Archive for May 21st, 2014

Anti-Whites Can Count on Pro-Whites to Keep Their Secrets

As I have repeatedly pointed out, The French leader Sarkozy made a speech, which is on White Rabbit’s YouTube, in which he threatens to use force if the French do not intermarry soon!

No one mentions it!

Here, in “We will use force for interracial marriage,” is the kind of statement anti-whites would never let people forget. photo sarkozy.png

And our side? Down the Memory Hole, where the anti-whites desperately want it.

In talking about other pro-whites, I TRY to make suggestions rather than criticisms. But a 73-year-old man may go over that line after sixty years of bare-knuckle political battle.

I have made it clear that people who have built up organizations and raised money have to have the emphasis they learned that does that.

But I did all this as a paid professional, and in thousands of hours of nose-to-nose debate, I learned to find points that took NO time to throw in.

“Chasing down white flight” is one of those phrases I would work into any discussion I was having. I have learned a feel for what works.

I get ticked at David and Jared and James when they have a twenty minute interview and doesn’t use any of my powerful stuff, which takes ten seconds or less. The stuff I came up with was USED by people who were elected and who raised funds.

Anti-whites keep saying that we say that immigration is only for white countries, “but it isn’t so.” But just to mention that fact is poison to their side.

I work very hard at this, for free. I am used to my products being ignored, but I RESENT it.

Meanwhile keep thinking about “Chasing Down White Flight” and keep commenting on it and reading any new comments there.
