Follow The White Rabbit 74
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- This topic has 57 replies, 11 voices, and was last updated 11 years, 8 months ago by Anonymous.
05/25/2013 at 8:34 pm #41581JasonParticipant
Asgardian117, it may be the personality type of the Leftist that makes some of them come our way (just a guess). They are more willing to embrace something radical and they enjoy social and political protest (most conservatives don’t).
05/25/2013 at 8:57 pm #41582AnonymousInactiveThat is true. Personally they just make me sick though lol.
05/25/2013 at 9:00 pm #41583AnonymousInactiveIve been thinking about flyers lately since i live in a “wonderfully DIEverse state” if anyone has any ideas i would appericate them.
05/25/2013 at 9:41 pm #41584Henry DavenportParticipant“…arguing with Hadding for 3 days straight instead of working on Swarming or other BUGS projects. (HD this was directed at you)”
Horus, I’m cured. After that last go-round with the royal prosecutor, I’ll never ever argue Mantra with a pro-White again!
But thanks for helping me keep that from becoming an empty boast! 😀
05/25/2013 at 10:08 pm #41585Henry DavenportParticipant“I STILL dont see how ANY LEFTIST would denounce white genocide when their driving force is ‘white guilt'”
Asgardian, I was a lefty most of my adult life, and I’ve never thought about it, but I don’t think I was driven by guilt of any kind.
The feeling I was centered on, and the feeling that took awhile to overcome, was the desire for a life in which everyone on the stage that I was on felt warm and cuddly toward each other. Closely associated was the feeling that everyone should be treated as an individual only, in all respects.
Also operative in myself was a strong rebellious urge. (The activist left sees itself as rebelling against an establishment that they perceive as being much like us! Whereas we see ourselves as rebelling against an establishment that is much like the activist left!)
The rebellious urge…just the activist urge…is one that can switch sides of course.
The other, the lovey-dovey feeling that decency requires that every human be treated just as an individual, takes a good while to condition out of a person in my own experience. It’s like giving up Santa Claus.
I’m guessing that that feeling is our chief obstacle to winning folks from the left. But maybe I’m wrong…I’m elderly and am the product of an era before white guilt. I think just attending church and Sunday school as a child set me up for the lovey-dovey thing, and when my rebellious urges peaked later, the only rebels around were the left.
05/25/2013 at 11:00 pm #41587AnonymousInactiveHarumphty, i never knew you were a lefty at one point, hmm thats interesting. Anywhos an immediate family member of mine is a HARD lefty whenever we talk about race that person ALWAYS reverts back to slavery, indians, and the 25 jews that were killed to justify WHY whites are treated the way they are today and why non whites cant be racist. I guess im so used to hearing that from a lefty i got the impression that all leftys are like that ya know, hive minded. Its funny that u mentioned that leftys feel like they are “fighting the power” lol i tell them in debates that they ARE THE POWER they are the oppressers now, they are the establishment a bit anti white but THE establishment nonetheless. So in a nut shell what your telling me is not all leftys are anti white, some actually have good intentions do some not realize that they are doing more harm than good?Im not being sarcastic its a legitimate question.
Thank you
05/25/2013 at 11:05 pm #41588AnonymousInactiveP.S…People still go to sunday school im not 30 yet and i attended lol. I really appreciate your age, i miss my conversations with my grandfather dearly 🙂 he taught me so much.
05/25/2013 at 11:46 pm #41591seapeaParticipantHere are my simplistic observations as someone who’s never been attracted to conservatism and been more sympathetic to the left.
White Lefties ARE NOT ethnocentric.
White Lefties ARE universalistic in outlook.
White Lefties BELIEVE all humans are the same.
White Lefties aren’t AWARE that race is real.If you can understand those points, you can understand why lots of White Lefties come off as anti-White. They REALLY BELIEVE that non-Whites are just White people with dark skin.
05/26/2013 at 12:06 am #41593Henry DavenportParticipant“So in a nut shell what your telling me is not all leftys are anti white, some actually have good intentions do some not realize that they are doing more harm than good?Im not being sarcastic its a legitimate question.”
My experience is that they are all anti-white and all absolutely certain that they are working for the highest and most moral principles. It’s totally a moralistic movement in my experience. The Church of PC. As Bob says, PC is not like a religion (please, don’t ever say that here…lol!…I’d hate to see you die before reaching 30! :D), PC IS a religion. But from your relatives, you know that, I’m guessing (?)
Hm, well maybe there’s some difference between folks like your relatives who’ve just soaked up lefty habits from the Zeitgeist, and lefty activists? If you want to get some insights into the world of far left activism, google the Berkeley radio station KPFA and listen to a few programs…that station has been extremely important to the far left for many, many decades.
That station also gives one a sad understanding of how deeply and elaborately structured left activism is, and what good habits they’ve formed (they act!), compared to anything that could yet be called a pro-White movement.
05/26/2013 at 12:15 am #41594Henry DavenportParticipantI agree with seapea’s statements. Except I don’t think those beliefs extend to anti-whites’ cores. When Iceknight and I were running our little experiment of many months ago of casually appropriating the term “White” to mean “Pro-White” when we were engaging anti-whites, boy, didn’t they all of a sudden become very defensive of their “whiteness”!
If I ever get the petitions settled in, I’d like to talk with Bob about resuming that experiment…he gave contradicting signals about it, I think unintentionally. Now I have skype and could accept the invitation he extended back then to talk about it, but all I can think these days is petitions.
05/26/2013 at 12:22 am #41596HorusParticipantI get email all the time from the left. I have never gotten an email from someone that admits to being a Conservative.
The young left wingers are starting to see that (on some level) that nothing they are doing is working. And that they are not actually fighting the Elites. And that this does have something to do with Race. Especially within our race. This is what they are thinking but most are loathe to admit it.
Here is the last one I received just 72 hours ago.
“Genuinely curious. No swears, no slurs, just questions.”
“Now, in your environmental argument was … well, parts made me want to personally facepalm with the way you phrased it, but you do make logical and compelling arguments, so I have a few questions.”
Then she goes on to ask her questions phrased in White Rabbit terminology. Standard Questions…about my “Environmental Policy and leaving the Bears alone”
My environmental position gets them every time. They are shocked. But I lessen that shock by using an allegory. They get sucked in …shock and all.
ProWhites and Leftist have made quite an impact. One time they even got together and formed a Reich…lol
05/26/2013 at 12:39 am #41597White&NormalParticipantI think I was part of the reason for that recent discussion on stormfront.
What I usually do is go through a bunch of stormfront threads, click on links and, if I can, I post the mantra. Every now and then I end up hitting a WN video. I don’t mean to do this but is it really a problem? I thought there was no Sacred Ground for Bugsers.
“White Nationalists” demand we don’t post the mantra on pro-white videos. “Anti-racists” demand we don’t post the mantra on anti-white videos. Then there are the people who demand we don’t post the mantra on any other videos. I thought half the point of the mantra was to post it everywhere. At least from what I’ve seen there are lots of Bugsers that post on random videos.
I also agree with iceknight on why shouldn’t we maintain a presence on pro-white videos?
If you don’t want us posting on WN videos… ok (I’ll have to double check where I post), but it seems to contradict at least my understanding of the mantra strategy.
05/26/2013 at 12:41 am #41598JasonParticipantMy experience is that they are all anti-white and all absolutely certain that they are working for the highest and most moral principles. It’s totally a moralistic movement in my experience. The Church of PC. As Bob says … PC IS a religion.
I notice traditional religions go on about how evil “Man” is. The Lord of This World is always Satan. And Man is a fallen creature who must be constantly beat down.
The Left and/or the PC crowd seems to have refined that to “White Man” as the source of all evil who must be defeated. Notice both the Right and the Left have their versions that distrust science and technology and anything that promises human empowerment.
Bob has discussed self-hatred in the past. These articles are really good:
And also this:
Whites won’t be safe in the long run until we repair that thinking.
05/26/2013 at 12:47 am #41599seapeaParticipantI wasn’t describing professional or hardcore anti-Whites, I’m talking about the milk-toast White liberal/moderate Democrats I’ve spent my entire life around. The type of people that make up the bulk of the White Democratic voting block here in the U.S. Those professional/hardcore anti-Whites are an entirely different beast.
05/26/2013 at 1:10 am #41606seapeaParticipantThose are great blog posts. Bob’s digging deep into the impulses of OUR race. I really enjoy that stuff.
05/26/2013 at 8:16 am #41620AnonymousInactiveHarumphty Yes, it is a religion it drives me WILD. That person goes out of their way to tip toe around non whites creating havoc. It like that person intentionally wears blinders.
H.Avenger “one time they even got together and formed a reich” THAT made me laugh so damn hard idk if i laughed because its true or because if most non white libs are unaware of it lol.
05/26/2013 at 9:09 am #41621JasonParticipantHorus,
I’ve gotten a couple of replies from people talking like that. I wasn’t sure if they were serious or not. If there is a pool of lefties to be had, then maybe we need an approach tailored to them?
For example, if they want a world which is safe, clean, environmentally secure, that means keeping Whites around and letting Whites have their own societies. And it means allowing other groups to live authentic lives in accordance with their own nature and not making them “act White” (trying to sound liberal here!). I am NOT putting that forward as an approach, but I just wonder if some talking points geared to them could be useful soon.
Not too many flowering art communities in brown societies.
I can see that kind of leftist being a potential ally. Obviously, I can’t imagine a true Anti-White changing.
By the way, I doubt think the Reich model would ever work in the US. Certainly not the devotion to a Dear Leader thing. Europeans and Americans are different on that score.
05/26/2013 at 9:53 am #41628HorusParticipantUnderCover Lover,
You may have been part of the reason. But you would have been only part of the reason. Go back and please READ what I have written and listen to the first 40 minutes of FTWR-74.
80% of WN sites are a waste of our swarm effort….98% of the time. There are exceptions.”This is pretty straight forward. You are a creature of habit. Sitting on first base and worried that if you get off first base and try to steal second …some how you will lose first base. We now have our logos all over first base. You have nothing to worry about. Again, listen to what is being said. You should always respect other ProWhites ….because THEY are ProWHITE. NO one ever said you should respect anyone else’s wishes. A small ProWhite blog that does not need or want us there….maybe be HUGE and big like STormfront in 2 years. Then they will maybe banners for us and ask us to come in there and slam pink rabbits when needed (like Don Black has done with us). You understand that? Simple. Again, I am asking you guys to run the intelligent strategy we have always run with ProWhites. Don’t argue…etc etc. The weight of the message is behind you.
80% of WN sites are a waste of our swarm effort….98% of the time. There are exceptions.”This is a moving target. Things are always changing but always the same. 3 years from now if we have Ole Bob on every week and we are pretty all over the RT….and are free to get our message out (god willing). The above standard will also apply there as well. Get it. We grab first base, 2nd base, then we move to 3rd. No one saying you shouldn’t patrol our territory. Just use your head. THIS is OUR territory. Don Black has a banner up…because he wants us there.
Many of you are naturally doing this. But there are some rabbits that think they got to blast every empty space on the internet. WE don’t have nuclear option. So we will always have to follow some strategy and use our heads.
Again go back and read what I have written and listen to what I have to say on the subject.
05/26/2013 at 10:02 am #41629HorusParticipant“ProWhites and Leftist have made quite an impact. One time they even got together and formed a Reich…lol”
jason replies: “By the way, I doubt think the Reich model would ever work in the US. Certainly not the devotion to a Dear Leader thing. Europeans and Americans are different on that score.”
Jason you get the tailgating award. I was not talking about forming a Reich in America.
05/26/2013 at 10:35 am #41630Henry DavenportParticipantI think I did well at SF (it’s the main place I get Stalwarts…I wish the rest of the bugsters would join that group…only a few over 20 bugsters in it so far) this morning…I said hello on the preceding page, then slugged them as hard as I could, and then shook hands and left:
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Bob Whitaker has "been there and done that" in the world of politics. His unique perspective is insightful and vital. You may not agree with everything he says, but I guarantee that he will make you think.
Robert W. Whitaker, 1941—2017, was born and raised in South Carolina and attended the University of South Carolina and the University of Virginia Graduate School. He has been a college professor, international aviation negotiator, Capitol Hill senior staffer, Reagan Administration appointee, and writer for the Voice of America. He has written numerous articles and three books. Bob lived in Columbia, SC, coaching B.U.G.S. He had asked the staff to inform female readers that he was "divorced and 'wildly attractive.'" I agree that he was divorced. But actually, he always did and always will love his one and only wife.
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