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You Get What You Deserve

Posted by Bob on June 19th, 2004 under How Things Work

Somebody in California wrote me about how they didn’t care about race. Then they whined about how blacks were taking all their money and jobs, poor baby!

Here is my reply:

“You get booted around because you deserve to. You have no feeling for whites, but blacks care about blacks, so they get it all. They deserve to.”

“I am all for affirmative action. Whites are wimps and race traitors, so they get stomped on. That’s great by me.”

“When Hispanics take over, it will just mean there will be no Rio Grande to escape across. A colored country is the third world. All the world will be the third world except our racist enclaves, and people like you made it that way. What do you think you deserve for this?”

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