Archive for August, 2016

Two Little Words

“White Genocide” is now way past viral.

I am an old man with all the money I really want, so I have no personal ambitions.

The ONLY reason I tour my successes is to lessen the time it takes for you to take my advice.

“White genocide” were two little words.

We’ve got ’em up against the wall. Now the two little words for the coup de grace:


There is a COAST to COAST ban on using the term “Chasing Down Whites.”

There is a reason for this.

What the gentleman in the link cited below did NOT say was that, once inside White and ONLY White counties, every government is on the lookout for Whites who have escaped their net.


“White genocide” simply says what we all SEE.    “White genocide” rips its mask off.

Hell, White genocide is not news! Anti-White science fiction writers were bragging about ridding the earth of White people SIXTY YEARS AGO!

They were considered heroes for simply stating it in plain English.

It didn’t require a professional futurist to see what the aim of anti-Whites was even then. But SAYING it then made you a hero!

Listen to me, I have earned the right to ask you that:

Shove in “CHASING DOWN” Whites every chance you get.

No, it doesn’t make you look smart to those liberals that respectable conservatives live to impress. It puts no money in your bank account and won’t get Jared Taylor swoon with admiration for you.

Chasing down, like “White genocide,” just WINS.

I have said it many times:
1) I don’t want fame;
2) I’m not chasing money;
3) All I ask is to rule the world.

And you rule the world by getting your message across.
“So, she recruits the inexperienced Nate(Radcliffe) to shave his head and go undercover as a radical skinhead. It’s his job to memorize White nationalist literature and make enough of an impression with the low-level skinheads to get close to a radical conservative radio host named Dallas Wolf (Tracy Letts), the kind of blustery bald guy who spouts things like, ‘Diversity is a code word, and what it means is White genocide.'”




Armed robbery is committed with a weapon.

But there is a endless list of types of robber, from con men to congressmen,  and an endless list of methods by which robbery is perpetrated.

They can steal your money, your reputation, and especially your right to have and express an opinion of your own.

Snobs also come in endless varieties.

A snob can be after your money, if he is convincing you that buying any other product is “lowah clahss.”

Every time somebody says, “But my deah fellow, that is not an opinion we of the bettah clahss would approve.”   There are hundreds of these every day, as columnists and those who make up the “news” whether you are using words you are not “allowed” to use or expressing opinions that “we,” which is supposed to mean all decent citizens, simply do not have.  photo snob.jpg

So if a society has to force people to stay inside it, it is a thief. The first law of freedom is that people must WANT what you offer. It doesn’t matter what threat you are using: If you are taking something, you must give something people WANT in return.

If you say White people stole America, you are admitting to taking part in armed robbery.

When Hitchens said South Africa was worse than the Holocaust, I pointed out that illegal BLACK immigration was a problem BLACKS demanded the government should take action on.

Hitchens never even noticed that all countries who followed his Divine Marxism, every one of them, had walls around them and armed men keeping the people in.

Hitchens’ attitude was, “Who cares what a bunch of uneducated niggers want?” But no conservative who made his living making liberal interviewers feel good would ever even THINK such a thing,  much less SAY it.

John Stewart, Walter Cronkite, Christopher Hitchens and all the other “icons” of today talk only about what people SHOULD think. The masses SHOULD have opinions  like those of their “betters.”

Hoffer talks about that endlessly but somehow not in any of the books we see today.

Hoffer was an actual worker, and no Marxist wants to hear what workers want.

It’s “the dictatorship OF the proletariat”, not “BY the proletariat.”



The Media is Not Here to Listen to US, It is Paid to Tell Us What to Think

Our rulers are now in what can only be called a “Stop Trump Mania.”

Anyone who sees our ruling group as a ruling group would, and I mean anyone who really SEES our ruling group as our ruling group would never have become part of it. We are ruled by the very OPPOSITE of a Conspiracy.

A conspiracy is made up of people who KNOW the real situation and keep their knowledge secret.

No one who really sees our ruling class as such would never have gotten their jobs. They would not be trusted by those who decide who is in and who is out.   Conservative spokesmen make liberals comfortable with them.

Lenin referred to what we now call respectable spokesmen as “useful idiots.”

By now, the whole process of selecting who gets listened to and who can raise money is so ingrained that those who are part of the media elite do not have to think in those terms. To a lifetime member of the anti-White professionals, choosing who is allowed to speak and those who are not, is simply a matter of “reasonable” people versus unreasonable ones.

After decades, professional anti-Whites can tell immediately not only who is on their side but also whether a person would make a spokesman for the Other Side. The term “useful idiots” never even occurs to them.

The competition for money and fame is fierce. As far as climbing the ladder of success is concerned, no one who cannot instantly tell their version of “talent” will be kicked off of the bottom rung.

But sometimes even professionals get caught with their pants down.

In 1981 Cokie Roberts, a rising star at National Public Radio, asked ME to do an editorial from the Reagan side!

Even National Review was split right down the middle as to whether I was a legitimate spokesman for Reagan.

Ms. Roberts explained to me that the big media simply did not know anyone on the Reagan side.

“The Reagan side” had just won a crushing victory against a sitting President. But the national media just didn’t have people who represented the side that had taken over the Presidency and the Senate.  photo rockefellerdies21a-4-web.jpg

Everybody they had put on to represent “the opposition” was a middle of the road Republican or, even worse, one of the almost completely extinct liberal wing of the Party. After the election, New York governor Nelson Rockefeller was asked by a reporter whether he was there to represent the East coast, moderate wing of the GOP.

Rockefeller replied, “I AM the eastern wing of the Republican Party.” ALL of the people the media saw as representing the non-Democratic side of the entire American electorate were GONE!

We saw exactly the same thing happen recently to the UK media.

Over half of the public the BBC was the expert on had voted to leave the European Union.

The UK media said up front they didn’t KNOW those people!

A major news story was that pro-EU Britons were outraged that the Media had not given the slightest indication that the majority in the UK was anti-EU.

In a replay of the American “professional” media in 1980, The BBC and the rest of the “professionals”  replied, without a hint of embarrassment, that they simply didn’t KNOW anybody in the country’s majority.

In America in 1980 and in the UK months ago, a media professional was not there to LISTEN to what the British public said.

One becomes a member of the professional media by TELLING the people what they should support.

And they SAY so!


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Maybe 2016 is Not 1860. Maybe This is 1856

Anywhere else, a wild statement like this would confuse readers.

To you, this wildness identifies Bob Whitaker better than a fingerprint would.

So, as usual, I begin by explaining where the HELL I am coming from.

One of my themes has been that Whites have almost zero chance of winning in a two-way race, and that the whole picture changes if the number of serious candidates changes.

BBG did an illustration of this by listing the vote for Lincoln and the percentage each of his three opponents got. image-3bff3efd57399b0b686ef73ff7aaae43e492c24c851aea81ba6fc107130dad84-V

Lincoln got 40% of the popular vote, which is the percentage that went to Hoover and Goldwater, each of whom represents a catastrophic defeat in their two-way race.

But for Lincoln, 40% gave him an overwhelming victory in 1860.

What happened was that Lincoln did not get a single recorded vote south of the Mason-Dixon Line. Every slave state refused to put him on the ballot.

In 1860 the North seceded from the South.

In 1856 there were three parties on the ballot.

But after 1856 it was clear that if the Democratic coalition of free and slave states broke up for just one election, the Republicans would win.

And a lot of people, including US Grant, knew that the South would not stand for a president who represented a separate nation.

Nobody can make a living as a popular political writer if he tries to explain the ongoing campaign as a part of the political history.  photo 1856election.jpg

It is barely an exaggeration to state that everybody who gets published today has to talk about
1) this election and only this election; and
2) Which celebrity farted.

The night of his total defeat in 1964, Goldwater called the moderates and liberal Republicans and turned the Party back over to them.

I doubt Trump will do that.

Unlike professional conservatives, Bernie Sanders is neither an idiot or a coward.

If he could get on enough ballots, Bernie could have destroyed Ice Station Hillary’s chances of winning the 2016 election.

But the mechanics of getting on the ballot are totally forbidding.

THIS year.

So if Trump does not call up old Republicans leadership for an Unconditional Surrender the way Goldwater did Bernie can have anything he wants in return for not going on the ballot in 2020.

What is the likelihood that Bernie and Trump will unconditionally surrender their respective parties to those who now own them?

The election of 1856 made what happened in 1860 inevitable to happen eventually.

And 2016 is beginning to look like 1856.



If We Are Heretics, Who is Your Pope?

Respectable Conservatives make their livings by avoiding the questions that matter.

Respectables make liberal interviewers feel comfortable.

I can’t get an interview because I ask nothing BUT the wrong questions.

So we have an endless barrage of respectable and liberals shouting that Trump is heresy.

But the way to not be interviewed is to demand to know exactly WHAT Trump is a rebel AGAINST.

Libs and cucks only shout “heresy.”

But to get specific about that heresy they must not only talk about Trump, they must talk about THEMSELVES.

Who IS Trump offending? That must be our establishment/Pope.

They do not dare to not be clear about who THEY are. They would have to admit that THEY are America’s ruling establishment.

They openly suppress anyone who insists on knowing what THEY are. Where do they get this power to declare heresy from?

The establishment power rests on their Popish ability to declare things heresy.

Their “diversity” simply means locating too many White people in one place and chasing them down.

A country with too may Whites is ordered to bring in colored immigrants.  A community with too many Whites is FORCED to become more colored.

And we are specifically BANNED from saying “diversity” means chasing down whites.

Diversity” is their Holy Word.

Trump says America is being overwhelmed, not by immigration, but by third world immigration.

Anti-Whites are required to talk about the Great Culture and wisdom of the third world.

No one is allowed to point out that the reason those immigrants desperately needed to leave the third world is because the third world is a disaster THEY let happen.

I stated in the New Right Papers that “Mexico is poor because it is inhabited by Mexicans.”  photo estab.jpg

The definition of insanity is to do the same thing and expect different results.

Establishment types are always bitching about how Bible Belt religion is the reason for the bigotries and evil of the South.

Trump says that we can’t afford Islam here for the exact same reasons the establishment uses to attack Jimmy Swaggert.  Their spokesmen regularly say how great it would be if they seceded from the South.

In other words, anybody who demands that the establishment say openly just WHO it is that Trump is offending and WHAT it is he is being heretical about will force the establishment to ADMIT IT IS AN ESTABLISHMENT.

Three months to the election, and that is the time we have to force the establishment to state exactly who they ARE.

Nothing could be more important.

They scream that someone cannot SAY this or that.

So who ARE you?

