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BUGS As a Sport, Part I

Posted by Bob on January 19th, 2012 under Coaching Session

When my Austrian wife first came to America, I had met her in South Africa, we were looking at a ball game on television.

She asked me, “How is baseball played?”

Well, this is easy, I thought. Only then did it hit me that the game I was raised with was one hell of a job to explain to someone who was not raised with it.

All the games my wife was familiar with like soccer or La Crosse or hockey or basketball were similar.

Each game consists entirely of getting a ball into a goal. In all of these games, what is called a “team” is really an indistinguishable group trying to hit the goal or block the goal or getting the ball to a teammate who can get in the goal.

One position in basketball, La Crosse, soccer or any of the others is excellent practice for any other. Entire books have been written about the history of halfbacks, or guards or tackles or ends in football. A pitcher in baseball is entirely different from a fielder or a shortstop.

A good soccer or basketball player can take any so-called “position” on the team. A pitcher or a halfback does not easily switch to being a shortstop or a tackle.

Try explaining all that in a short statement.

This is a giant difference, but I didn’t notice it until my new wife asked me to explain baseball to her.

BUGSERS do not realize how much training they have absorbed.

Just think about it, don’t TRY it.

Truck Roy, White Rabbit and I spent three hours at the convention just getting the audience’s feet damp about the BUGS approach.

Our goals are as different as the points in baseball and la basket soccer.

The question and answer in BUGS Swarm is absolutely opaque to those who have not been in BUGS.

Our real BUGSERS readily admit it often took them YEARS to catch on to the Mantra and Mantra Thinking.

  1. #1 by backbaygrouch on 01/19/2012 - 6:47 am

    The facet of Mantra thinking that has most effected me is to always ask the question: Why was this produced? I always knew it, but I think about it more. It is a basic.

  2. #2 by Dave on 01/19/2012 - 9:15 am

    It is absolutely true about “catching on” to Mantra thinking.

    For me, it was “getting” wordism and the conflict between freedom and wordists, whose sole concern is the authenticity of texts and writings. It was realizing that this conflict IS NOTHING NEW. The conflict between loyalty to words and loyalty to people is the very stuff of real history.

    Also, Robert Whitaker has stated something very few get: No contest of arms has EVER determined anything. If you understand that statement and its truth, you understand real politics AND you also understand wordism, the currency of bureaucracy and academia. Throughout history, self-interested wordists have been expert at reversing the result of armed contests by coming in at the end with a cleverness few understand. The public falls for stupid dog tricks EVERY TIME. For wordists, the only thing that matters is the authenticity of important texts and letters. They are truly loyal to words. And any observation that stands against the texts and letters that are important to them is an illegality that threatens world order. That is actually how they think.

    The American public fell for the stupid dog tricks of self-interested wordists in 1787, 1865, 1964, and they are still falling for their stupid dog tricks despite the Internet!

    This is the sad history of politics in the United States. The American Revolution was crushed. Shay’s Rebellion was crushed. The Whiskey Rebellion was crushed. The Rebellion of the Southern States was crushed. The Klu Klux Klan was crushed. George Wallace’s Rebellion was crushed. Each one of these rebellions was crushed in favor of academics, lawyers, judges, tax authorities, jailers, police, and bureaucrats – all “officers, personages, and officials” loyal to words, loyal to texts, loyal to writings – but disloyal to their people!

    The Mantra means rebellion. REAL REBELLION. NO LOYALTY TO WORDS!!! ONLY TO PEOPLE.

    And not “people” in general. BUT RATHER, OUR PEOPLE!!!


    That’s the Mantra. OUR AIM IS TO SAVE OUR RACE. PERIOD.


  3. #3 by BGLass on 01/19/2012 - 3:08 pm

    another good date question: “do you see yourself as more loyal to words or people?” … “idk, I’m that type more loyal to people than words.” “he seemed more a people-person, more than a word-person, imo.” “they were sort of word-people, know what I mean?”

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