Archive for May, 2010

Nature’s One Issue Politics

It has been noted that most eugenicists had no children.

It has also been noted that most Secretaries of the Treasury leave household finances to their wives.

It was a revolution when Robert Ardrey revealed to the world that War Heroes were not restricted to human beings. To a reading audience that was absolutely astonished at he time, he gave example after example after example of social animals of numberless types who gave their lives for the survival of the group.

What was remarkable was how gross a violation his examples often were of the tenets of Marxism. The lowest-ranking males who were denied any offspring of their own were as likely to give their lives for the group that oppressed them as were the alphas.

No Army Ant will ever father one of its kind.

We knew that about ants, but it was a shock to find that war was not a result of a lack of Wordism in higher animals. But the reason is exactly the same. Nature gives us one purpose, and one purpose only: to produce offspring, of our own or of our group, who look like us.

It was thought that birds made their noises to attract females. We have only learned during my lifetime that birds make their noises to keep other INTERBREEDABLE birds out of their territory. Females go to the one with the best territory.

In our society a sterile billionaire will do exactly the same thing: he will give his money to his form of Wordism. He could have left it for white orphans as he did before, but now that is forbidden. His unnatural identity, his Book, gets the money to produce more who say what it says.

In a tiny society like a lion pride, the one or two males lions who rule it will produce all the offspring and kill the kittens of its predecessor. But in a large society each individual takes a separate role in group survival, and the lower class in a non-human society is as dedicated to the survival of the group as those in the top echelon.

This is how NATURE works. Nature is only interested in one issue, the issue of one’s own type in competition with other GROUPS. Nature is the opposite of the Class Struggle. Nature is the opposite of the Libertarians.

Like nature, we are obsessed with one issue.


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Horus’ Report

This is just a brief update. We are getting a steady 200+ gigabytes of downloads a month. No matter what I do or say. And I put out a new mp3 every week (or every other week). The information is GETTING out there. The old white nationalists and conservatives are being outgunned by the younger new comers. Fresh blood! The old guys refused to obey and get on a consistent message. They are too damn thick headed. They are now getting over run by the new young people who are starved to make changes.

Now the White Nationalists are being forced via peer pressure to mention genocide. And it is about damn time. All you have to do is surf to see the young ones go to town. They are not posting on BUGS but they are reading it. That is a start. And they are posting the Mantra all around. I am trying to get them posting on BUGS more.

The Mantra and White Rabbit Genocide have been downloaded at least 400 times already for may. So we are steady as she goes. The stuff is definitely working. Also we have over 1200 downloads already for May alone……ON THE FIRST SHOW. So we are still picking up new listeners.



Anti-Racism is a Parasite

The first thing a lion does when he takes over the pride is kill all the kittens fathered by his predecessor.

Monkeys will allow orangutans inside their territory, but they will kill another monkey who tries to get in.

Ants will eat anything they can, but they only make war against other ants. They do it out of pure prejudice. Those are another kind of ANT. They shall not pass.

Nothing is more unnatural than for ANY social animal to be at peace with other groups of its own kind.

The crucial point is that this is the OPPOSITE of what was considered natural before the latter part of the twentieth century. From Rousseau to Marx to Libertarians, it was assumed that animals had no borders, and no class system. All human institutions were the products of human IDEAS,

There was only one exception, survival of the fittest. But survival of the fittest was entirely INDIVIDUAL, not SOCIAL. Each individual animal fought each other animal. Beyond that, all was equal, all was borderless.

The simple fact is that this whole world view has been exploded. Totally destroyed. The question you might want to ask others is why this complete revolution in thought has affected NONE of the Wordist concepts we inherited from before it happened.

Nothing is more unnatural than The Family of Man. But before 1950 this was considered the only ALTERNATIVE to rule by single bullies, single killers, Darwinist animals of “nature red in tooth and claw.”

Nothing is more natural than that a single interbreedable animal holds its territory against ITS OWN KIND. Every social animal down to the ant is involved in war against groups of its own kind. The survival of the fittest is entirely a GROUP effort within the Family of Chimpanzees or the Family of Lions or the Family of Ants.

An orangutan is allowed into chimpanzee territory because it does NOT interbreed with them.

This is what every Wordist philosophy is, wholly unconsciously, BASED on. You form groups based on the Word, not on nature. The Marxist kills the Orthodox within his territory. A religion does not care what color you are, but it will kill you if you try to cross yourself the wrong way inside ITS territory.

Killings in the wars of feudalism were child’s play until we started getting wars of Religion.

Humans will always be divided. But each form of Wordism will declare, in the midst of a bloodletting five centuries from now, that they are Universal, that they make a Family of Man. When two Family of Man Universalisms go to war, there is no compromise possible.

But Wordism is a parasite. The fighting between two groups in nature is for one reason: the survival of the part of their kind which smells like them in the case of animals who are smell oriented, the survival of those who LOOK like them in cases, like man, where they are sight-oriented.

Non-racism simply means you adhere to one of the tens of thousands of forms of Wordism which exist for a Book and which takes all your efforts away from where nature PUTS them all, your genes. Wordism is pure parasite.



Real Jews

The Catholic Church has long used the term “Orthodox” as the title of the Eastern Church. At the same time it insisted that only Rome was Orthodox. The Catholic Church uses the term the Episcopal Church to describe the established faith in England.

But the term “Episcopal” has only one meaning: a church ruled by bishops. Rome does not recognize Anglican bishops as bishops: “all the surplices on earth cannot make an Episcopal minister into a priest.”

Rome refers to Jews as Jews. Yet they also declare that they, not the Jews, are the real inheritors of the Old Testament. One of the two horns on every bishop’s hat represents the Old Testament, that HE is true inheritor of Moses.

It seems obvious that the six million people in the Roman Empire who called themselves “Jews” were overwhelmingly Hellenic Jews. Before Jesus, a group of seventy-something scholars wrote THEIR Old Testament, but it was NOT a translation. It was declared THE CANON.

The Hellenic Jewish historian Josephus of whom a lot of us have heard would have gone ballistic if he heard Luther declare that only writings in Hebrew were the real Old Testament. That would be like telling a religious Catholic that only the Episcopal Church has real bishops.

As Christianity grew, the Hellenic Jews disappeared from history. There are two possible explanations of this. Either the giant Hellenic Jewish community accepted Christ, the Greek word for Messiah, as THEIR Messiah, or the Roman Empire killed six million Jews.

Either the Hellenic Jews became Christian or, for once, the Holocaust Deniers were successful.

That latter is worth thinking about. Looking at the tens of billions of dollars the last Holocaust brought in, this newly discovered Roman one could be a bonanza.

But, like Orthodox and Episcopalian, “Jews” is just a convenient title. The Jews are no more THE Jews than the Pope using the term Orthodox makes HIS orthodoxy invalid.

This is no quibble. Remember that the State of Israel and all the tens of billions of dollars and American blood shed for it rests on the undisputed claim that Israel belongs to JEWS, and that what we call Jews are actually the only Chosen People.

No, this is definitely NOT a quibble.

This “quibble” would have been of terrific importance to Luther and Calvin. In their time the people who called themselves “Jews” were the ones historically used Hebrew. In fact, the Early Church would have specifically denied that the group which did NOT accept Jesus — the GREEK version of Joshua — as their Messiah, were still Jews at all.

There were a number of attempts to remove the entire Old Testament from Holy Scriptures in the new church. But the new church hung solidly to its claim to be the ONLY inheritors of what was once called Judaism.

By the time of Luther “Jews” were called Jews. So Luther removed the entire middle of Bible from his canon because of this mistake in terminology. The Fundamentalist branch of Christianity insists that America fight and die for Israel because they do not know about this “quibble.”

Because of their ovine ignorance of history, our so-called “Christians” do not know that, in the eyes of early Christians, Judaism was a religion waiting for the coming of the Messiah. In the eyes of the early church, Jews CEASED to EXIST — Paul says that specifically.

If this is a quibble Krakatoa was a light tremor.



Sleep Soundly, Homeland Security is Watching Over You

One writer in my New Right Papers anthology talked about an experience he had in the USSR when it was still ruled by Social Progress. Apparently to show the flaws in capitalist production, he was shown the hula hoops. There was a giant warehouse containing millions of hula hoops the USSR had produced at the time of that craze in the 50s.

They still had them. It is an example of what I said before, that Communists have no way to figure out what consumer goods to produce, so they produce whatever the market economy produces. But to them, what they were showing him was how his wonderful market economy produced things nobody wanted.

But the hula hoop was not a planned event. They just grew and manufacturers produced them. Then the craze died and they stopped producing them. That’s what you get when Mommy Professor doesn’t do your planning for you.

To my writer, that was an example of how stupid the planned economy was. But to them, the fact that they couldn’t give the damned things away to their citizens demonstrated how ridiculous this capitalist product was.

My point is that the Soviets had no more idea what was going on than the CIA did. They had more agents there than we did by a LONG shot, “the KGB is everywhere.” The CIA budget is a secret, and I can tell you as a staffer for the ranking member of the Internal Security Committee, formerly House Un-American Activities Committee, that if you saw their expenditures you would be as lost as you are now.

But between the Defense Intelligence Agency, the CIA and the others, we spent billions on knowing what went on inside the USSR, from qualified experts.

Lots of information was produced, tens of millions of words poured out, but nobody saw the USSR coming down, here or there. This never seemed to bother anybody, and certainly nobody in the Intelligence Community was ever criticized for it or lost a night’s sleep over it.

So back to one of our basic questions: Why was this information PRODUCED? Why were all those people paid so much and no one ever asked why they didn’t see the whole thing coming down? If Pepsi-Cola went out of business, went out of business next week, and no one in the Coca-Cola Company had any idea it was happening or why it happened, I guarantee you there would be a LOT of empty seats to be filled in the Executive Suites in Atlanta.

We know all those executives and experts WERE hired, and we know they had not the slightest hint the USSR was going to disappear overnight. We also know that those who haven’t retired are now promoted and well-paid in the Department of Homeland Security.

In fact it was exactly those same executives and experts and the people they hired and trained who were in charge on September 11, 2001. By now almost all of those who missed on the Soviet Incident AND on 9/11 have gotten fat pensions and/or big-pay jobs as Advisors in the private sector. But their spirit, and their level of competence, lives on in those they made experts to succeed them.

And no one notices.
