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Pakeha Rabbit

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  • in reply to: February 2013 Posting Performance #39794
    Pakeha Rabbit

    Cheers mate, always cool to have targets to aim for, and highscores to beat.

    in reply to: "How I found BUGS” #37091
    Pakeha Rabbit

    Good day Simon, My job is at a chicken processing factory I work in the hanging bay, hanging the live birds all day, which means I have to work with a team of muslims since our factory does that halal rubbish . I think the reason I get away with what I do, does come in part from how long I have worked there and my reliability I have, so because of my work eithic it does not give them a chance to fire me for the small stuff, such as the odd time listening to a mp3 player while working on the line etc. Also the way I see it they cannot really fire anyone for just saying that the genocide of OUR race is immoral.

    The other thing that might help is the small department that I work in (only maybe a couple of dozen of us) if your take offence easy or anything like that you would not last more than a week, even when we are joking around the way we talk to each other is not down in the gutter it would be a few floors lower than that 🙂 So since we don’t tend to get “regular” folk most of what we say does not reach management level. Otherwise they would have to fire the whole department for all our different views. So that might help the guys I work with accept my views, maybe.


    Also it is worth saying again the way I see it they cannot really fire anyone for just saying that the genocide of OUR race is immoral.

    in reply to: "How I found BUGS” #37040
    Pakeha Rabbit

    Oh and as a post script to start out with I was also putting the stickers I got from aryanwear that said “white rabbit geNOcide” on my locker, but someone kept either ripping them off or drawing cocks on them. I kept replacing them for awhile but I had only brought the pack of 100 stickers so I had to stop once I had run out 🙁

    in reply to: "How I found BUGS” #37038
    Pakeha Rabbit

    Howdy Simon, To start with while I was still trying to get the hang of basic mantra thinking I was sticking printouts of the mantra on the work notice board (short version after being sent to the HR office (where they do the hire/fire/warnings etc) I am no longer allowed to put anything on the notice board) For awhile on my work gumboots on one I had “anti-racist is a codeword for anti-White” and on the other I had “Down with pink rabbits” (but the boss of my department at the time (he was a White anti-White) did not like that so after a couple of months talking here and there ended up being givin new boots) they still have “follow the White rabbit” on them, maybe now we have a new boss (she is a Maori) my next pair I might try again) 😉 But as far as just talking goes when it is one on one or just a small group of Whites they normally get it right away but no matter how many times I write out or and give them to the folks that go yeah that is true none that I know of actually go on the net to check them out that also goes for the ones I show Bobs posts to on my phone they agree and say oh yeah I had not thought of it like that etc but I get nothing more. A amusing story though a while back I had two different Maoris come up to me and say “You know what, you are right whenever there is a tv show about Africa or Asia it is mostly Africans or Asians, yet all the shows set in White countries it is mostly everyone but Whites” But from some of the Maoris all I get is the normal “racist, nazi, pedo, you stole my land but thanks for bringing me your White women, bla bla bla etc.” But since I bring it up enough the good thing is quite often the subject of White genocide and anti-White comes up more and more before I even say anything. So I would call that a small step on the right path. Even though I have to work with a LOT of diversity so it does make it easy for the topic to come up often.

    in reply to: "How I found BUGS” #36833
    Pakeha Rabbit

    Short version: Aryan wear – Whiterabbitradio – Here.

    Long version: I think like most when growing up I was sort of aware but not awake so to speak. Anyway jump ahead to my early 20’s (I am 29 now) looking for songs to download on Limewire as a dude from work told me about it, along with other music I was looking for such as rock, classical, metal, punk, country etc. I typed in Johnny Cash and one of the songs turned out to be a Johnny Rebel song witch someone had put Johnny Cash in the title. Anyway found the Johnny Reb song to be really funny looked for more, Which somehow linked to David Duke audio file from his first book much the same way Johnny Rebel was linked into Johnny Cash. From there I started to look more into the whole race thing on the internet (O man can some of the news and jews stuff really bring yall down). Never really sure of what I could do to help change anything, I mean ya read some of the crimes and stuff done to OUR folk and it just makes ya sad/anrgy but does not give you any idea of a vent to put that energy into CHANGING anything. After awhile whenever I brought anything I would always try to buy something made in a White country if it was option (of course New Zealand made first after all that is home). But clothing always seemed to be made in china so thought I would try online found Aryan Wear but their clothes are not made in a White country either 🙁 anyway I figured at least my money was going to a White company if I did get anything from them. I saw they had a music section in which I found  stickers saying WHITE RABBIT GENOCIDE and a CD so I wondered what kind of music they played googled the title of the CD and found the whiterabbitradio website. I started with the short podcasts at top before going into his longer podcast FTWR 1. I could tell right away that not only was Horus a LOT more up beat, but rather than doing the whole woe is me rubbish that all the stuff I had found before did pointing fingers saying it was the Blacks fault or the Jews fault Bla Bla Bla. He actually made me feel like there is something I can DO. So yeah fast forward a bit and now 90% of the time the t-shirts I wear is an undercover lover (I got a couple of each colour), I use mantra talking points everyday in person at work or anywhere else, and post the mantra online whenever I am not doing really long hours at work (cause then I use any spare time as extra sleep time). So I guess that sums up most of my story without going into every detail.

    Right must be time to post the mantra a few more times on YouTube, enough time should have past to get by the spam filter 🙂

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #8859
    Pakeha Rabbit

    Good day 223Ultra, who were these “anti’s” you were talking of because when we talk about anti-Whites we call them what they are, not what they would prefer to be called.

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