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Our Side AND Giving Credit

Posted by Laura on June 11th, 2017 under Coaching Session, How Things Work

By Bob Whitaker:

“I admit it freely, their side gives credit in the right places. Our side does not.

It finally occurred to me why this would be true. The people who make their livings on contributions, do not want competition and would prefer that those of us who are not as well known don’t compete with them. That makes perfectly good sense, they don’t think of it that way because they are honorable people and it’s a dishonorable point of view but lately I’ve noticed that the SPLC and ADL were pointing out that the slogan White genocide was slaughtering the others, the anti-whites, and had Duke gotten onto it earlier he might have won the election for United States Senate.

But of course Taylor had pointed out earlier, that this made him tired, that white genocide was a “hard sell” and so forth, which it sounds like I’m trying to make a brave man look cowardly but really it’s just the way things occur. Some people have complained to me and I’m proud of my stands and if I give our side something good I would like at least people to notice it.

But its good old fashioned jealously. And its quite normal in politics that the people who are doing the spinning don’t get credit for it, normally they get money for it. In my case I would like some credit.

So I have thought it over, and finally figured out, usually, if you do a little logical consideration, but it’s hard to be logical when you’re taking a position which takes some guts to take, and now you’re not being given credit for it.

So.. I have now done my bellyaching.”

Credit – Audio File


  1. #1 by shari on 06/11/2017 - 1:11 pm

    I don’t think I would have understood what was going on without learning about White Genocide. When my kids were growing up I was extremely frustrated with everything, schools, feminism, churches etc. White genocide is what made everything make some sense. Now it has become so obvious. So I can give Bob Whitaker credit. I feel sure he will have much more coming.

  2. #2 by time for freedom on 06/11/2017 - 3:37 pm

    I think the greatest credit that could be paid to Bob is simply to use the stuff that he has written over and over and over and over…..

  3. #3 by Jason on 06/11/2017 - 7:45 pm

    Our side must understand where effective ideas come from. Bob Whitaker must be given credit for that reason.

    It’s also important our side not waste time on Money Raisers who don’t accomplish much, but waste what precious little energy there is for a dissident view.

  4. #4 by Skippy01 on 06/11/2017 - 9:39 pm

    If anyone thinks that “white genocide” is “a hard sell,” and it makes them “tired,” giving money to them should be a “hard sell,” and the thought of donating to them should make you “tired.”

    If anyone who lives by contributions calls out white genocide and has no problem saying where that phrase comes from, giving to them should be an easy sell, and the thought of contributing to the spread of a meme that helps the white race should be invigorating.

    We know incentives work, so making the incentives point in the right direction must be helpful.

  5. #5 by eyeslevel on 06/12/2017 - 1:34 pm

    We also need to demand credit for what white PEOPLE have done and also to demand that whites stop being blamed for problems they didn’t cause.

    It’s hilarious watching non-whites use cell phones, internet, electricity to complain about cultural appropriation.

  6. #6 by eyeslevel on 06/12/2017 - 1:35 pm

    I guess Taylor thinks taking power should be easy.

    • #7 by time for freedom on 06/13/2017 - 5:48 pm

      I don’t think Taylorites want power…They want to be accepted by the #antiwhites ruling over us. They want respectability…They want to be respectable conservatives. They have been rejected in that regard by the #antiwhite establishment because they quite frankly are not as good at that as the residing respectable conservatives in power. They are lower level, respectable conservative rejects, and they are bitter about it, and desperate to demonstrate their worth to the establishment by openly rejecting the validity of the issue of #WhiteGenocide.
      They will fail.

  7. #8 by time for freedom on 06/13/2017 - 5:24 pm

    Laura, keep up the great work. Actually, now that Bob is gone, it would be a great idea to use this blog to reprint every article that Bob has ever written here, and then, challenge everyone to come up with a couple of short talking points based upon that article. That’s how I’ve always tried to use Bob’s articles, and it works.

    Maybe re-print an article every two days to keep things going at a nice pace. I think he had about 5000 articles in total so that would keep us all busy for quite a while, and produce a whole lot of new and useful talking points as well.

    What about Election 2020? Any ideas yet?

    Thanks for all of your efforts. That are greatly appreciated.

    My talking point from this article:

    “#WhiteGenocide has disallowed White people from being given credit for, or protecting, their achievements from cultural appropriation”


    “#WhiteGenocide has disallowed White people from being given credit for their achievements and from #antiwhite cultural appropriation”

    #WhiteGenocide has denied White people credit for their achievements and protection from #antiwhite cultural appropriation.This is unfair”

    • #9 by Secret Squirrel on 06/14/2017 - 5:10 am

      “Laura, keep up the great work. Actually, now that Bob is gone, it would be a great idea to use this blog to reprint every article that Bob has ever written here”

      I was thinking this as well. I was going to ask for a pointer back to the first post, so I could read it myself. I was also thinking it would be good to put all Bob’s posts in one pdf file, so it would become a book. I don’t know how to do it now, but I’d certainly volunteer and learn how.

      • #10 by Krishna Dharma on 06/14/2017 - 5:34 am

        Archive Bob’s posts and the REPLIES to those posts.

  8. #11 by time for freedom on 06/13/2017 - 5:58 pm

    Actually the one talking point that I would derive from this article is that last one from above:

    #WhiteGenocide has denied White people credit for their achievements and protection from #antiwhite cultural appropriation.This is unfair”

    The first two were a bit clumsy.

  9. #12 by time for freedom on 06/13/2017 - 8:28 pm

    ‘Equality’ is an attempted justification for #WhiteGenocide

    ‘Equality’ means the forceful transfer of White lives over to #antiwhites, that is #WhiteGenocide

    ‘Equality’ just means plundering White people’s lives under the program of #WhiteGenocide

    ‘Equality’ is an #antiwhite means to destroy White populations in whole or in part, that is always #WhiteGenocide.

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