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Peter Cottontail

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  • in reply to: Twitter Tactics #46142
    Peter Cottontail

    Out of curiosity, is the discussion of genocide illegal in France?

    in reply to: Twitter Tactics #46137
    Peter Cottontail

    I am not in France so I will mantra away at will.

    in reply to: Twitter Tactics #46039
    Peter Cottontail

    Also saw this response:

    I just send out our basic one-liners to all that I can – celebs, producers, writers, etc. If you send more than 15 or so in a short time it can suspend you for an hour.

    I think the main value is just to get our terminology in the mind of certain people. I love sending something to “B” or “C” list celebs or writers or journalists who actually read their tweets. Someone who is a producer for a TV show or an editor for a political magazine can at least be made aware of us.

    I often just hop from person to person – start with someone and then hop to another person listed on their twitter feed, if they at least have a few hundred or few thousand followers.

    And yeah, I use #whitegenocide a lot. I am sure there is more than can be done, we need to experiment. Glad you are trying it out!

    Peter Cottontail

    I bitch about this all the time and I will bitch again. Not all of us have time to watch a 30 minute piece and wait for the good part. Please, on these longer videos, give us an approximate time of when mantra points are made.

    in reply to: How do I answer this? #45883
    Peter Cottontail

    The big picture

    1 Stay on message, we are talking about White genocide, by forced assimilation and mass immigration. Don’t argue with them. Don’t go off message.

    2 Use our terminology: “anti-White”, “pro-White”, “White genocide”, “naziwhowantstokill6millionjews” (a way of mocking enemy words).

    3 Don’t use this terminology: “racist”, “anti-racist” (unless you say it’s anti-White), “diversity” (unless you say it’s less White), “race mixing” (it leads to genocide of only one race- ours), “race traitor” (anti-White has more power), “antis” (they are ANTI-WHITE, don’t let them fill in the blank space themselves).

    4 Always call it genocide, never call it anything else or it avoids what it actually is.

    5 You are the interrogator, don’t answer their questions. You are there to show the general public what the anti-White really is.

    6 You have the moral high ground. You oppose your own genocide, so you are the good guy here. EVERYTHING they say is a justification of or leads to open demands of our genocide.

    7 The Mantra and Mini-Mantras are for the PUBLIC. Anti-Mantra pro-Whites are on our side; arguing with them wastes time and hurts our relationship with other groups of pro-Whites.

    8 Genocide requires ASSIMILATION. Without assimilation there can be no white genocide. We don’t oppose immigration, we oppose massive immigration and assimilation.

    The little picture

    1 Make it quotable if you want it quoted by people. Short and simple does it.

    2 “As an anti-White” labels them in a more sneaky way.

    3 Appeal to emotions: “Why do you hate little White children?”, “Why is the genocide of innocent White babies acceptable to you?”.

    4 Flip the script. What if ALL Asian countries were told to bring in immigrants and assimilate with them? What if “anti-racists” in Africa demanded that Africans stopped patrolling their borders and kicking out illegal immigrants?

    5 Know your target audience. Who is going to read your messages? How can you make them understand you better? – Use it!

    Peter Cottontail

    “Creep ass cracker”

    Peter Cottontail

    If it weren’t intentional, people’s careers wouldn’t be at risk for publicly opposing it.

    HD, brilliant!

    Peter Cottontail

    “We need to show that the intent is deliberate”

    Bugsers do not need to show intent, we need to spread a message. Don’t get bogged down in tailgating and trying to show how smart you are.

    in reply to: Swarm Contingency Plans #45397
    Peter Cottontail

    I like the Twitter idea more and more. In fact, we can use it now (I will post using the hashtag #EndWhiteGenocide. We use #EndWhiteGenocide which can be used to post “Where did you post the mantra today” swarm targets AND spread our message at the same time. It is decentralized so it couldn’t be shut down by an anti-White. Best of all it is right in the anti-Whites faces.

    Facebook is anything but anonymous and our groups are taken down all the time. It also is difficult to navigate through hundreds of posting on a wall.

    Dropbox is nice for sharing files but not for updating and viewing streaming links.

    WRR is a membership site. WGP is a possibility as a backup.

    in reply to: Swarm Contingency Plans #45336
    Peter Cottontail

    I like the Twitter idea more and more. In fact, we can use it now (I will post using the hashtag #EndWhiteGenocide. We use #EndWhiteGenocide which can be used to post “Where did you post the mantra today” swarm targets AND spread our message at the same time. It is decentralized so it couldn’t be shut down by an anti-White. Best of all it is right in the anti-Whites faces.

    Facebook is anything but anonymous and our groups are taken down all the time. It also is difficult to navigate through hundreds of posting on a wall.

    Dropbox is nice for sharing files but not for updating and viewing streaming links.

    WRR is a membership site. WGP is a possibility as a backup.

    in reply to: A couple new topic points to add to the bugs buddy #44849
    Peter Cottontail

    Martialartist, the intention is not to convert am”pw”s to the mantra. Our intention is to reach the audience. On occasion, we will be on the same threads as AM”PW”s and they will post about jews, crime stats and Obama’s left ear. We can’t ignore them or they might take the energy flow of the discussion away from White genocide. We don’t want that.

    Look, they have been easily handled by anti-Whites for the last 60 years, they should be a piece of cake for us.

    in reply to: A couple new topic points to add to the bugs buddy #44836
    Peter Cottontail

    How about a section for responses to anti-mantra “prowhites”?

    Israeli/Palestinian firsters

    -Is the survival of the Palestinians/Israelis more important than the survival of our race?

    – Why do you insist in taking sides in the Middles East? Have any of them supported the survival of our race?

    Mantra is not intellectual enough

    – The word “Racist” is on the intellectual level of a pre-schooler but has effectively silenced a billion people from questioning our own genocide. Do yuo want to appear smart or do you want to be effective?

    Peter Cottontail

    All can be reached with a consistent message.

    in reply to: New video from This is Europa, with mantra singing! #42194
    Peter Cottontail

    Great idea.
    The singing in the background makes it difficult to understand our lyrics. Here is a karaoke version of the music. Maybe you can use this to record another version

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #41450
    Peter Cottontail

    EWR, make points to the audience. Don’t worry about winning a debate. There is no formula, just keep hammering somewhere.

    in reply to: Anti-racist Hitler has arrived! #41173
    Peter Cottontail

    Claiming a conspiracy by youtube is the easy way out. ARH is getting about 1,000 views per day a month after its release or about 999 more views than any other prowhite video. And this is after being banned in several European nations.

    in reply to: Debate advice and style first 909 posts #41133
    Peter Cottontail

    “how is promoting racial segregation NOT racist?”

    How is a world without White people NOT genocide?

    in reply to: Diversity University! #40839
    Peter Cottontail

    I am all for giving other methods a shot if it can be effective. After all, who would have thought a Hitler cartoon would have been a subject worthy of BUGS?

    in reply to: Anti-racist Hitler has arrived! #40695
    Peter Cottontail

    Our fight is NOT youtube censorship. Leave that to the respectable libertarians. Our fight is against White genocide.

    in reply to: Diversity University! #40598
    Peter Cottontail

    Use a site like to share large files. Most email systems have size limitations on files.

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