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If You Can Declare That All Men are Equal, You Rule the World

Posted by Bob on July 1st, 2016 under Coaching Session, How Things Work

Independence and ruling the world are two very different things.

In fact, independence means exactly the opposite.

Independence means that you rule yourself and leave the rest of the world to make its own rules.

A declaration that all men are ANYTHING is a direct repudiation of independence.

The Preamble to the Constitution is the only purpose of America that was accepted by Americans. The Constitution says that the ONLY purpose of America is to govern AMERICANS.  photo whitecountries.jpg

The big problem is that we let the establishment get away with a bunch of trash. By the time we finally get around to questioning whether America exists entirely for immigrants, the damage is done.

The same thing is true of everything we let the establishment get away with.

No adult should be allowed to get away with ignoring what people WANT.

Christopher Hitchens had the exact same attitude he attributed to “racists.” If someone pointed out that Blacks immigrated INTO South Africa under apartheid, his reply is “Who cares what a bunch of niggers want?”

The reason respectable conservatives drool when the Declaration of Independence is discussed is because they will not face the “intellectuals” and tell them one simple fact:

Freedom means people get what THEY want.

Not what the “intellectuals” want.

Not what the “bettah clahss” wants.

Freedom produces countries people WANT to live in.

Freedom produces countries people WANT to immigrate to. “Intellectuals” like Hitchens produce nothing but countries people desperately want to escape from.

And a free people only accepts immigrants they WANT.

Otherwise you end with a country people want OUT of.

That is what we will have if we accept all the refugees from countries that have failed.

  1. #1 by -Gar5- on 07/02/2016 - 2:20 pm

    Races are different on the inside as well as the outside. So this means that we can’t all be put into the same country and live peacefully together. It also means that we can’t even have the same system of governments.

    Whites always want democracy, except for times of emergency when we want a strong leader to put things right. Then after they’ve done that we want democracy again.

    Non-Whites of all groups, except maybe for Japanese, want a strong leader permanently.

    This is why we keep messing up the Middle East. It’s because we think we are helping them by giving them democracy, but it actually just weakens them. And they just keep having wars over who gets to rule over them.

    It is true that races are not equal (i.e the same). But some people take that too far and say that races are not equal and therefore some have more right to exist than others do.

    No one has that right. And no one has the right to say that no races should exist, either.

  2. #2 by shari on 07/02/2016 - 8:31 pm

    To argue and be opposed to all the evils of the day, while ignoring the planned white genocide is to miss the point.

  3. #3 by -cecilhenry- on 07/03/2016 - 2:21 pm

    Great mini-Mantra here.

    Off to work.

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