Archive for October 29th, 2014

Mommy Professor in India

In India, Mommy Professor wears a towel on his head and a diaper on his ass.

For two thousand years Indian Mommy Professors have been considered to be the Height of Wisdom. The Brahman sits in his diaper while around him children collapse in hunger, and every University rings with his praises.

When the Aryan warrior class invaded India and set up a culture, the warriors, the Tschatriya, were at the top of the Caste system. “Caste” means color in English, just as is the Indian Sanskrit term for caste was the same word as “color.”

Just before India began its slide into sub-third world status, the Brahman became the top caste.

The Brahman are the Priests, the Intellectuals.

The Mommy Professors.

The Indian civilization developed Kung Fu, Buddhism, and the aquatic rice we associate with Oriental countries and “the paddy culture.”  photo blueeyedbuddha.jpg

Buddhism originated in India, and Buddhists point out that the Buddha, “had eyes the color of blue lotus.” The man who brought Kung Fu to China also had bright blue eyes.

In a coincidence that is not historically unique, India’s Aryan conquerors devoted themselves to Wisdom, became brown and collapsed into a starving mess with only little brown Wise Men to show for it.

In the end period for White India, you might not have recognized the group that would be Wise Men of Colored India. They probably looked a great deal like Mommy Professor today rather than the little guy in the diaper with the begging bowl.

Mommy Professor in the White World has on a coat and tie and gets his money from taxation backed by force. When the Warrior Class gave the Brahman the top notch in the color system, the Brahman was probably as well financed as Mommy Professor is today.

In the future colored world, Mommy Professor will be trying to peddle his Wisdom on the streets, as anyone who reads Genseric’s “The Bubble” below will understand.
