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The Death of New England

Posted by Bob on June 4th, 2004 under History

I was talking below about my surprising discovery that there IS justice in the world, and I cited the fact that Jewish leaders filled up Europe with third world immigrants as part of their — let me repeat — OPENLY declared program to rid the earth of white people. Many Jews oppose it, but that is the program of the Jewish leadership under the code words “multicultural” and “melting pot.”

But the hatred of these Jewish leaders for whites turned around and bit them on the ass, the way hate so often does. As a direct result of this Jewish policy of hatred, by mid-century Europe will have a Moslem majority that hates Jews and Israel more than Hitler did.

The same thing happened to New England. Tom Fleming wrote a lead article in National Review some years ago entitled, “The Death of the Yankee Culture.” The old Yankee leadership and culture is so dead now that nobody even knows there was one. But if you listened to Jim Bacchus’ portrayal of Thurston Howell III on Gilligan’s Island, you get a taste of what was America’s ruling class for at least two generations after the Civil War.

The Union Club in New York City was where that elite ruled from, recalling their great victory in the Civil War and their total control of America after destroying the Southern power. But their only basis of power became hatred of the South and of white people in general.

The Southern slave-based society is “Gone With the Wind,” but we all know what it was. The Yankee ruling class is just plain GONE.

All that is left of the identity of the old Union Club today is the hate song, “Battle Hymn of the Republic” and Lincoln and clichés. It had no identity except being the anti-South. No wonder it ended up calling America a melting pot.

The Southern population multiplied and populated America from coast to coast. From the center of Ohio to the Keys and the West Coast, the Southern population multiplied and settled. The huge states of Pennsylvania, New York, and New Jersey only settled the northern parts of the Midwest.

So where the hell are the descendants of the so-called Puritan Fathers of New England?

The descendants of old New Englanders don’t even make up a majority of tiny little New England today. A society built on self-hatred is not likely to produce a lot of descendants in the long run. New England was known for producing school marms and other old maids.

New England dedicated itself to self-hatred, sin, and the Old Testament. New England opposed every step of America’s westward expansion. New England only political drives were to oppose expansion, attack slavery once they stopped bringing in slaves themselves, and high tariffs to make the South give them money and pay the entire Federal budget.

And all that was BEFORE the Civil War. It got worse afterwards. Tariffs skyrocketed, and discriminatory rail rates were applied, UNTIL 1951!!! — to destroy all Southern industry.

Meanwhile, New England died out. While the Southern and Middle state population expanded over the continent, New England shriveled up.

That is why so many people think America was settled by immigrants. Tiny little New England could not even populate itself, much less spread across America. New England is now mostly Poles, Irish and so forth. Outside of New England, the overwhelming majority of the white population in America is descended from Americans who got here before 1700!

New England based its life on hatred. As with the Jewish leadership, they are dying away because hatred is a sick basis for a society.

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