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Join the BUGS Team! Post on the internet along with us to fight White Genocide!


Posted by Genseric on October 27th, 2014 under General

Many new and old school BUGSters have attended Bob Whitaker’s Saturday night PalTalk forum formally known as ‘Fight White Genocide.’ Prior to that project, Bob and Laura took to the interweb airwaves to tackle Professor Dean Scharf at his International Criminal MOOC conference on March 21. Bob, true to form, wasted no time and politely jabbed that the Good Professor had wandered outside of his university castle walls.

I never laughed so hard as I did at the Sharf moderator’s inaudible shriek of horror upon her realizing the implications of this obvious oversight.

Traditional Brick & Mortar Universities are collapsing under their own leviathan-like weight and bloated tuition fees. Google University and 24/7/365 instant access to The Political Priest Class’ Chained Book hasn’t helped Political Correctness’ cause one iota either. From old timey, leftist, anti-white propaganda all the way to pro-white philosophy and BUGS – for the first time in history you have the world at the tips of your fingers. Never has the universe felt so small for so many.

 photo bubbles.jpg

Electronics giant Best Buy is still downsizing as they are continually crushed by Amazon’s virtual marketplace. In an effort to quell their bloodletting Household heavyweights Target Corp. and Walmart are now offering “Me Too” free shipping to online shoppers. Customers have spoken and their demands were heard. Wider variety, cost comparisons, shopping from the comfort of your home, instant access to inventory, automatically generated lead times, frequently free shipping and many times no sales tax, an Ebola-free environment, and the list goes on.

Similar to the case of consumers, internet users are gaining access to information on the ‘net that no institution would DARE let inside their castle walls, and at an alarming rate. Just take Bob’s revolutionary Underground Graduate Seminar for example. Practical politics has never seen such a daring and dedicated group. BUGS routinely proves it is downright deadly to the anti-white establishment and makes no apologies about it. Many of us have the death threats on file to prove it. The best part about it is the anti-white THUGS can’t get to us on the web.

However, there is one thing college can offer young hopefuls and nouveau yuppies right now that they can’t get online. They can sell you an ever-increasing and exorbitantly expensive certificate with mommy professor’s fancy calligraphy and her particular church’s patented, gold, embossed logo. Although, I just learned that ebay has started selling do-it-yourself college degree kits. I guess it is true that “Hope springs eternal in the human breast.”

So, free thought is on the horizon and on the heels of the education bubble, my friends. My fear is we won’t be able to tell each other apart once it finally bursts and the tidal wave of “Pro-Whites” washes ashore.

  1. #1 by Mark WN on 10/27/2014 - 9:38 am

    Here is a fantastic video with prominent blacks like Ali, Farrakhan and Malcolm X literally taunting us about our demise from race mixing.

    When raiding, I will post this link.

    It needs to go viral…we need all the help we can get.

  2. #2 by Jason on 10/27/2014 - 10:19 am

    The education bubble is the biggest con in my lifetime (besides White Genocide). Take the cost of a college algebra or calculus book, somewhere around $150! But ask yourself, how much has algebra changed in the last several HUNDRED years?

    Not much. There is a movement to provide FREE books online for most math classes, including college level books, at least at the undergraduate level, simply by using textbooks that the copyright has expired on. A few tweaks to a century old calculus book and it works just fine.

    What a scam they’ve been running. There is no reason a college education can’t shave off at least a year and be done mostly online for a fraction of the cost.

    This is all a direct threat to the Professor Priesthood. Good!

  3. #3 by Jason on 10/28/2014 - 12:30 am

    “My fear is we won’t be able to tell each other apart once it finally bursts and the tidal wave of “Pro-Whites” washes ashore.”

    This is something that bothers me too if it means what I think. I’m afraid of bunch of fake “pro-Whites” suddenly showing up when the trend changes.

    The best solution I can think of is NO compromise on the charge of GENOCIDE.

  4. #4 by Benjamin Newells on 10/28/2014 - 6:24 am

    This was a really good article.

  5. #5 by Denounce Genocidists on 10/29/2014 - 12:31 pm

    If the automation of “knowledge work” takes off The Professions are reduced to some guy with a genius Jeeves software program.

    Having said that, the Investment Professionals are only as good as dart throwing monkeys on a statistical basis yet they still get paid silly money.

    But that`s economics and we just want Mommy Professor`s Respectability and Silent White Genocide brought to an end.

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