The first problem is learning a discipline.
The second is learning how to TEACH it.
BUGSERS have a hard time realizing how IMPOSSIBLE what they are doing is.
Racial debate is a game for almost everybody on our side. They come in after realizing how bad things are, paid experts explain them all about it.
They spend an exciting year or two reading books that proclaim the coming Revolution and the torchlight parade they wlll march in.
Then they get bored and take up some other game.
Once again, let me try to get across that all-im-portant word: SILLY.
They do what we all know is the definition of insanity: They do the same thing that never got anywhere before, usually News and Jews, and expect it to win this time.
BUGSERS must begin by realizing how IMPOSSIBLE what BUGSERS do is.
It is simply not HUMAN to ask someone who knows all the things you do just to make yur shot and go.
The discipline I ask of you is superhuman, and I know it.
You just restrain yourself and act like a professional sniper. Your job is to hit ONE critical target.
But right under your gun are five enemies who have killed your buddies.
You kill one and get out.
Generally men are trained to be bloodthirsty men to try to be bloodthirsty. It’s hard enough to try to teach men to kill.
But then you to train your sniper to kill one and GET OUT.
It is not easy to make your first kill in general combat.
But it takes almost superhuman discipline to make one kill and quit.
#1 by Yankee Rebel on 04/20/2014 - 8:10 pm
The Mantra is the sniper’s bullet. The American Revolution was won by snipers because the normal British style of warfare would have given the British an advantage. The Mantra changes the rules of the psychological war we are fighting and gives us the edge.
#2 by Al Parker on 04/20/2014 - 10:49 pm
why are people on the pro-white side attacking Kyle Hunt?–special-broadcast-on-the-fraud-kyle-hunt
Resignation of Kyle Hunt:
#3 by Mike M on 04/21/2014 - 1:55 am
Isn’t it because he hijacked the Mantra that he got attacked by pro whites ?
#4 by Henry Davenport on 04/21/2014 - 2:33 am
Ha, that’ll be the day! Judging from that radio show’s website, they’re probably upset that Kyle directed a mass action that spread Mantra instead of parading portraits of Hitler.
Kyle has done something worthwhile, which makes folks who are in love with failure hate his guts.
#5 by Secret Squirrel on 04/21/2014 - 5:23 am
“Kyle has done something worthwhile, which makes folks who are in love with failure hate his guts.”
I saw Don Black say the pretty much the same thing. Apparently this kind of thing happens every time a Pro White leader gets positive attention. Jealous people come out of the woodwork trying to pull them down. Its par for the course.
#6 by WmWhite on 04/21/2014 - 9:23 am
“(white) folks who are in love with failure hate his guts.”
Maybe other races get a sick enjoyment out of destroying their own also … I don’t really know … but we, as a people, seem to reveal in placing others on pedestals and then tearing them down.
“…. the stupid are cocksure and the intelligent are full of doubt.
–Bertrand Russell
#7 by Mike M on 04/21/2014 - 1:54 am
Isn’t it because he hijacked the Mantra ?
#8 by Asgardian on 04/21/2014 - 2:15 am
Tht blog talk radio shows portrayal of kyle is pure ampw shite. Kyle did his best. Hd was right but he had no ill intention.
#9 by Henry Davenport on 04/22/2014 - 5:04 pm
The hosts and guests on that show hadn’t the slightest idea what the purpose of the White Man March was.
BUGS is here, for anyone who prefers the real world to the technologically advanced daydreaming of most “pro-white” internet radio shows.
From the little I’ve seen of it, it’s mostly just a swamp whose denizens spend their days snarling at each other.
(Edit): Well wait a minute, I can’t be completely right, because Kyle raised money for the WMM Banners, etc. on his own show and on appearances on other shows, right?
#10 by Bob on 04/21/2014 - 11:08 am
Don Black, Dr. Dave, and Kyle are heroes to me, too.
They are WORTH criticizing here.
Can you imagine any BUGSER going to the TROUBLE to even CRITICIZE any of the real fools out there?
We only criticize those we have some respect for.
The old Catholic doctrine was that it was that it was a mortal sin to pray for the damned.
It is a fool who tries to correct the hopeless.
#11 by Horus on 04/21/2014 - 11:15 am
HD has it correct. You want to find out who your friends are????….come on message. Hell just come near the message of White Genocide!
One of Kyle’s long time associates at Renegade went bonkers after the WMM. He had been pissed at Kyle talking White Genocide for some time and went off half cocked and drunk on the air right before the March. After the March, this same individual went nuts and was kicked off the their radio shows. He is now on his own show talking nothing about Kyle and the failure of the White Genocide Message. Oh and this traitor that was supposedly a friend of Kyle’s now states that he was never Pro White to begin with. He was just a traitor infiltrating and going along for the ride. LOL. Too bad he will never have enough listeners to get Kyle (or White Genocide) a lot of publicity.
Welcome to the business of Winning Messages. Infiltrators, Lies, Slander…….and this just a warm up.
All these Rabbits talking about the failure of the Mantra makes me jolly and happy with laughter. Anyone with any common sense knows it means the direct OPPOSITE. Oh and here is a good article on this exact subject. Maybe you guys have not read this? This is from Jefferson and Ted over at WRR. And they do a brilliant job writing about the “New Statesmen” coverage of our memes/WMM
#12 by Henry Davenport on 04/21/2014 - 1:16 pm
The first part of Kyle’s radio show last Friday in which he mentions his “resignation” (his show was broadcast before my email to him yesterday and before our discussion of him on Bob’s last blog) and other matters concerning the White Man March is excellent, and some history he gives about the other fellow who’s leading the pack against him is about as startling as the info about his “friend.”
And as he says, he intends to remain active in the WMM.
The article at WRR you linked is great and I copied it onto White GeNOcide Project last night.
I hope that you and your brain trust at WRR (I don’t know Jefferson, but I have great admiration for Ted’s talent!) will also write an article on the essential point that pro-Whites don’t understand, “You can’t do education when psychological warfare is going on.”
That’s a way of putting it that brilliantly doesn’t denigrate or seem to denigrate education, and so may make it easier for some pro-Whites to quit writing essays and get on board with us in the right way.
I would find it extremely useful to link on some occasions when commenting on pro-White sites. (I still can’t quite give up trying to educate pro-whites! 🙂 )
The existence of such an article could also be very helpful in maintaining BUGS on the right path in the years ahead.
Your connecting the point with Kyle on Bob’s last blog gave me a much better understanding of what he’s been up to, so thanks a lot.
#13 by Henry Davenport on 04/21/2014 - 1:26 pm
“leading the pack”
Is there a pack? My impression is that the way talkshoe and blogtalk and such are set up, anyone who can handle a computer can have his own radio show and seem to be someone of importance.
#14 by Horus on 04/21/2014 - 1:37 pm
YES. Good point. Anyone can do a podcast on those channels. And many do. That does not mean they have any listeners.
#15 by Horus on 04/21/2014 - 1:32 pm
I have been talking about this non stop and will continue do so. And I will write an article about this as well. Hopefully, I can get Ted or Jefferson to edit it some. Also, if you listen to the Circus Maximus interview again. This has been the conversation I have been having with people. Psych Warfare vs. Education. And I will continue to talk about this topic.
I am going on Rense Radio with Don Black tom. morning at 10 am eastern time. Also scheduling some other interesting interviews for the future with “new” interesting parties. And will report back with dates and times once things are confirmed.
#16 by Daniel Genseric on 04/21/2014 - 11:46 pm
As always, I will be listening.
#17 by Henry Davenport on 04/21/2014 - 2:25 pm
“Your job is to hit ONE critical target.”
That target is White Genocide, right?
Not all the other tempting targets that are actually dirty bombs built to splatter all over us.
#18 by Daniel Genseric on 04/21/2014 - 11:42 pm
One of coach’s lethally important basics that we all know is ‘Any interrogator worth his salt never lets up with quality questions.’
Asking the right question at the right moment is critical. And the WHY is often times more important than the WHAT, especially when reading Bob Whitaker’s writing.
#19 by -Gar5- on 04/22/2014 - 8:25 am
Someone from NBC contacted me (on White Genocide Project Facebook), asking me what I thought of the plastic Easter eggs.
This is how I replied:
White Genocide Project is a leaderless group that seeks to inform the public about White Genocide around the world.
The person that delivered the plastic Easter eggs is unknown to us, but we agree with the sentiment of their messages.
From what we understand, there were slips of paper inside of the eggs that said “Anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White”, “Diversity is a codeword for White Genocide”, and “Asia or the Asian, Africa for the Africans, but White countries for everybody?!?”.
As I said, we agree with all of those messages, and we actively work to spread those messages in order to inform the public. Several groups have taken on our messages such as the British National Party (BNP), and Ann Coulter who said a coming White minority in America due to massive non-White immigration is akin to genocide.
I would say the person or people responsible for them are joining in the White Man March. It is not really a march, it’s more of a peaceful gathering. It was originally scheduled for March, and intended as a pun. Also, it wasn’t restricted to men only; many women joined in as well.
The White March is highly similar to our group – it’s leaderless and only exists to inform the public. You may have seen the White Man March in media outlets as well, the last one took place on the 19th of April, and the very first one took place on the 15th of March (2014).
Visit this page for information on White Genocide, we are using the United Nations Genocide Conventions as the definition of Genocide:
I don’t know if it will get in because I was a day later than she asked me.
If anyone wants to make a statement about the Easter Eggs that are explained here:
then here’s her contact info:
Kelly Avellino
#20 by Mike M on 04/22/2014 - 12:34 pm
Just sent you a pm from my personal FB account. Will send you a mail soon.
#21 by Henry Davenport on 04/22/2014 - 9:16 pm
That’s a masterpiece!
#22 by Jason on 04/23/2014 - 7:14 am
Well done.
#23 by Jason on 04/22/2014 - 8:40 am
Bob said:
“But right under your gun are five enemies who have killed your buddies.
You kill one and get out.
The first rule of those who promote White Genocide: Don’t talk about White Genocide. That’s the rule we’ve got to break wide open.
#24 by Daniel Genseric on 04/23/2014 - 8:55 am
The first rule of professional anti-whites is ‘You don’t talk about White Genocide.’
The first rule of professional anti-whites is ‘You don’t talk about White Genocide.’
The first rule of professional anti-whites is ‘You don’t talk about White Genocide.’
#25 by Mike M on 04/22/2014 - 12:40 pm
The egg story even came to France. I commented with the french mantra page to several white antiwhite on FB but got censored but the admin of the newspaper and my comments were deleted.
#26 by Al Parker on 04/22/2014 - 8:05 pm is gone and now redirecting to White Genocide project the day after the attack program against Kyle Hunt LISTEN HERE I don’t blame him, with pro-whites like this, who would want to deal with anti-whites?
#27 by Asgardian on 04/22/2014 - 8:20 pm
I feel horrible for how this has gone for Kyle. He really cares, he did not deserve such treatment. Alot of us knows how it feels to offer someone your hand when they are hanging from a cliff only to have it smacked away.
I hope he continues and know that there are people out there who really appreciate his efforts.
#28 by Henry Davenport on 04/22/2014 - 9:31 pm
I’m one of those people who really appreciate his work and accomplishment in the White Man March, as well as his inspiring the recent actions that are a continuance of that. He’s been largely responsible for creating a quantum jump in the injection of our memes and phrases into the public arena.
I wish I’d made a little more room for mentioning that in what I wrote to him yesterday, and that I’d used a different tone throughout. I go into a panic mode when I see certain things, and then no matter how nice I try to be I don’t really succeed.
Anyway, I hope he knows how much respect and even affection many of us here at BUGS have for him even though we haven’t met him, and I hope he’s doing fine and is only going to regroup or whatever. He’s needed.
#29 by seapea on 04/22/2014 - 11:06 pm
Indeed, Kyle did a very good job of giving pro-white activism a jump start it sorely needed. His efforts haven’t gone unnoticed by myself. Thank you Kyle and ALL involved in the WMM activities.
#30 by Ice Knight on 04/23/2014 - 7:28 am
Kyle did a great job, he put himself forward as a public figure for our message – very brave and he achieved a huge amount in a very short time, but also it put him in the unenviable position of becoming the lightening rod for all the anti-Whites keen to discredit us.
They can’t deal with the message, so they are desperate to link the message with named individuals and then attack these individuals in the hope of discrediting us.
Leaderless resistance is the way forward. Kyle made the right decision to step back once he had got the ball rolling and let the message do the talking.
As Bob says we need to be snipers. Snipers don’t announce their presence, they wait in the shadows for the right opportunities to present themselves.
#31 by Daniel Genseric on 04/23/2014 - 9:02 am
“As Bob says we need to be snipers. Snipers don’t announce their presence, they wait in the shadows for the right opportunities to present themselves.”
stone cold killer advice
#32 by Asgardian on 04/22/2014 - 10:28 pm
Very well said HD.
#33 by Al Parker on 04/22/2014 - 10:48 pm
Well. It could have been worse, like the Derek Black meltdown.. speaking of which, where did they go wrong with that boy?
“I do not believe advocacy against “oppression of whites” exists in any form but an entrenched desire to preserve white power at the expense of others. I am sorry for the damage done by my actions and my past endorsement of white nationalism.” — Derek Black , July 15 2013
#34 by Secret Squirrel on 04/23/2014 - 6:40 am
He was harassed wherever he went on campus and was under a lot of social pressure. Don’t forget Universities are anti-White indoctrination camps and they can’t stand the idea that people like us exist.
At any rate Derek has been silent ever since. If he remains silent, that will tell me something.
#35 by Jason on 04/23/2014 - 7:11 am
You never know what these vicious anti-White groups get on someone (or make up). His statement was silly at the time and now he has remained silent as you pointed out.
I’m not going to fret over things like this because we never know what is happening in the background.
#36 by Daniel Genseric on 04/23/2014 - 9:04 am
For some of us it’s harder to get laid (and paid) if you don’t parrot the right words.
#37 by Asgardian on 04/22/2014 - 11:08 pm
Anyone even very smart people are susceptible to for a better lack of word brain washing. Thats really whats happened to the poor kid. No one went wrong imo, This crap permeates movies books commercials and tv.
He’s young and fought this battle for a long time…..
#38 by Asgardian on 04/23/2014 - 12:06 am
I Realize why its so easy to scream about n&j’s…but when you do you become a caricature. You become what the antiwhite regime wants u becomr the boogeyman under the bed.
Lots of pro whites dont understand the conditioning tht r ppl have gone through.
Any mention of tht immediately makes ppl see skinheads.
Its a hard discipline 2 follow….. but one tht is a absolute must if we are going to shatter the image of how people like us are portrayed that simply want what any race wants…the right to exsist.
#39 by Yankee Rebel on 04/23/2014 - 6:10 am
What “damage” did Derek Black do exactly for his past endorsement of WN? The worst damage he did ,IMO, was to become a turncoat and join the anti-Whites. White Power my ASS! The only power I want is the freedom to choose who I associate with, live next to, do business with, etc. without being discriminated against by a system that robs me of my money, takes jobs away from me, and gives it to people who do not deserve it, appreciate it, and would kill me given a chance.
#40 by Jason on 04/23/2014 - 7:20 am
Kyle will find his own path. As long as we stay focused on a MESSAGE and not a LEADER, we are unbeatable.
The anti-Whites want us to turn into a soap opera of personal drama: all of of bickering and getting nothing done. I am sure they will have infiltrators doing just that.
It won’t work. We’ve had big fights over strategy around here, I’ve engaged in combative talk … none of it means anything. I am on the side of BUGS. I’m impressed with every last member of BUGS, including ones I sparred with.
Because while we may blow off steam fighting on some little issue, we are all committed to the Mantra Message.
#41 by Henry Davenport on 04/23/2014 - 10:00 am
“The anti-Whites want us to turn into a soap opera of personal drama: all of of bickering and getting nothing done. I am sure they will have infiltrators doing just that.”
“A soap opera of personal drama” describes exactly much of the pro-White world outside of BUGS, at least in the U.S.
It’s a world of people held eternally in a holding cell with nothing to do but turn on each other. The door to the cell is open, but few notice.
At BUGS, we’re focused on the job, not on ourselves or on each other, beyond concern that each of us is doing the job right.
Elsewhere, a typical pro-white’s focus is often largely on himself, on how he defines himself, and on whether other pro-whites’ definitions of their own identity as pro-whites do injury to his own.
Someone on SF recently described himself as having been “technically a National Socialist Narcissist”…I posted to him, “You guys were great, I loved your marches with the synchronized selfies.”
#42 by Daniel Genseric on 04/23/2014 - 8:57 am
What happened to Kyle Hunt is PRECISELY why I say “AMPW’s” when one of us asks, “Is there anything more stupid than a WHITE anti-white?”
YES. Anti-mantra Pro-Whites.
#43 by Denounce Genocidists on 04/23/2014 - 3:30 pm
You needed no authority to speak about pro-white helmet heads in such a derogatory manner, the matter was decided by them.
#44 by Daniel Genseric on 04/23/2014 - 5:47 pm
Think of it this way. The AMPW does the SAME work as the anti-white, he denies white genocide.
However, there is one critical distinction. The anti-white figures out how to get PAID doing it.
#45 by -scythian- on 04/23/2014 - 11:57 pm
One of the main complaints AMPWs have is that “trolling” is beneath them. What do they think anti-whites have been doing for past 100 years? They’ve been inserting anti-white messages in every communication medium NO MATTER THE TOPIC. And incessantly calling white people “racist” for a hundred years IS “spam”. Did it work? Duhh. Anti-whites have succeeded in implementing an ongoing program of white genocide, the only threatened race on the planet is the doomed whites. No way in hell would have assimilation & non-white immigration been forced down the throats of whites on a global scale had anti-white agitators, writers, propagandists not shoved “racist” down white people’s throats.
Anti-whites created a new race of people – western mulattoes. The fact is most western mulattoes would not exist if not for the success of anti-white propagandists. THAT’S POWER. And I bet we don’t even know who most of those anti-white writers/ propagandists/agitators are & will never know – today’s version of “anonymous”.
#46 by Daniel Genseric on 04/24/2014 - 1:15 am
Wanna bet?
Once the first domino starts to fall those little bitches will flip faster than sliders at slimeBURGER. Money punishment is going to be the closet anti-white’s worst nightmare.
No thanks to the perpetually penniless, white genocide-denying AMPW’s.