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Great Question, Mike

Posted by Bob on December 19th, 2004 under History, How Things Work

Trager Smith holds the Grand Prize for thinking things through (below), but Mike came through with an excellent follow-up:

“So how are we to overcome this? Will the necessary numbers of academics stand up to reveal this? ”

“Maybe we just need many heavy doses of common sense”

“Comment by Mike β€””

Mike, there is a war shaping up between the old powers an the new power, the old danger and the new danger.

There is a new power rising, the power of science over the very creation of human beings, the power “to let a man live a thousand years.”

Think about that last phrase a moment. If you can live a thousand years, why not forever? Do you expect science to remain fixed at a thousand years for a thousands years?

That’s silly, but people say it. How can I explain things to people who never THINK about anything they say?

I’m sick of spoonfeeding.

Right now the geneticists and scientists are slavering slaves of social science professors. At the turn of the last century, the social science professors were slavering slaves of Big Money. But from the New Deal on (1933) on, professors became the deadly enemies of the capitalists they once grovelled before.

That’s because the stakes got higher. Sciense and social science will become steadily more hostile to each other. We are talking here about money. We are talking here about power. Right now the stem cell opponents are shouting “You haven’t created a new brain from it yet! See how hopeless it all is!”

When people are going down, there is EXACTLY the language they ALWAYS use: “You haven’t done it yet, so see how useless it all is?”

I don’t care about embryonic stem cell research. What infuriates me is the knee-jerk mentality behind the opposition to it.

Once again, if you didn’t read the sentence I just wrote, I am NOT going to spoon feed it to the Jehovists out there.

Stem cells, not embryonic ones, were just used to save someone in a German operation.
German doctors use stem cells to repair skull injury

No preacher cares. No social scientist cares. They have a tiny little Jehovist god and a silly little Marxist theology to protect.

To me, to use Lawrence Brown’s phrase, Jesus “towers above the world.” He will be there without six-day creation. He will be there after the earth is round.

But for the social scientists and the other Jehovists, science is the enemy.

Oddly enough, in the next age, science WILL be the enemy. But at that stage, science will be able to point back at the silly-ass Jehovists and social scientists they overcame to show they are NOT dangerous because those knee-jerk idiots said they were dangerous in silly ways just to protect their own turf.

Liberals today still quote the old price-fixers who accused anybody who was against Big Business price-fixing to be “socialists.” So today’s various Jehovists will provide the same ammunition to the enemy in the next age.

But the Jehovists are a bunch of sociopaths and they don’t care. And the social scientists are a bunch of out-of-date Marxists and they don’t care.

A new power is coming, the scientific establishment.

Oh, I know everybody says that and points at it and cries and faints. That’s exciting and it fills collection plates.

But some of us have to NOT cry and point and have the vapors. I or someone who thinks like I do will have to deal with history as it happens, not just get all the collection plates full while morons watch The Tennis Game.

I spent my life fighting powers bigger than me at odds of a million to one.

I did a better job than you can ever imagine, but it will require more than a thousand words and the latest news from Iraq to explain it.

Here we go again.

Now get back to your Tennis Game. Rush just said something profound that you can e-mail all over the place.

  1. #1 by Mike on 12/19/2004 - 8:26 pm

    There is a new power rising, the power of science over the very creation of human beings, the power β€œto let a man live a thousand years.”

    Somewhere around two thousand years ago, there lived a man who taught ways of thinking that liberated man from the bondage of religion. To do this, he had to deliberately walk thru the door called, “Blasphemy.”
    It seems that any endeavor towards human advancement has been thru this same door.

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