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Bob RAW #008 – New Meme

Posted by Laura on July 3rd, 2016 under Coaching Session

Bob Raw #008 – New Meme – You cant have Diversity and Freedom of Speech at the same time


  1. #1 by -cecilhenry- on 07/03/2016 - 10:30 pm

    What do you think of:

    Diversity means everyone MUST think alike about diversity.

    Diversity means everyone MUST speak alike about ‘diversity’

    I have used these with success.

  2. #2 by shari on 07/04/2016 - 10:26 am

    This would be a great bumper sticker. Hits between the eyes, but shouldn’t get your vehicle vandalized. At least in white areas. What could your neighbors say? Call you a white supremacist?

  3. #3 by Undercover Lover on 07/04/2016 - 5:23 pm

    I do like “diversity means no free speech”
    but I feel like that’s not being consistent enough .
    How many little phrases do we need attacking “diversity?”

    “Diversity means chasing down the last white person.”
    “Diversity is a codeword for White Genocide.”

    Now you want us to add “Diversity means no free speech” as well?
    Isn’t that a bit much?

  4. #4 by shari on 07/04/2016 - 5:42 pm

    When city commissioners pass a non-discrimination ordinance, what is that but a chill on free speech. When the grade schools teach little kids about racism, what is that but a chill on free speech. When people put signs in their windows reading ” this house rejects hate” they are attacking free speech. The attack on free speech is going on in the open while “refugees” affordable housing on taxpayers is demanded. Diversity means no free speech is exactly what is being pushed. The hypocricy is rank stench on the part of anti-white timeservers.

  5. #5 by Denounce Genocidists on 07/05/2016 - 5:52 am

    “Use it or lose it”

  6. #6 by Henry Davenport on 07/05/2016 - 1:12 pm

    The White House meme team has just submitted this:

    Be honest that diversity makes free speech impossible

    150 initials will make it visible until August 5 on the website of the president of the United States!

    • #7 by Henry Davenport on 07/06/2016 - 3:59 pm

      We’re getting a bit more help from SF’ers than usual in getting the 150 initials on that that will make it visible. Some folks there seem to be connecting to it more than they have to our other memes.

      I thought this was a nice comment I received in a PM there:

      That is a good , refreshing meme,i would pass it on no problem…I hope you get more interest…We live and ACCEPT to live in such an oppressive enviornment on all fronts,from our jobs to school,to college to nearly every aspect of public life…I wish you well in spreading your message…

  7. #8 by time for freedom on 07/06/2016 - 2:31 am

    #antiwhites suppress diversity of opinion by criminalizing criticism of White force-integration, ie, #WhiteGenocide

    #antiwhites say they’ll ensure our freedom by throwing in jail anyone who criticizes the policy of #whiteGenocide

  8. #9 by -cecilhenry- on 07/07/2016 - 9:37 pm

    Diversity OR Free speech. Pick ONE. And ONLY ONCE.

  9. #10 by Yankee Rebel on 07/08/2016 - 2:26 pm

    Diversity and Free Speech Cannot Coexist. That would be a simpler and concise way to say it.

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