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Even White Supremacists are using our terms these days

Home Forums BUGS SWARM Even White Supremacists are using our terms these days

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    Mimmy Jarr

    “Jimmy, I don’t expect there’s any chance of persuading that group you’ll be demonstrating with to run an experiment of just having banners with Mantra stuff on them, eh?”

    Not a chance!

    You saw how she handled those anti-Whites when they tried to persuade her to put that flag down.

    We’re lucky we didn’t all go to jail the last time she cut loose with it on the shoulder of I-5. She had traffic backed up as far as the eye could see. She only stopped after I suggested she was violating the law by “impersonating a traffic control flagger”, which from what I know of the law, is true.

    Dissidents, by their very nature, are resistant to control. The best I can do is try to surf on the wake they create in public discourse.

    It’s tricky business, but time is short and the price of inaction high.


    Oh, but just to be clear, what Jimmy did was awesome. He’s a pro that paid attention to context. But that is a tricky thing that takes some maturity to pull off.


    But they call themselves Nazis and wave swastikas. And then do they eport back to the Hoover building of the FBI. LOL

    Mimmy Jarr

    Just for fun:

    The Leith Police releaseth us, we’re happy, Sir, to say!
    The Leith Police releaseth us. They thought we sought to stay.
    The Leith Police releaseth us, and we all sighed sighs apiece
    And the sighs we sighed as we said goodbye were the size of the Leith Police.


    Jimmy please dont get in trouble.

    Mimmy Jarr

    First we’ll take Manhattan, then we’ll take Berlin. 🙂


    Mimmy Jarr

    Jimmy….I live close to Manhattan. 🙂

    Daniel Genseric

    Asgardian wrote:
    “I have given this alot of thought.

    Jimmy took a platform and ran with it, none of us have done that yet.
    I tip my hat it is a BIG achievement, however due to the nature of the platform UNTRUE accusations are probably going to be made.

    Has anyone thought as to HOW we will refute those accusations? What type response should be given.

    Our message was used coinisding with a nsm movement and nazi regalia. HOW do we refute what people have SEEN but is not true?”

    Much to the chagrin of many of the faithful few BUGSters, one of the FIRST institutions I went after was the “White Supremacist Activist”. Upon digging, you will find that I was allowed to post our message on the Big 3’s message boards. You will find that they were/are impressed with the power of our propaganda. You will find that, even after the HUGE amount of effort Mr. Marr put into his meme-seeding, they still do not fully grasp this CONCEPT. You will find that you CANNOT control who uses, or even adapts, the message.

    You will find that it is spreading uncontrollably and now, naturally, “Even White Supremacists Are Using the Mantra.”

    Just try to control a fire and not get burnt. GO on. – Disclosure

    How do we refute? Bob has answered that. “You’re just calling me a WHITESUPREMACIST because I’m white. Anti-racist is a code word for anti-white.”

    Mimmy Jarr

    “You will find that, even after the HUGE amount of effort Mr. Marr put into his meme-seeding, they still do not fully grasp this CONCEPT.”

    You’re absolutely right, Daniel. I first exposed the NSM to the Mantra back in the spring of 2010 by interspersing it with Leonard Cohen’s song Everybody Knows

    They still haven’t adopted it, and of course neither have the anti-Whites who were counter-posturing.

    The people I may have reached with the Mantra were the 200+ LAPD officers who were standing between me and my ostensible audience.

     photo NSM-Rally-4_16_2010-1.jpg

    We can see from the current situation in Greece that this can become a vital contingent.

    The same strategy was applied in my effort in North Dakota with the added benefit that the anti-White system media picked up the meme for us.

    Cops and firefighters are extremely sensitive to the sound of the bagpipes.

    They can’t unhear the sound. 🙂


    How on earth can people who put a swastika on top of the American flag ever be expected to “get” anything with regard to propaganda? They are utterly blind to how social influence works. They really are like guys with autism. There won’t be Nazi movement in the US in our lifetimes, in this century and most likely never.

    Mimmy Jarr

    “There won’t be Nazi movement in the US in our lifetimes, in this century and most likely never.”

    If that’s the case, then how did the Mantra make the television news in Leith, North Dakota?

    Forget about teaching the Nazis anything. Are all TV watchers Nazis?

    We don’t need to care about Nazis except when we’re free-riding in their media slipstream.

    Henry Davenport

    NSM’ers are brave enough to be out in public, and I admire that, but are they brave enough to ask themselves honestly if they’re being effective, and brave enough to ask themselves honestly if they care about that?

    I speak from total ignorance of anything about them.

    Jimmy, did any of them have anything at all to say about your “anti-racist is a code word for anti-white” banner?

    You mentioned after your overpass caper that you were thinking of a “White GeNOcide” banner…any idea how they’d react to that?

    Oh, duh…that wouldn’t be the best choice (or would it? These considerations are confusing!) for a demo with swastikas and such displayed.

    Mimmy Jarr

    Can ya notsee?

    Henry Davenport

    @ Jimmy: See what? That they’re being effective, because they’re providing a platform for the Mantra?

    I don’t know if you were addressing me or not. But I got the point of your last comment.

    Mimmy Jarr

    I don’t know what Nazis think. I don’t care what Nazis think.

    I care that everybody says there is a RACE problem… and when I hang around the periphery of Nazi events, chances are much higher than normal that I’ll get an opportunity to say everybody says there is a RACE problem…

    I also like bugging BUGSers, but that’s just a fringe benefit.

    Mimmy Jarr

    No, I wasn’t addressing you, HD. I was rhetorically addressing Jason.

    It so happened that I was watching an old Scottish movie, Tunes of Glory, and in the script one of the actors asked in a heavy Scottish brogue “Can you not see?”, and it sounded exactly like “Can ya Nazi?”

    I passed it along because I found it amusing.


    How does the media covering neo-nazis prove the US is on the verge of a nazi movement? The media has LOVED to cover them for at least 50 years. Geraldo had them 30 years ago. This is nothing new at all.

    Are we going backward here? Don’t we all know that the media loves to use guys in military uniforms who look SCARY as the face of being pro-White?


    I would seriously question this idea that being around Nazis is a great place to push the Mantra. Cameras show up at lots of places.

    I think it could feel safer to be around Nazis, in a weird temporary way, when pushing a pro-White message out in public, because you might think they can provide protection from the rabid anti-Whites. But I think it is a long term loser.

    The freeway banner had no Nazis around it and it got more coverage than anything else so far.

    Mimmy Jarr

    “The freeway banner had no Nazis around it …”

    You don’t know that half a dozen Nazis weren’t standing right behind that exit sign in quid pro quo for my piping in Leith, but I think it’s best we get over this fascination with Nazis and focus on White GeNOcide.

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