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Just How Dumb ARE People Who Think They’re Intellectuals?

Posted by Bob on January 18th, 2007 under Coaching Session, History, How Things Work, Musings about Life

I am a documentary freak. I was watching one on the Stone Age culture in the islands north of Scotland. It reminded me of the times I went to visit Great Zimbabwe. Like absolutely every other ancient structure, Zimbabwe was regarded as a “religious structure.” This is because it is assumed that anything useful that was not a product of a Great Civilization was taught to the barbarians by the Orient, Ex Oriente Lux.

There is another assumption here, and I am STILL the only one who goes on with the critique of assumptions at a deeper and deeper level. The assumption is that nothing DUMB ever came out of the East. So the Ex Oriente Lux crowd has always assumed that the lowly barbarians spent all their time, money, and building skill on useless religious exercises the way Egypt did. Actually, even the ROMANS laughed openly at the Egyptians about this. They MADE FUN of the fact that the Egyptians build worthless crap out in the desert while the Romans were building roads.

No, not all of the people in Europe had the same quivering worship of the Middle East that “Christians’ and Political Correctness demand today. Please note, once again, the alliance here between the so-called conservative “Christians” and the established faith of Political Correctness. They stand shoulder to shoulder in the battle against REAL history as they do in the case of other realities.

So let us return to this assumption, WHICH NOBODY ELSE HAS EVER THOUGHT OF, of the simple fact that historians assume that nothing SILLY came from the Great Civilizations.

Once again, as with the words of Jesus, my experience with totalitarian society gives me an insight others do not have. As I walked around Zimbabwe, the hair on my neck raised. I had been here before. Every avenue was WATCHED. The main entrance led straight to a guard post and straight away from it. On the outskirts is circular winding walkway that has a classic purpose: a guard could stand at the top in those days before electronics and watch every step a person made to the center point.

Then there was the water. Like all other nice things, I have been taught to think in terms of THIRST. They showed us that, under the porous rock in that semi-desert area, there was an area under Zimbabwe that was very wet. It was wetter when Zimbabwe was new. It was a previously rocked-in area underneath Zimbabwe under the porous rock. When it rained there three or four times a year, the water went though the porous rock and accumulated in that gap, which today is mostly open. What the guide thought was particularly funny was that the only TREE in the area has grown right there, with its roots in the only water for miles around.

So while other people saw only a giant religious structure trying to copy Great Civilizations, what I saw was a familiar sight: a structure built to keep watch on a huge number of slaves, with the only source of water there.

But I was, for once, not the only person to make this observation. A number of sane Rhodesian scholars had declared the Great Zimbabwe was a slave-labor gold mine. They were denounced at Oxford, of course. Now this idea is accepted.

Hell, a lot of Germans were advocating the germ theory of disease in the seventeenth century. We only know that because the Intellectuals denounced them and the “Christians” wanted to know where THAT was in the Bible and Noah’s Ark. But this is going on today: Real history is always denounced as uneducated at first.

Which tells you a lot about the “educated.”

Back when the Great Sculptors were working in Renaissance Italy, I am sure the peasants wondered why their statues had to be so UGLY. They were bare gray stone, and to the peasants of that day, who liked vivid colors to brighten their dull existence, they must have looked depressing. But the Great Sculptors said that the peasants were ignoramuses, so they did Understand the SUBTLE beauty of the Ancients.

Actually the ancients would have gagged at the monstrosities, like the Capitol Building in Washington, DC, that these TRUE barbarians, these “educated” barbarians, produced. We know now that no such depressing gray stone structures EXISTED in the classical world. The “educated” people found statues which had been denuded of their vivid color by a thousand years of wear and did not have the imagination “– imagination is DEFINITELY encouraged by “education” or “Christianity” — to consider that a statue buried in the earth for a millennium may look different from the one that was originally buried down there.

Now back the islands north of Scotland. One ancient, pre-pyramid, village has been uncovered. That is, the stones have. It is significant to me what they said about it, but they didn’t listen to THEMSELVES. The documentary said this was an important discovery because all the other structures from the megalithic period were built of wood, but these islands have no wood but lots of stone to build with. So the stone gave historians a clear look.

Now if they THOUGHT about what they said, as I KEEP encouraging YOU to do — they would have a whole new view of history. They worship the Middle East. The Middle East built in stone because they had to send to LEBANON for wood. So did everything come from the Middle East or did everything THEY CAN FIND still stand there while all the others, the real originators, had their wood structures rot away?

This seems pretty obvious if you can THINK. But Dewey education was declared to be about “teaching us to think,” which means it was a wholesale onslaught AGAINST education. I have given you example after example about how, in practical politics, the first thing you do if you want to defend a monopoly is to declare a campaign against monopoly, if you want to spread hate you do it in the name of fighting hatred, and so forth.

People used to understand this as a matter of course. Then came “education.”

OK, so the documentary made my OLD point, that “Christians” and historians both worship stone. But my NEW point is that that piece went on to insist that everything on those islands was just religious. And in their terminology, “religious” means worthless. Anything NOT worthless had to wait for the Middle East to get it there.

But tiny communities on those barren islands did not develop the massive priesthood that wasted Egypt’s resources. While the historians obsessed over religious significance, as they did in Great Zimbabwe, I saw the practical uses of those structures. In other words, the silly stuff, the wasteful superstitious side of lie that historians impose on every building remain outside of the Middle East is a product of their own crap. Other societies didn’t develop the SILLINESS of Egypt. They did things for REASONS, like the Great Zimbabwe gold mines.

But until we realize that “intellectuals” are so stupid they don’t wonder what a thousand years’ wear might do to a status, that only a dullard would worship ROCKS and assume that everything began where there was no wood, that it is a highly expensive bureaucratic priesthood that builds a whole society around religion, we can’t see ANYTHING clearly.

Political Correctness is NOT the first time that silliness and superstition has been imposed in the name of “intellectuality” and “education.” It happens in every society as a matter of course and is just as a matter of time.

The people who call themselves “intellectuals” simply cannot understand real history because they are incapable of looking in the mirror, which is where the answer lies.

  1. #1 by Peter on 01/18/2007 - 7:12 pm

    Jesus, Bob, you are definitely getting longwinded.

  2. #2 by Bob on 01/18/2007 - 7:25 pm

    You are right about that. I just checked it out on my word counter and it is 1295 words

  3. #3 by Peter on 01/18/2007 - 9:35 pm

    Ah, but they were a GOOD 1295 words.

  4. #4 by Peter on 01/18/2007 - 10:31 pm

    Not Spam
    Not Spam

    It doesn’t have to be ancient. People can’t see anything current either. We had a big color picture of a smirking, you know what, in our paper the other day. He held up a book entitled “Learning the Legacy” which he was presenting to elementary students. Sure enough some poor child is quoted as saying MLK is very important to us all. Now King has been thoroughly discredited, but it’s still perfectly alright to lie to children and no one seems to even notice.

  5. #5 by Pain on 01/18/2007 - 10:36 pm


    “I am a documentary freak.”

    So when the weather warms up, take two weeks off and go to a barrier island. You’ll be a new man.

  6. #6 by mderpelding on 01/18/2007 - 11:37 pm

    Not Spam….

    Not Spam…

    When will our people learn to differentiate
    between belief and FACT?

    Consider today.

    You have expended countless words.
    Posters will react to your words.

    Maybe positive.
    Maybe negative.


    Words can refer to anything.
    Hence words are independent.

    What the Chinese did or will do or can do
    or the Mayans or Cubans or Mexicans or Sephardim
    or any other civilisation past or present can or will do
    or whatever has no meaning.

    Just words on somebodies page.


    I offer an altetrnative.

    Like many others of my race, I have

    My children and yours aren’t belief.

    They are FACT.

    In my universe,
    my son or daughter can never be qualitatively
    compared WITH anybody.

    My children are not part of HUMANITY.

    The life or death of a million Chinese or
    Africans or Amerindians can NEVER hope to
    equal the value I put on my own.

    That is FACT.

    The battle we face is absolute.
    Or existential if you prefer.

    My family exists today because my ancestors
    never doubted their right to exist.

    Every white man alive today should remember
    and appreciate the unbroken chain of existance
    that represents the desire of his ancestors to
    carry on his family.

  7. #7 by richard on 01/19/2007 - 1:03 pm


    Hitler-style ‘designer’ babies coming under fire in Texas

    Medical group says breeding for traits will lead to death for those who fail

    A Texas fertility clinic now promoting its plan to “design” babies for customers is moving society another step down the road toward full-blown eugenics in the United States, where there would be certain categories of lives that simply would be valueless, according to a spokesman for an organization of physicians.

    “I hope we have the gumption to have laws passed that will prohibit this,” Dr. Gene Rudd, the associate executive director for the Christian Medical Association, told WND. “But one we’ve gone so far, how can you justify not going just a little bit further … down that ethical abyss.”

  8. #8 by Dave on 01/19/2007 - 1:11 pm


    A stray dog has insecurity for its feed. A tame dog gives up its freedom for a collar and slavery.

    That is why it is so unlikely to get good research out of academics.

  9. #9 by Alan on 01/20/2007 - 4:15 pm



    Stone Hench that mystical place where the ancients worshiped their gods , bla bla bla. I could place a dozzen stones on the ground and some pin head would marvel at how they lined up with the astronomical stars, lol. I would be Stone Hench was an observatory that was used to look out over the channel or may have been used as a beakon. Maybe it was a corral or a horse stable who the hell knows, this is certain tha bias in the scientist community is obvious.

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