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Crazy Ideas For Spreading The Mantra

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Crazy Ideas For Spreading The Mantra

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  • #28188

    We have been striking a lot of sparks with flint and steel. Things are starting to smolder here and there. I think we should ramp it up a bit and get out a magnifying glass and concentrate the sun’s light on one particular flammable spot.

    This is what I’n thinking. We pick a university. A medium sized fairly liberal one in the Midwest. We go to that college or university’s web site and get as many email addresses of faculty and students as possible and email them the Mantra.

    But I would not stop there. We also get as many snail mail addresses as possible and mail as many letters with the mantra as we can individually afford to those addresses. There is a delete button with email. With snail mail, they have something to hold in their hand and show to their college across the hall. They also can’t claim it is all coming from one person using multiple accounts when they start getting mail from all over the country and all over the world.

    To pull this off, we need one person to pick a college and a start date. The rest of us can then attack individually and pick what address suits us.

    I think that Bob should pick. He has an academic background and he could pick a college where he has some inside connections that could let him know what the effects of this effort are. If not Bob we could make nominations, but we need some sort of consensus about which on to target. How about it Bob? The fall semester starts soon.

    Daniel Genseric


    In my mind, no one college has more recently EARNED this privilege than the University of Minnesota Duluth. Tim Jacob Wise made a trip there to spearhead the Unfair Campaign. My vote is for UMD. Let’s make an example of them.


    This was suggested a few months back but there were no responses.

    Crawling for a list of user/faculty emails would be rather easy.  Assuming you had 10 regular users sending BCC emails.  You could send 5k emails a day.  If you have a couple people that know how to work proxies, you could do a university every single day.

    Snail mailing mantras to 30k students would cost you $10k, it’s not practical.   Any snail mail campaign would need to be targeted at groups/committees/fraternities/sororities that are most likely to be open to the message.  You could also target groups that are most likely to make a stir over it.

    Whatever college you choose,  you might want to see if there are any groups of normal people in the area, and organize something in tandem.  To bring it to the physical realm you can always fax all the departments at the university (especially the liberal arts/soft sciences), and possibly local businesses.  Plenty of free internet faxing services, just google it.

    Every google account you sign up with allows you to make phone calls from gmail.  If you open up Gmail and look at the left frame, towards the bottom there is a Call Phone icon and text.   You can use that for voice mails when the university isn’t open

    Didn’t UMD STOP supporting the Unfair Ad Campaign?  If so,  I wouldnt choose them, take the W no matter how big or how small.

    I would start with Berkeley or Harvard



    You are right they deserve it, but I was thinking more of blind siding a college.  University of Minnesota Duluth will be expecting it and know how to keep it out of the media.

    Daniel Genseric


    Thanks for the input. Great ideas.

    Harvard sounds good, but I do know that Indiana (midwest) DOES have an active group of normal folks over at Hoosier Nation and some of them write for AltRight.

    Let’s start in the middle and push the anti-whites into the ocean. A University in Indiana?


    So that’s three that don’t think this is such a crazy idea.  Let’s see if we can get at least three more, then move it to it’s own thead where we can really get serious about it.

    “Any snail mail campaign would need to be targeted at groups/committees/fraternities/sororities that are most likely to be open to the message.  You could also target groups that are most likely to make a stir over it.”

    Freaking brilliant.  I didn’t even think of fraternities and sororities.  One letter could be seen by bunches of students.

    Another thing I thought would be good.  Send a French or German Mantra to a woman’s studies professor or any department not likely to be fluent in a forign language.  She would likely have to take it over to a professor who speaks French or German to have it translated.  The two people have seen it and each knows the other has.  Someone will be forced to take action.

    Dick Whitman

    Darn good idea.

    Henry Davenport

    The above idea sounds great. I can contribute a little time (I do mean a little) if it involves no computer hassles. I vote for UMD…there may be some repressed resentment there over their campaign that will be happy to hear from us.

    Peter Whiterabbit

    Penn State is begging for something to distract them from their football sex scandal. The mantra might be it??


    I don’t use Facebook but those who do should take a look at this:

    If somebody created a Mantra badge and every BUGSTER put it on their Youtube/Facebook profile, it would go viral.

    Henry Davenport


    The MSM site I often hang at will allow me to put up bugser posts only to articles on immigration. On other threads I can sometimes work in a few mantra snippets, and can often keep the phrase “anti-racist is a code word for anti-white” appearing frequently or infrequently in the thread.

    But the easiest thing I do there is very carefully use the username “stop_white_genocide” to post only harmless posts about anything BUT white genocide so as to not get that name banned (hopefully).

    I’ll archive here an example from my posting today for anyone who ever comes along and feels drawn toward doing something similar. Usually other posters on that MSM site respond to me, which keeps that username up, but below I had to construct my own conversation. Notice that I don’t overwhelm the conversation with the username I’m trying to display… that would get me banned. The site masters are all anti-whites, but allow me to have my little conversations with myself within the bounds I’ve learned there over the years.

    stop_white_genocide writes:

    So, speaking of pornography (legal pornography of course), what are folks favorite sites?

    Mine is the wonderful “Various Ways to Have Sex While Eating Apple Pie” site. My nomination for most disgusting personal pornography site is the “My Dog Likes to Watch” site.

    (Don’t google those, since they aren’t actual sites as far as I know! 🙂

    JasonRebar writes:

    in response to stop_white_genocide:

    I’m an old guy, so my favorite site is the “Ma and Pa Kettle are in Fine Fettle” site!

    Just_Ask_Charles writes:

    in response to JasonRebar:

    “Ginko Trees in Heat” is a nice site.

    PeckerwoodNation writes:

    in response to Just_Ask_Charles:

    I picked up some malware at that one when I clicked on an ad, “How to remove hair from your palm.”

    DonaldDrake writes:

    in response to stop_white_genocide:

    It isn’t really a porno site, but the site “How to satisfy your wife or girlfriend without leaving your computer” did wonders for my personal life.

    MissAnne writes:

    in response to DonaldDrake:

    This one isn’t really a porno site either, but the site “Restoring Virginity” has been helpful to many errant young ladies.

    Grammar_and_Spelling_Stalinist writes:

    DonaldDrake and MissAnne: Let’s stay on topic, please. This thread is about pornography.

    stop_white_genocide: it’s “folks’ favorite sites,” not “folks favorite sites.”


    Silly, but fun! I just want to get the phrase in their heads as being a normal thing to see and hear. On threads I can go whole hog on, I lay out the whole business and they can expose themselves to that if they choose…clearly many do since I get a lot of argument.

    Henry Davenport

    Oops. I was hoping the names wouldn’t be links when transferred! Ah, computers!

    It doesn’t really matter. If anti-whites track those names down to any effect, it will just mean more work for their anti-white brethen who run that site. The people managing that site have very little time, and I have plenty for R and R, which that site is, and I love introducing new usernames that play off of old ones.

    Daniel Genseric

    So far everybody in here is a trustworthy Swarmster.

    When we do this we should move to a back channel to avoid monitoring. Of the respondents, who here does NOT have an SF account?

    David Joop

    So far everybody in here is a trustworthy Swarmster.

    Was coniglio trustworthy?


    I was not involved in this as this was really before my time.

    Why do you ask “was coniglio trustworthy?”


    David Joop

    The point I was trying to make was:

    be aware of trolls..

    Henry Davenport

    @ David Joop: I’m thoroughly convinced that Coniglio is a very sincere pro-white. As to “trustworthy,” that has different levels. He was extremely emotionally volatile and took his toys and left when he didn’t get sufficiently nurtured, especially by me, is my opinion for what it’s worth. Bugs can’t be a therapy group. Although I liked the guy, looking back I realize he did some harm. He was a force for disunion among us.

    David Joop

    Very sincere, yet never got round to posting in Swarm.
    Anyway, I’ve got work to do.


    How can anyone not post when confronted with so much pure evil, so many lies and so many traitors?

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