014 - 12:10 pm

    Because of a previous glaring misunderstanding…and I mean “misunderstanding,” not disagreement…Bob’s last post leaves me unconvinced that he’s correctly read my comment. I’m wondering if he thinks it was me who was recommending “ZOG” and other stuff about Jews.

    I’m totally confused.

  10. #25 by Daniel Genseric on 04/06/2014 - 12:19 pm

    The laws of nature apply at BUGS too. I can’t help but notice how people HATE IT when you make them think; even some of our brightest people.

    They want the ANSWERS….and “NOW, DAMN IT!!!!”


    Bertrand Russell boiled it down too:

    “Men fear thought as they fear nothing else on earth – more than ruin, more even than death.”
    “Most people would die sooner than think – in fact they do so.”
    “Most people would rather die than think; many do.”
    “Men would rather die than think.”

    pffft……… lol – think. Will you endeavor to think along with Bob or continue to be enraged at his simple request?

    • #26 by Jason on 04/06/2014 - 12:28 pm

      Can you tell us what the request even is please. And yes, you may have figured it out already (wouldn’t be the first time I was slow to catch on). Can you fill us in?

      • #27 by Daniel Genseric on 04/06/2014 - 12:42 pm

        In my opinion, Bob has only ever made one request.

        For us to think. There are no constraints on free thinking, otherwise – as in the case of Free Speech – it ceases to be free. I only ever ask this of myself, “Does it help our people survive?”

        Sometimes I mistakenly hold others to the same standard.

        • #28 by Jason on 04/06/2014 - 12:55 pm

          Ah, so Bob was asking us to think. No more of the pure Conventional Wisdom he’s been giving us for years? I could say I thought I had been thinking but that’s what I get for thinking. Most of us here can’t handle anything more radical than a Doris Day song.

  11. #29 by Benjamin Newells on 04/06/2014 - 12:28 pm

    Bob do you mean we should start deploying mini-mantras with “Israel for the Jews” in them?

  12. #30 by shari on 04/06/2014 - 12:39 pm

    “Men would rather die than think” I’ve found that to be true. I’m glad to say that I’m not wishing to die right now. But, there have been times when I thought I just couldn’t stand the turmoil of trying to think anymore. I imagine this is something all bugsers have experienced.

    • #31 by Daniel Genseric on 04/06/2014 - 12:47 pm

      Yes, ma’am. I would guess most have. The levels and angles at which this war is being waged is mind-bending.

      The Mantra is simply a lens (or template) Bob gave us to focus light on the anti-white anthill.

      Others might say that the Mantra is harmonic gene therapy for our posterity.

    • #32 by Denounce Genocidists on 04/06/2014 - 1:16 pm

      ” But, there have been times when I thought I just couldn’t stand the turmoil of trying to think anymore. I imagine this is something all bugsers have experienced.”

      Yes indeed.

      A steam engine needs a governor to stop it from blowing up, and the more of a pro you become the more reliable is your governor.

      For instance this Israel line being included is a nothing in of itself, because as pros we know context is everything. Likewise, we know “Diversity=White Genocide” is suboptimal compared to “Diversity is a code word for White Genocide”, but in the context of a mini-mantra, or a banner campaign it`s OK.

  13. #33 by Bob on 04/06/2014 - 1:03 pm

    Richthofen, I am VERY happy to hear you have posted yourself at the old Opposing Views.
    We must depend on BUGSERS jumping in and posting themselves rather than “suggesting” that “someone” do it.
    There is little we have no answer for already.
    Just demand from those using the Genome Project whether they are saying that there is no such thing as genocide?

  14. #34 by Henry Davenport on 04/06/2014 - 1:14 pm

    Ice Knight and Jason I regard as two of the most level-headed bugsters we have (IceKnight I’ve never seen be anything but), Genseric I regard as brilliant, Horus as even more brilliant, and Bob as more more brilliant.

    So this thread promises to be feast of delights.

    But only if the brilliant people people here will deign to address clearly and plainly the specific points those of us who are not brilliant are raising. And which we have thought about a bit, btw. My thinker has already had it for today, so I won’t be able to tackle riddles until tomorrow. I do love those quotes by Russell though; he’s a man I love to read because like Einstein, he always writes for both his equals and lessers with the GREATEST CLARITY.

    • #35 by Henry Davenport on 04/06/2014 - 1:17 pm

      I tried to just add this to that:

      Lol! Anyone can blame me if they wish for trying to have things my way: CLEAR!

      • #36 by Henry Davenport on 04/06/2014 - 1:29 pm


        I remember long ago Truck Roy posting that in the beginning he had been very confused by Bob, but then he (I’m sure I’m not going to get this quite right, because I didn’t quite understand it then…it made a little more sense later, but not completely)…then he, Truck Roy, understood that Bob wasn’t explaining to him what to do, he was showing him what to do…something like that. Maybe that was when Bob was test driving the Mantra on Opposing Views at SF.

        I’ve had one experience like that from being around Bob at Christmas. No one here would likely notice it, but in some of my writing I’m able to eliminate stuff….eliminate words that aren’t necessary that I would have left in before…after having to memorize Bob’s script for Joy from Freedom Farm. I noticed I kept putting in words that weren’t there, and I had to struggle…I mean really struggle…to chase them back out. I only succeeded in part in the final take.

        It wouldn’t have helped me nearly so much if instead, Bob had said to me, “you use unnecessary words, and here’s an example, let me show you.”

        Okay, Okay, Okay! Maybe I get it in part, which is all I ever expect to get, truthfully. Still not a happy camper though!

    • #37 by Jason on 04/06/2014 - 1:20 pm

      You seek Anglo-Saxon clarity?? You goddam heretic. Maybe if you would THINK you would get it! Say Ommmmm ommmmmm ommmmmm until the vision appears.

  15. #38 by Horus on 04/06/2014 - 1:35 pm

    It was a Sunday morning at BUGs

    With the Swarm all sitting in their pews

    Ole Bob got ’em riled up

    by tossing in a Mini Mantra with that little word Jew

  16. #39 by Jason on 04/06/2014 - 1:44 pm

    I spend my Sundays listening to Doris Day albums. Maybe someday, I’ll finally learn to THINK. For now, I’ll retreat to my world of Conventional Wisdom. Of course, I could say that I thought asking questions and clarifying things was part of what BUGS did.

    • #40 by Horus on 04/06/2014 - 4:01 pm


      You are just fine asking questions ….about Doris Day. 🙂

  17. #41 by Henry Davenport on 04/06/2014 - 2:00 pm

    Maybe Denounce Genocidists just solved (now comment #28 upthread, very worth referring to!) my main riddle:

    Bob has changed his view from two years ago about that line in the mini not because the nature of our audience has changed, but because he believes we’ve matured enough (or he simply has to insist that we DO mature enough) that we are no longer “jewaholics” as he wrote two years ago, but are capable of seeing that “Jew” is okay in the context of that mini (and also in AntiRacist Hitler), but not okay in contexts where a resultant shift to discussion of Jews would drown our message.

    I’ll buy that…that was my opinion of that mini back then when Bob nixed it…in fact I thought he was primarily addressing me, because it was one of my two favorite minis to use.

    Now I’ll read Bob’s comments again here and see how they fit these new thoughts. No way I’m turning loose of Bob as long as he’s still here.

    If that’s the case, then once again I have put on a distressing display of foolishness! Lmao! Oh, except for other points I raised that needed the light of day IMO.

    I assume the “Zog” meme is very much another matter than the line in the mini, and that meme is for WhiteRabbit to decide for himself I guess, since that’s the only way it’s going to be decided.

    Excuse me: I declare, not “assume,” that the Zog meme is another matter. We here at BUGS should stay far far away from it. If I ever go on radio shows to talk about petitions, I will never say “zog,” and I encourage other bugsters to act the same.

  18. #42 by Henry Davenport on 04/06/2014 - 2:10 pm

    Jason, Bob does want us to think for ourselves…I think that is probably what went down here, although it’s also possible as happened once before that Bob completely misunderstood what I wrote, and this time thinks it best not to mention it! Lol. I honestly don’t think that last is what happened here today though. And hey, if it did, that is even more demonstration that we now need to wrestle with all this stuff adequately (my own choice would be very openly and thoroughly) ourselves.

    • #43 by Jason on 04/06/2014 - 2:35 pm

      Oh I am sure about that. My comment had nothing to do with Bob. It’s mainly that when we are in the middle of trying to nail something down, some Swaggering Sammy comes around and tells us how dumb we are.

      But this is very common on the internet. It’s actually better here than most places. I just don’t like anything to impede the analysis and discussion among people who are obviously here in Good Faith.

  19. #44 by Horus on 04/06/2014 - 2:29 pm

    LMAO. ZOG.

    HD, talking about memes that have successfully entered into public consciousness via the Pro White Internet like ZOG. Does not mean that I am going to be doing Mini Mantras with that very term. Most Pro Whites do not know what power their media has and we are only now scratching the surface with White Genocide. ZOG was just an example that took off and is used globally.

    • #45 by Henry Davenport on 04/06/2014 - 3:05 pm

      My view is that the ZOG meme has damaged our side, rather than “damaged” the other side. But look, it occurs to me that I may be doing what I often do…I picked up on one thing you said in the middle of your enthusiasm in the middle of a mostly truly marvelous presentation on what spreading the Mantra is all about. I did think it was a misstep, and I also disagreed on a couple of other things I wrote to you. But when you were purely talking about Mantra, I thought it probably the best thing on Mantra I’d ever heard.

      My view of the poisonousness (for OUR side) of the term “ZOG” is based entirely on my own memory of how it struck me the first time I heard it decades ago when I was completely innocent of that topic. I thought it mad conspiracy stuff…the sound and form of the word itself deepens that impression…the hearer wonders what kind of person would even make up such a term.

      I’m pretty confident (but still possibly mistaken) that the term damages ourselves with most White Americans.

      It may be effective among some groups of Whites I don’t have much sense of.

      • #46 by Horus on 04/06/2014 - 3:59 pm


        I was on of all programs Circus Maximus and trying to explain to HIS audience the power of memes. I was using an analogy they could understand. Was not debating the right or wrong of ZOG or whether or not we should use it.

        FTW, IMO, The lampooning of ZOG and Zionism has been extremely damaging to the enemy. Especially exposing their endless double standards to criticism. ZOG in form or another comes up every day on the left and or the Middle East Media.

        But that has nothing to do with White Genocide or Anti-Whites or our message per se. Again only the context of an analogy of using your media to control the message. And to interject that into a population. You heard one word that did not sit well with you and assumed ZOG mini Mantras were coming. If I am every on your show, I will use different analogies to suite your audience.

  20. #47 by Henry Davenport on 04/06/2014 - 2:37 pm

    If we’re being encouraged to think for ourselves:

    I assume from comments today and yesterday that we have a consensus that the mini that’s been discussed is cool, and other cases have to be considered on their own merits. I suggested that the criterion be that our usage not encourage a shift of topic, even if that shift is only in the audience’s mind, that could drown our message.

    If any bugsters who haven’t yet spoken up disagree, it would probably be good to speak up. Or not! This trying to “think for myself” feels a bit odd.

    I’ve certainly had more than my say, so I’m out of here.

  21. #48 by -Gar5- on 04/06/2014 - 3:04 pm

    I’m leaving “Israel for the Jews” out of the mini-mantras I use. From what I’ve seen of that line, it turns into a discussion on Palestine and away from White genocide.

    • #49 by SwampRabbit on 04/06/2014 - 3:55 pm

      Me too, except in select forums. It’s too easy for a non-BUGSer to jump in on the “Jews” point and divert attention from White genocide.

    • #50 by Hidden In Plain Sight on 04/06/2014 - 4:12 pm

      in my experience it will quickly turn any discussion on Israel into one about white genocide and the unspoken editorial race doctrine.

    • #51 by Denounce Genocidists on 04/06/2014 - 4:15 pm

      I`ve used the line against declared Jews and to encourage dyed in the wool Jewsters to good effect.

      • #52 by SwampRabbit on 04/07/2014 - 6:16 pm

        That’s what I’m saying…to both of you. In some discussions, I don’t feel that it’s totally inappropriate. The same objection being made to “Jews” could be made to “Blacks” or “Asians”. It’s best not to appear negative toward any group in particular, drawing the “You just hate {whatever group they pick}” retort. One of the common responses that I receive to the Mantra is the question, “Who is responsible for this GENOCIDE?” They always want us to finger some [group] for them to defend. Hare Horus has answered this with, “Everyone who supports the anti-White proposition is to blame”, throwing the crap right back at them.

  22. #53 by Lord Nelson on 04/06/2014 - 3:40 pm

    I too remember the old days Bob. I think there were a couple of others at the same time as me. But thanks for the mention.

    Back then even the average 16 year old anti-white could appear on SF and post an often repeated simple phrase like “Define white” and this would send the greatest and best pro-whites into spasms of pages, complete with links to extensive genetic studies. All in the vain hope that the anti-white would see reason and realize the error of their ways.( Strangely, it never worked.)

    Time and time again the anti-whites called the pro-whites names like; Racists, White supremacists, Haters, Nazis and Anti-Semites.To which the pro-whites responded with pages and pages complete with links detailing Higher Black Crime Stats, Superior White IQ Scores and Scheming Jews. While all the time being careful to refer to the anti-whites as anti-racists or anti’s. (Strangely, this tactic never worked either)

    And so amazingly, the anti-whites kept on a coming.

    Then for the first time I saw Bob’s mantra. And right away I noticed it was completely unlike anything else I had ever seen before. And to me the reason was obvious. It actually went on the attack. It pointed to the crime being committed. It spelled it out and made no attempt to justify anything. And it pointed the blame right where it belonged.

    To understand how unique this was you need to understand that back then, most pro-whites had no concept of actually shooting back for fear it may offend the precious “anti’s” who they were desperately hoping to win over. (Mommy professors must have been laughing in their ivory towers)

    So I recognized the power of the mantra instantly. But until Bob pointed it out I had never thought about repeating it over and over again. I was amazed the first time a anti-white tried to ignore it and Bob simply copied and pasted back in their faces repeatedly over and over again until they had to try and deal with it.

    And so that was that. And then some years later I finally got my head around the idea of a consistent message :).

    PS. For what it is worth, I personally have no real interest in exposing the Joos. I am simply against White Genocide. What ever role some Jews may play in this, they would get nowhere without the help of our own white elites.

    • #54 by Secret Squirrel on 04/06/2014 - 6:37 pm

      “What ever role some Jews may play in this, they would get nowhere without the help of our own white elites.”

      People that believe Jews are 100% responsible for our predicament and studiously ignore the DISLOYAL Whites all around them, clearly have no experience with Whites.

      There is a standing joke in WN: The typical White Nationalist, is a young White male with Asbergers.

      It all makes sense now.

      • #55 by Daniel Genseric on 04/07/2014 - 1:01 pm

        “I’m confused.”

        “To Jew or NOT to Jew? That is the question.” XD d: !!

        (annoying, wrong answer, buzzer sound goes here)

        Besides that, what LN said^.

        P.S. I dunno about you, but I’m a white SURVIVALIST… Just sayin’…

  23. #56 by Secret Squirrel on 04/06/2014 - 6:27 pm

    I know White Neocons that like to turn any discussion of White Genocide, into discussion of Jews, because like most White Supremacists, they think Whites having any kind of a future is a JOKE.

    One of them to spite me, likes to say he’s going to convert to Judaism and move to Israel.

    I told him good luck with that and asked if he’ll be as DISLOYAL to the Jews, as he has been to us.

    That is the end of my interest in “the Jews”.

  24. #57 by Asgardian on 04/06/2014 - 8:26 pm

    Fyi…THEY are buying the internet…
    Any thoughts?

  25. #58 by jo3w on 04/06/2014 - 8:41 pm

    Mantra points can be made about any subject, including Israel and Jews. It’s simply how its done.
    Personally I haven’t needed to bring up Jews to make my point to an anti white. I haven’t needed to bring up Christians, the Taliban, dog genes, or anything else except the mantra to make my point either. In chess, if you make a move and don’t have a specific tactical purpose to your move, its called “pushing wood”. Every move should have a specific purpose like there was no other rational thing to do to improve your position like the move you just made.

    For me, and I don’t mean to imply this is the way it should be for anyone else, adding,”Israel for the Jews” would just be pushing wood. I will save that for when/if it is a tactical necessity to make my point.

    IMO, if you want to add,”Israel for the Jews”, because you would really enjoy watching the demise of the Jews, you may want to stay away from that line in your mini. If you simply want to point out a blatant double standard, then give it a whirl, see where it leads, tell the rest of us how it went.

    • #59 by Hidden In Plain Sight on 04/07/2014 - 10:43 am

      I can think of several strategic reasons for using the meme Israel/Palestine for the Jews -white countries for everybody

      1 It is always in the news and so it is always a props to write a comment based of this.

      2 The government does not actually fund, run diplomatic interference for, or arm to the teeth any African or Asian countries. Nor are these countries as explicitly race or ethnicity based as “the Jewish State”. Thus one can truly say “the government has a two pronged race strategy, diversity and integration for white /european gentiles, and support of an aggressive ethnistate for it’s jewish citizens”etc… I.e. the contradiction is even more glaring.

      3 For some reason antizionism is conventionally thought of as a leftist cause, and so the introduction of this powerful meme there is apt to cause critical thinking among this harder to reach demographic. Many people want to see the Israelis get their comeuppance regarding the Palestinian issue and this emperor has no clothes meme should be too much to resist. Perhaps a case where hijacking could work in our favour.

      4 The palestinians are in a surprisingly analogous situation to us, in that they are routinely called “an invented people” (vis. “social construct”). I routinely accuse legist antiwhites of being like the zionists in that regard. (“when Israelis want palestinians eliminated they call them an invented people, when antiwhites want whites “diversified” and “integrated” they call them a social construct etc..)

      5 The meme does not propose any conspiracy theory about the jews, it merely points out a fact that everyone can see. to avoid the pitfalls of ‘news and jews’ just begin with “john McCain believes that…”

      6 It is also embarrassing to conservatives. e.g. “why do conservatives believe that we need a radical immigration diversity and integration program for ourselves, but fervently believe that jews should have an exclusive homeland?”

      7 I have tried it a lot and it works.

  26. #60 by Steadiness on 04/06/2014 - 11:28 pm

    It’s always infuriating when supposedly redpilled pro-Whites call antifa stuff like socialist or don’t call them anti-White. You’d think Stormfront and DailyStormer and other explicitly pro-White websites that even come out explicitly against White genocide and don’t even fall into the trap of criticizing Islam instead of Muslims, or, better, Arab and Turkish invaders, would then turn around and call their enablers communists and hippies instead of anti-Whites.

    I mean, it’s great that we’ve moved on from explaining why it isn’t racist to want just a small town or two to ourselves to keep our old ways alive.

    Look at this -> <- it's pathetic. Our enemies are not liberals, socialist, communists, hippies, progressives, cultural marxists, leftists, leftoids, leftards. They are anti-White.

    • #61 by Secret Squirrel on 04/07/2014 - 1:07 am

      What you oppose most, says everything about what you are really for.

      • #62 by Dennis K on 04/08/2014 - 5:50 am

        I like that. And it’s true. What you oppose, reveals your values.

        I’ve met a pro-white socialist. There are pro-white gays.

        I can tolerate a society where “smash the system” anti-capitalist hippies roam the streets, as long as they aren’t anti-white. Why? Because if they’re not anti-white, I then at least know that somehow, they are also trying to provide a better future for my children (be it misguided). But anti-whites dream of a day when they don’t exist, or at least when they’re slaves to “POC”. They’re playing the man, not the ball.

    • #63 by SwampRabbit on 04/07/2014 - 6:22 pm

  27. #64 by Bob on 04/07/2014 - 10:16 am

    jow, I LOVE that term “pushing wood.”
    NO JEWS!!!!

  28. #65 by Daniel Genseric on 04/07/2014 - 12:39 pm

    Drooling about Jews is like hijacking yourself.

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